Hehe, Xiao Chunfeng relied on this method and used it as a threat to directly control the great monk!

He doesn't want to use this to threaten to control Chuhe now, he just wants to kill Chuhe directly while Chuhe is addicted!

Seeing more and more girls transforming into illusions, the surrounding space gradually became distorted, and even the environment began to change as Chuhe imagined...

Chapter 75 Immunity to Charm

Xiao Chunfeng looked at the ever-changing space around him, with a smile on his lips.

But before he laughed for long, he realized something was wrong.

These environments are all based on the imagination and fantasies in Chuhe's mind, but Xiao Chunfeng, as a spell caster, can completely jump out of all of them.

However, he now finds out in horror that he can't jump out of this environment!

calm down!

Must be calm!

Xiao Chunfeng's heart sank, and he secretly thought that Chuhe still had two brushes.

The girls he urged with all his strength walked towards the Chu River with shameful movements.

But a strange smile appeared on Chuhe's face.

In fact, at the very beginning, Chuhe could get rid of this kind of bondage directly. He has innate magic skills, and he has seen it the moment Xiao Chunfeng casts spells.

But he didn't dodge directly in advance, but took advantage of the trend and directly entered the illusion.

He knew that among these, it was a place with more spiritual strength.

It has been hundreds of years since the Chu River crossed over. During these hundreds of years, most of the time Chu River lived alone on the mountain.

Just talking about spiritual power, among other things, the accumulation of hundreds of years is already a huge accumulation. In addition, Chuhe was unable to practice because of his master at that time, so he was always studying.

What I read is Dao Zang, and as time goes by, this mental power becomes even more outrageous.

Xiao Chunfeng actually wanted to compare his mental strength with Chuhe.

That would be a dead end.

But Xiao Chunfeng has not noticed it until now, he always thinks that Chuhe is just a young man who suddenly got the inheritance.

Although this kind of person possesses great strength, his temperament is extremely unstable. As long as he uses a little charm technique, he can be easily taken down.

It is beyond his imagination that Chuhe can persist until now.

"Hehe, let's see how long you can last." Xiao Chunfeng directly increased the number of girls around to 72.

Back then, the eminent monk who had attained the Tao couldn't last long here!

Even eminent monks who have attained the Tao can't resist it, so how can you resist it?

Xiao Chunfeng smiled, and he also saw the smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth.

In Chuhe's eyes, the faces of these girls changed for a while, and they turned into the images of several "teachers" he was familiar with in the previous life.

Mikami, Mizushima, Hatta...

The smile on Chuhe's face became more and more unpredictable.

It's really unexpected that after hundreds of years, I can still rely on this method to see the teacher who accompanied Chuhe for a long time in the previous life.

All kinds of emotions came to my mind all of a sudden.

However, there is no color jade.

There is no way, Chuhe knows these people too well, and these girls under Xiao Chunfeng's control can do those movements over and over again. In terms of professionalism and charm, they are not as good as those teachers.

"Hehe, is that all?" Chuhe shook his head.

Xiao Chunfeng couldn't laugh anymore, he couldn't think of why Chuhe couldn't be charmed? !

Not even a little reaction.

How did he know that Chuhe has seen a lot and is basically immune to these things.

The most important thing is that Xiao Chunfeng's imagination is too poor. The women who rely on him to cast spells can't compare with those teachers in terms of professionalism.

"Let me teach you."

As Chuhe said, he waved his big hand and left the illusion directly.

From the very beginning, he was able to leave. It wasn't until he had fully seen Xiao Chunfeng's strength just now that he felt that it was boring. He simply gave Xiao Chunfeng a class to let him see what it is to be a professional.

The moment Xiao Chunfeng got rid of the shackles in Chuhe, his heart sank suddenly.

What the hell is going on?

Why did Chuhe break free from control?

The most important thing is, Chuhe broke free from control, why did he feel out of control instead?

He raised his eyes, only to see the young girls condensed by his spiritual power walking towards him!

In the real space, Xiao Chunfeng was only seen standing there giggling, with struggles flashing across his face from time to time, but the energy of the whole person was obviously leaking out continuously.

