Ten miles of spring breeze!

Peach Blossom Sect's top-notch secret knowledge, no one knows how many top masters have fallen under this spring breeze.

I saw that after Xiao Chunfeng had used the spring breeze for another ten miles, a breeze suddenly blew around.

These majesties seem to be extremely normal, but as long as you observe carefully, you will find that this is a breeze?

These are simply sharp blades as thin as a cicada's wings.

A gust of wind blew by, and the branch next to it shook slightly, and then, it broke inch by inch!

The branch disintegrated into several sections, and when the branch was falling, it was blown by the breeze, and the bark and core of the branch were also directly separated.

Another breeze blew by, and the branch, which had become a knotted stick, was blown into powder again...

A flying bird in the sky didn't seem to notice the murderous intent contained in it, and flew directly towards this place.

But once it fell within this range, it stopped flapping its wings.

To be precise, it didn't stop flapping its wings, but the two wings were directly separated from its body.

The feathers were cut inch by inch, and a bird became a "heap" of birds in the blink of an eye.

The blood spilled down, and was blown into a blood mist by the breeze.

A bloody filter was directly added to this place.

It looks so weird.


A tearing sound came.

The leather coat of the white-haired witch in the front was blown by the breeze, and a hole was directly split, revealing the white skin inside.

It makes people think.

But at this moment, no one is in the mood to think about other things that have nothing to do with fighting.

In this calm, there is a murderous intent hidden.

As long as you are not careful, it will become meat paste!

With a smile on his lips, Chu He casually threw out a golden light.

The divine light spell enveloped the white-haired witch all of a sudden.

"Since you have given me the life bead, then you are mine. I will not allow anyone to harm you without my permission."

When the white-haired witch heard this, the creepy feeling of silent mourning in her heart was barely calmed down.

Just for a moment, she was entangled with a kind of fear of death, and she was almost dying.

And even though she was frightened, the flush on her face still didn't disappear much.

When Xiao Chunfeng attacked the white-haired witch before, he naturally used the ability of illusion, and what the white-haired witch saw in the illusion turned out to be the figure of Chuhe...

This makes her feel weird when she looks at Chuhe again.

But of course Chuhe now doesn't know what the meaning of the white-haired witch's complicated glance just now is. He only knows that the method of smiling spring breeze in front of him is quite capable.

If I didn't get so many Xiantai wonderful methods, it really wouldn't be so easy to deal with.

Seeing that the wind was about to blow, Chu He whispered, "Ah Qing, you go and stay behind, don't be blown by the wind."

Ah Qing looked up at Chuhe, "Why? I feel that although the wind is a bit strong, it can't hurt me at all."

"It really can't hurt you, but it will hurt your clothes." Chuhe said lightly, "If the clothes are gone, where can I find them for you? The cities behind will be burned."

"Then don't wear clothes." Ah Qing said indifferently.

Chuhe was taken aback, and said helplessly, "You must wear clothes. From now on, you must wear clothes as long as you are in front of other people, understand?"

"Do you want to wear it in front of you?"

Chuhe shook his head helplessly, "No matter who is in front of you, you have to wear it."

This little girl doesn't understand these things at all.

Chuhe thought to himself, if Xiaochunfeng used that kind of illusion on Ah Qing just now, it would definitely not work, and the reason is very simple.

Because Ah Qing didn't understand that at all.

"You!" Xiao Chunfeng over there was about to explode when he saw this scene, "Did you take me seriously!? How dare you still joke there at this time!?"

The blue veins on Xiao Chunfeng's forehead were exposed, and the sea of ​​energy in his dantian kept churning.

The moves he used with all his strength were ignored by others, which made him feel outraged.

"It's just a gust of wind." Chu He pinched the magic formula with his hands, and instantly used Guanhai Tingtao.

Watching the sea and listening to the waves is also like wind, but it is not like a breeze, but like a squall, like a thick squall with dark clouds rolled up.

Fly directly towards the so-called spring breeze.

Xiao Chunfeng laughed, "Guanhai Tingtao? Hehe, I didn't expect you to know this move? However, my move happened to restrain Guanhai Tingtao!"

