Ran Ran is a person with a poisonous mouth, so she waited for the opportunity, she would definitely not let the Golden Winged Roc go with her words.

But after she finished speaking, she saw the figure of the golden-winged roc began to blur.

"Little girl, have you forgotten how I suddenly appeared in front of you and that first-generation species when you surrounded me with black flames?"

"Do you think that you are the only one who knows a little trick, what kind of flame replacement, and I only have pure speed?"

"You are too young, let me guide you now, where my talent and supernatural powers are really powerful."

"Innate supernatural power: Teleportation!"

As Jin Wu's voice fell, the shadow before Ran Ran's eyes was completely blurred until it disappeared.

Ran Ran felt bad in her heart, she hurriedly looked towards Chuhe behind, and sure enough, she saw that the golden-winged roc had appeared beside Chuhe.

Obviously, both Chuhe and Bobai looked surprised.

Just now when Ran Ran released the flames, Chuhe hid far away, and now Ran Ran hurried over to help, and it was too late.

Chuhe stared wide-eyed, looking at the golden-winged roc who was almost close at hand, with a strange smile in the corner of his eyes, as if he was determined by Chuhe.

"Can you still play like this?"

"My talent, it takes a long time to use it again after being activated once, and you just gave me a second chance, boy, let me see where you are going this time!"

Chuhe shouted in a hurry.

"Yan Ling: Dou Zhuan Xing..."

Before Chuhe could say the last word, the big hand of the golden-winged roc had already grabbed it. This was one of his few chances, how could he escape in front of his eyes.

The hand has been grabbed, and Chuhe knows that he can't utter the last word now, and even if he utters it, he has been imprisoned in the claws of the golden-winged roc, and it is not clear whether he can escape.

Moreover, the golden-winged roc is now flapping its wings non-stop, and the ripples completely cover the Chu River. It is even more unclear whether his speech is still useful.

"Then what, let's discuss it. I haven't showered for a month. Let me take a shower. You can eat it after it's clean. It's more hygienic, how about it?"

At this time, Chuhe actually said this to himself, and the golden-winged roc had an unbelievable expression on his face.

"Boy, don't say you didn't take a shower. Even if you are a scorpion, I can still eat it. Don't think about using words, you are already restricted by me!"

"Obviously die!"

"do not want!"

Ran Ran followed closely behind, although she was already very close to the golden-winged roc, but this distance seemed like a natural moat.

Chuhe yelled, and the Shensha flag flew out quickly, and the Four Elephant Pagoda also spun up, holding the golden cudgel in his hand, and the colorful spirit stones formed a shield around him.

Almost instantly, Chuhe formed the strongest defensive posture.

Seeing Chuhe's operation, the golden-winged roc was also stunned for a moment. He has been in this secret realm, and he rarely sees such things as Lingbao.

"Good guy, you have so many spirit treasures at the level of divine soldiers, boy, you are capable, but for the monster clan, only the weak can borrow other things to improve their strength, and our Golden Winged Roc clan , is to break all laws with one force!"

The Shensha Banner spread out in all directions, forming a square formation to trap the Golden Winged Roc in it. I thought it would be delayed for a while, but the Golden Winged Roc's sharp claws stretched out, and the prohibition formed by the Shensha Banner was unstoppable. To tear apart.

It's like it doesn't exist at all.

"No, is that okay?"

Chuhe was also dumbfounded watching this scene.

The golden-winged roc smiled triumphantly.

"Boy, because the Golden Winged Roc clan doesn't have the overbearing and fierce innate supernatural powers, so we have evolved this incomparably powerful claw. No matter what the restriction or defense is, it will be paperless in front of my sharp claws. "

Before meeting the golden-winged roc, if someone told Chuhe that, Chuhe would definitely think he was bragging.

But now seeing such a situation happen, Chuhe can only accept this abnormal ability.

"Master, run!"

Ao Bai stepped between the two of them.

Chapter 839 Monarch Butterfly: Space Tear

It's just that after two humiliating battles, Bo Bai has already instinctively feared the golden-winged roc.

He just stopped in front, hardly any movement of resistance.

The current golden-winged roc only has Chuhe's eyesight. Eating one ancestor dragon is better than eating a hundred first-generation species, and eating Chuhe as soon as possible will restore its strength as soon as possible.

When the time comes, even the little girl Pi Jinwu has cleaned up and dared to call herself ugly, so she will have to be with this ugly monster every day and make herself comfortable.

Thinking of this, the golden-winged roc revealed a lewd smile, and slapped the boiled white fan away.

"Go away, you dare to stop me!"

Aobai was blown away, and the Chu River was right in front of him.

In order to save time, the golden-winged roc didn't bother to grab it with its claws, so it opened its mouth wide and swallowed it towards the Chu River.


The little monk screamed in panic, but it was useless at this time.

The tip of the golden-winged roc's mouth has passed Chuhe's head, and now Chuhe can clearly see his rows of sharp teeth, and if he goes a little further, he will be crushed to pieces by these teeth.

