Chuhe didn't bother to explain.

These people were killed by Xiao Chunfeng's Spring Breeze Shili, and Chuhe never thought that Xiao Chunfeng, who thought he was orthodox and a righteous person, would be so vicious.

Regardless of the life and death of the people around him, he shot directly.

Of course, Chuhe will not criticize him because of this incident, but he will not look up to him either.

Xiao Chunfeng smiled brightly. Seeing Chuhe in the whirlpool, a triumphant smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

No one can resist the spring breeze ten miles, not even Chuhe who knows the magic light spell.

Xiao Chunfeng knew that Chuhe knew this kind of spell with a very strong defensive power, but this kind of spell with amazing defensive power was also very expensive in terms of consumption.

But the ten miles of spring breeze is a continuous attack method. If Chuhe casts the divine light spell, it is precisely the trick of Xiaochunfeng.

Xiao Chunfeng can be sure that as long as Chuhe casts the divine light spell, he will be exhausted by the continuous consumption of mana, and if Chuhe does not cast the divine light spell, he will inevitably be blown into a pool of rotten meat by the spring breeze.

Even if he couldn't be killed, he could definitely be seriously injured.

And as long as he is seriously injured, it is considered to have achieved the goal.

He was unscrupulous, and only felt that he had already settled for Chuhe.

Looking at the monsters around, this is the third ring of his plan. As long as Chuhe is seriously injured, these monsters will never let Chuhe go.

Even just now, Xiao Chunfeng deliberately killed a few people and turned them into blood mist, all in order to arouse the viciousness of these monsters.

It's just that when doing everything, I have to be careful, and I have to leave immediately if the situation is not good, otherwise, I will be dragged into the demon.

If it's an ordinary monster, forget it, but there is a demon king level existence in this monster!

That was not an existence he could contend with, so he had already made plans to retreat immediately when things were almost done.

At this moment, Chuhe is in the majesty of this whirlwind, feeling the Tao Yun contained in it.

It has to be said that this move is really subtle, with hidden murderous intentions, and if one is not careful, it will hit him.

However, for Chuhe, it was indeed a little bit worse.

I saw Chuhe spread his arms, and an inexplicable aura gradually rose from his body.

That is... his latest comprehension of supernatural powers, dharma signs!

Those knives, which seem to be the sharpest in the world, made of aura hidden in the breeze, cut back and forth around the Chu River, but they couldn't get close.

Xiao Chunfeng's smile suddenly froze on his face.

Chapter 78: Misfortunes lead to the east?

Even the demon king has not enjoyed the supernatural power of this dharma.

Chuhe doesn't think that Xiaochunfeng is stronger than the devil, but just thinks that it is more appropriate to use the magical method of Dharma at this moment.

What hurts people in the ten miles of spring breeze is an invisible knife composed of aura.

And all of them are driven by Xiao Chunfeng, but after the real momentum is achieved, it is not completely controlled by Xiao Chunfeng, it is more like a kind of supernatural power that coincides with some rules.

If he resists stubbornly, Chuhe has the confidence to carry it through, but it's a bit clumsy.

So he cast the supernatural power of Dharma.

These invisible aura blades move forward along a certain trajectory, seemingly unstoppable and irreversible, because this is not as simple as causing trauma to people.

It can also follow the body into the sea of ​​qi of a person, set off a storm in the sea of ​​qi of a person, and directly destroy the cultivation base of the person.

Chuhe felt it and thought of a solution.

That being the case, then I will use the technique of the appearance of the incarnation outside the body.

For a moment, there seemed to be a little gleam on Chuhe's body, and then everyone's eyes flickered.

All I saw was a phantom figure wearing a golden crown, stepping on flying cloud shoes, and wearing complicated Taoist robes appearing behind Chuhe.

The phantom's face is a bit blurred, and it's not clear who it is, but it vaguely looks like Chuhe.

And this illusory figure pointed to the sky and the ground with one hand, possessing an extremely terrifying power.

Xiao Chunfeng was stunned.

what is this! ?

Faxiang! ?

Faxiang is not a unique magical power of a certain sect, but a magical power that can be comprehended as long as the realm is reached.

Many top monsters even have dharma appearances, standing up to reach the heavens and the earth, omnipotent.

But now Chuhe's faxiang is not so tall, but it is also more than ten meters tall.

Xiao Chunfeng had a bad premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, the spell of Spring Breeze Ten Miles has begun to tremble a little.

Because it takes a lot of mana to condense the dharma form, after the dharma form is condensed, all the surrounding spiritual power will be absorbed by the dharma form.

Form a spiritual vacuum!