And after Chuhe escaped from the illusion and returned to reality, he also found that there were four or five more people around him who were dressed like Xiao Chunfeng, who were neither male nor female nor yin nor yang.

These people surrounded Chuhe, as if they were waiting for an order to come up directly to understand Chuhe.

Seeing that Chuhe was sober, these people were also taken aback for a moment, and then a look of astonishment appeared on their faces.

Chuhe also looks at these people around with great interest.

When they approached, Chuhe didn't even feel it. It seems that Taohuamen does have some skills.

It is estimated that they are relying on drawing people into the illusion, and then attacking outside, in order to achieve their goals.

However, these people have not waited for Chuhe's order, but they have waited for Chuhe's sobriety.

That being the case...

Naturally, Chuhe would not be soft-hearted, "Definitely!"

The Spirit Binding Curse was cast almost instantly, and the fixed word seemed to have fallen into the ears of those people, directly immobilizing their figures who turned and fled.

Just froze for a moment, and those people fell directly to the ground.

"You! You can't kill us! I can... I can accompany you..."

As he said that, the man wanted to unbutton his clothes.

What the hell, a man who is neither yin nor yang!

Chuhe almost broke his defense and stepped on the ground directly, and the shock wave hit these people directly.

A few of them immediately spit out a mouthful of blood and flew away backwards. Seeing that they were exhaling too much air and taking in less air, they probably couldn't survive.

Chuhe is not in such a good temper that if you want to kill me, I will let you go.

Death is the best punishment for them.

Chuhe turned his head to look at Xiao Chunfeng who was still trapped in the fantasy he had created.

All I saw was that his legs were swinging constantly, and cold sweat was all over his forehead, dripping down his cheeks.

His clothes were almost drenched with sweat, his lips were extremely pale, and he looked very weak.

It is estimated that he was tortured by those teachers.

Xiao Chunfeng probably never imagined that he would be trapped by his unique skills.

After all, I still underestimated Chuhe and overestimated myself.

This kind of slanted sword has always been a backlash if it doesn't work!

Chuhe looked at Xiao Chunfeng, who was about to be sucked into his body, sneered, and made a vigorous effort, intending to understand him.

But who would have expected that at the moment when the force was about to hit Xiao Chunfeng, the peach blossom fan in his hand suddenly opened to resist the force.

And Xiao Chunfeng also flew backwards because of the shock force!

During this process, he also regained his sanity.

"Chuhe! I will kill you!"

Chapter 76 Angry

Xiao Chunfeng only felt extremely humiliated, when had he suffered such a crime?

Being messed up by the illusion created by oneself, it is really not shameful enough to spread it.

At the same time, his vigilance against Chuhe has also directly stepped up to a big level.

Unexpectedly not affected by the charm of his illusion?

Does he not like women?

Xiao Chunfeng thought of this almost immediately.

After all, he has absolute confidence in his illusion, and he used this illusion to control an eminent monk!

For Xiao Chunfeng, who is proficient in this way, in his opinion, there are too many pious people in this world who say they can resist temptation, but in fact, when the temptation comes, they will find that they What you said before is bullshit.

He never overestimated human nature, that's why he was invincible, but he still didn't expect that facing a brat like Chuhe today, he would be directly counterattacked?

This result made him really unacceptable.

"It seems that you are just a wooden person without emotion. It is really my fault to use this kind of trick against a fool like you. You are not worthy of me!"

It is true that Xiao Chunfeng became angry from embarrassment.

He raised his head and glanced at Shicheng, where the demonic aura was soaring to the sky behind him, thinking in his heart that with such a large demonic aura, there must be a demon leader at the level of a demon king in it.

Now we must make a quick decision, otherwise, it will be over if we lure the Demon Lord out.

The Demon Lord doesn't care about the grievances between them, he will only treat them as enemies, and then kill them all!

"I don't know where the human face is going, but the peach blossoms are still smiling at Chunfeng!" Xiao Chunfeng danced like a delicate woman.

But he is indeed a man through and through.

While reciting the poem, he unleashed his strongest blow.

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