"Am I really going to die like this?"

It seemed that there was no possibility of surviving. At this critical moment, the golden-winged roc bit down, but he was surprised to find that Chuhe was not eaten by him, and his body turned towards the hind legs that were speeding far away.

Only at this time did the pain-sensing nerve work, and he realized that he was attacked by something, and it was still painful.

Looking up, there is a beautiful woman floating right above the Chu River. She is wearing a white embroidered skirt, which is constantly swaying in the wind, outlining her perfect body.

This is a glance, and the golden-winged roc was stunned.

The Nuwa clan is the perfect furnace, and the women of the Nuwa clan have an irresistible charm for all male creatures.

This point is subconscious, like it from the heart, even the nine-tailed demon fox can't make everyone fall in love with her.

"The descendants of Nuwa!"

The golden-winged roc was punched, but he yelled out this sentence in a daze.

"It's unbelievable that the descendants of Nuwa are still alive, not some inheritors, nor people who inherit the blood, but the real descendants of Nuwa who have lived to this day?"

The golden-winged roc seemed to have discovered a great treasure, and even made him as excited as meeting Chuhe.

"Smelly Dapeng, you want to eat my man, have you obtained my consent?"

Ling'er put her hands on her hips and stared at the Golden Winged Roc viciously. She wanted to frighten the Golden Winged Roc away, but her beautiful and lovely face had no deterrent power at all.

"You man? Are you together?"

The golden-winged roc had just felt in love, but he fell out of love in an instant. He looked at Chuhe jealously.

"Ah, I can't accept it, boy, I have to eat you, the descendants of Nuwa are mine!"

The Golden Winged Roc went crazy, Ling'er waved his fist, wanting to give the Golden Winged Roc another blow.

It's just that she almost used all her strength to hit the golden-winged roc's head with that punch just now. If it was any other creature, the sky spirit cap might have been shattered.

But he didn't have a shit, so Ling'er thought, the next punch can't hit the head again, it's better to hit the softer chest, so that the hand won't hurt so much.

"Grandma, you can eat me, but you can't think about Linger. She is my woman, and you can't even think about it."

When Ling'er came, Chuhe's fighting spirit came up instantly. Although he knew that Linger's doing so was dangerous, Chuhe always had a sense of security.

"Food is not qualified to bargain with me, go to hell!"

The golden-winged roc flew over again.

Before Ling'er could swing her fist, the little butterfly on her shoulder flew up.

It was this little butterfly, which seemed almost insignificant to the Golden Winged Roc, flapped its wings a few times, and the space around the Golden Winged Roc began to change drastically.

His body seemed to be twisted, and blood gushed from the twisted parts instantly.

The golden-winged roc didn't understand what was going on, but he knew very well that if he moved forward, he would definitely die.

He hurried back, and found that the little butterfly was right in front of him, and because of the flapping of its wings, a huge space crack appeared.

Everything involved in it was torn apart, even the light was no exception.

"Monarch butterfly?"

The golden-winged roc was bewildered, how could these powerful existences that had been extinct for a long time all appear in one day, and the talent of the emperor butterfly was too powerful.

It has not yet reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and it can emit such terrifying power.

This destructive power is comparable to the annihilation ray of boiled white, but the golden-winged roc is immune to boiled white, but not to the monarch butterfly.

If there was only one Ran Ran, the Golden-winged Dapeng really thought it would be no problem to win Chuhe.

But now there is another descendant of Nuwa, and the emperor butterfly. With the emperor butterfly, he can't get close to Chuhe. For a while, he fell into a disadvantage.

Chuhe was also very surprised, looking at this little butterfly the size of a palm.

"Is this little guy so powerful? Even the golden-winged roc was beaten back by it, he is simply a god of war, can you let me touch it?"

As Chu He said, he stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the Monarch Butterfly. Unexpectedly, this little thing was still very arrogant. After flapping its wings a few times, it flew back to Ling'er's shoulder and began to comb its wings with its tentacles.

Then he looked at Ling'er with a proud face, like a child who has done something good and needs to be praised by his parents.

Ling'er stretched out her hand to touch its tentacles, and the monarch butterfly enjoyed rubbing her head against Ling'er's fingertips a few times.

Looking at this scene, Chuhe said a little jealously.

"Then what, does anyone know how butterflies distinguish between male and female, I feel that this monarch butterfly is not normal!"

"It's you who are abnormal, right now, the enemy is still in the mood to be jealous of a little butterfly, don't you want to lose face!"

Ran Ran has come back at this time, looking at Chuhe with some mockery.

"Don't you think this little thing is too close to Ling'er, and I won't let you touch it, it must be a male!"

"Why don't you say that she is a little princess, she has a cleanliness freak, and doesn't like other men touching her."

Ran Ran taunted again, Chu He frowned, very unhappy.

"What do you mean he has a cleanliness? You mean I'm dirty?"

"Nonsense, I don't know who said that just now, I haven't showered for a month."

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