This is also one of the reasons why Faxiang is so powerful. It can directly form a vacuum of spiritual power around it, so the opponent can only use its own spiritual power, and how long can its own spiritual power last?

So if both sides know the supernatural power of Dharma, then once one person starts to use Dharma, the other will definitely follow suit, and then there will be a confrontation of Dharma.

But where does Xiao Chunfeng know the magical powers?

Moreover, the magic of Chunfeng Shili, which relied on the surrounding spiritual power, almost couldn't hold on after Chuhe's Dharma form took shape, and began to gradually collapse, turning into the most pure spiritual power to be absorbed by the Dharma form. .

Xiao Chunfeng's face finally turned black, and even a little fear appeared in his heart.

Although he has never underestimated Chuhe's strength, even in his heart, he has always attached the highest level to Chuhe.

After all, this is a ruthless person who can subdue the witchcraft holy body of Jiangwumen.

But until this moment, Xiao Chunfeng didn't know that even though he valued Chuhe so much, it was still too low for Chuhe.

This is a ruthless person who has cultivated the Dharma!

And judging from the size and posture of this dharma figure, it must be powerful.

Dharma appearance is a concrete manifestation of the mana practiced by monks. The appearance of Dharma appearance is not determined by the monk himself, but will be determined according to the monk's state of mind and life practice.

When Xiao Chunfeng saw Chuhe, he found that he was pointing to the sky and pointing to the ground. What does it mean to point to the sky and point to the ground?

That means that I am the only one in heaven and earth!

Someone who can have this kind of dharma, he will definitely not be able to resist!

But now his unique trick Ten Miles of Spring Breeze has been completely resolved by Chu He, and he is completely paralyzed.

What should we do now?

At the beginning, he had already used his strongest supernatural power, that is, the illusion, on Chuhe, but found that the illusion did not work in front of Chuhe at all, so he used the spring breeze for ten miles.

As a result, Xianza seems to be ineffective.

Now, the strongest tricks have been used, but there is still no way for Chuhe, so there is no need to continue, let's think about how to escape.

And at the moment when Chuhe's Dharma image rose, the monsters around couldn't calm down, howling and being extremely irritable.

But none of the monsters dared to come forward. On the contrary, those monsters at the front all trembled and knelt down in front of Chuhe, even those who survived.

They only felt a sub-Hongda coercion pouring directly on them, making them feel like seeing a huge god and Buddha in a temple, and they couldn't help but want to worship.

The white-haired witch is standing not far away. She is a big devil with good strength, but now she dare not look directly at Chuhe.

It was a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. He was more afraid than Xiao Chunfeng, because in Chuhe's body, she felt an aura like a natural enemy.

Chuhe stood where he was, with a smile on his face, staring straight at Xiaochunfeng.

Xiao Chunfeng's face was dry, he looked at Chuhe, his eyes kept rolling, suddenly, his heart moved, and he thought of a solution.

There is probably no way to escape now, unless the speed is extremely fast, but facing the current Chuhe, he is really not very sure.


Xiao Chunfeng looked at the monster behind Chuhe.

Among these demons, there must be big figures like the demon king, and Chuhe made such a gesture, which is a great provocation in front of the demon king!

As long as you find a way to make the devil and Chuhe fight, you can fish in troubled waters, leave calmly, and even join hands with the devil to kill Chuhe!

As for the crime of joining forces with the demons, Xiao Chunfeng is not worried at all. Compared with the enemy, heretics are always the most hateful and the most damnable!

And Chuhe, to them, is a heretic in Taoist sect!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chunfeng was not in a hurry to leave, but stepped on the ground suddenly, without any breathtaking power, but a wave of information spread rapidly along the ground.

After the monsters in the back felt the fluctuation in their bones, they howled crazily!

That sub-wave contains a sub-information, enough to make the demons angry!

This message is that you demons are all rubbish, bug-like things, and our human race is here with masters who have cultivated Dharma, who dares to be presumptuous! ?

Naturally, Chuhe also intercepted this substantive information, he just looked at Xiao Chunfeng lightly, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Chunfeng thought that his scheme had succeeded, and he couldn't hide the pride on his face.

Chapter 79 Resolved

Sure enough, just as Xiao Chunfeng guessed, a howl suddenly broke out from among the monsters.

It was an extremely angry roar.

Demons, riots broke out!

For monsters, especially for demons, they cannot accept any provocation.

Any little conflict is endless for the demons!

Xiao Chunfeng was even more excited to see this scene.

So what if the Dharma appearance is obtained through cultivation?

It's just that I tricked her a little bit, so why don't you just pour it into my hands obediently?

My hard power may not be as good as yours, but my brain is definitely not dozens of times better than yours!

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