After he finished speaking, the peach blossom fan in his hand opened again, and the spring breeze suddenly became stronger.

It actually directly blows away the storm of spiritual power condensed by Guanhai Tingtao!

Chuhe frowned slightly, but he was not really worried.

Instead, he is pondering over the ten miles of spring breeze.

But at this moment, behind the Chu River, bursts of noise suddenly came out.

Chapter 77

I saw a lot of terrified people running towards Chu River in Shicheng behind Chu River.

These people are more or less stained with blood, or they are ashamed, as if they just ran out of the ruins.

But in fact, these people really just escaped from the ruins.

"Ahead! Master Chu is right ahead!" Suddenly someone shouted, "Master Chu hasn't gone far yet!"

These people all escaped from death, and a group of monsters followed behind them. From time to time, some people fell behind, and they would be swallowed by these monsters.

At this moment, their feelings about Chuhe are not as clear as they were at the beginning, after they escaped from the mouth of the monster.

They finally realized that only Chuhe can save them.

But Chu River has gone and disappeared.

They fell into despair, and under the guidance of their desire to survive, some of them finally broke through the siege of the leaderless monsters because of the death of the demon king, and came outside the city.

And just when they were at a loss and didn't know where to run, someone saw Chuhe's figure.

Only then did the scene of people making noise behind Chuhe appear just now.

These people are very excited to see Chuhe again. They have long forgotten what they said and done to Chuhe just now.

They only know that there are monsters chasing after them, and if they are caught by the monsters, they will die.

But Chuhe is very powerful, Chuhe can kill those monsters!

It is difficult for people who are shrouded in fear of death to be rational. They will be like magnets, instinctively clinging to the strong.

"Look! The demon behind us doesn't seem to be chasing us anymore!?" Someone looked back, only to see the demon who was following them very close, like a cat playing with a mouse, and started to shrink back and dare not go up forward.

Some of them even turned their heads and ran away with a look of terror.

A large number of monsters seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and stopped in place, not daring to go forward to chase.

These people were overjoyed.

Sure enough, it's right to follow Chuhe's side!

"Thank you Master Chu for saving your life!"

These people knelt behind Chuhe in unison, no matter what happened.

But Chuhe, who was fighting with Xiao Chunfeng, didn't even look at it.

Over there, Xiao Chunfeng frowned, looked at those ordinary people, and then at the anxious and frightened demon standing there not far away.

His brows flared again.

He knew why, because those monsters were afraid of the aura he exuded, so they didn't dare to go forward.

It seems that these monsters still have a bit of brains, otherwise, they would be strangled to death by his big move Spring Breeze Ten Miles.

But these people...

Xiao Chunfeng dismissively smiled.

Obviously I helped you to deter those monsters, but you are not grateful to me, but are you a traitor from the Taoist sect who went to the market?

Sure enough, people are stupid.

The appearance of these people did not stop Xiao Chunfeng from stopping, but said lightly, "You have asked the wrong person, don't you know that the one in front of you is the culprit who released the demon?"

Those people were taken aback, and all looked at Xiao Chunfeng, who was neither male nor female, neither yin nor yang.

"I am Xiao Chunfeng, the master of the Peach Blossom Sect. I came here today to kill this traitor of the Taoist Sect. Please retreat quickly, otherwise..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning in the flower has been conveyed very well.

And at this moment, the breeze has blown to Chuhe's side.

It directly blows Chuhe's clothes, but strangely, it doesn't cut Chuhe's clothes.

But the people behind Chuhe didn't have such good luck. Some of them had their clothes ripped off, and even some blood burst out from their bodies.

The few people who were close were even blown to pieces by the breeze.

The rest of the people were shocked and scattered towards the surroundings.

"What's the situation!? Master Qin doesn't want me to be with him, so he can say it! Why do you use this method!?"

For a moment, these people thought it was Chuhe who moved.

There is no abuse of Chuhe, but in their hearts, they are constantly cursing Chuhe.

Is it okay to follow behind you? !

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