Xiao Chunfeng smiled.

The crowd around them, bearing the terrifying coercion emanating from the monsters around them, saw the monsters falling into rage, and knelt down on the ground to beg for forgiveness and help.

There are also some people who hate this man who gives them hope and makes them despair from the bottom of their hearts.

But all of this has nothing to do with Chuhe.

It doesn't matter whether it's a human or a monster, it's all the same in Chuhe's eyes.

Even if the monster is violent now, so what?

If Chuhe's "Scattering Bean Soldiers" were deployed, the most feared thing would be group battles.

Besides, do these monsters dare to step forward?

It's all just rubbish.

Chuhe looked around, only to see the red light in the eyes of each monster, roaring and shaking, as if they were on the verge of an explosion, but no monster dared to take a step forward.

The white-haired witch was secretly nervous, and she also received the sub-information from Xiao Chunfeng.

So at this moment, she is extremely worried about Chuhe's safety.

It's just that she also found a little abnormality.

As a big demon, she can be said to be very clear about the actions of these demon heads.

The white-haired witch was surprised to find that although these monsters were very angry, the direction of their anger... didn't seem to be towards the Chu River?

Xiao Chunfeng couldn't laugh anymore.

Looking at the monsters in front of him, he felt a little anxious.

what happened?

Isn't the devil always killed with some strong medicine?

Why did I send out such a provocative signal from the direction of Chuhe, and those monsters didn't go to besiege Chuhe?

What the hell are they waiting for?

In Xiao Chunfeng's view, this is very unreasonable.

Those monsters are enraged, but they don't go to besiege Chuhe, it's like... It's like there is an enchantment around Chuhe.

But Xiao Chunfeng saw clearly that beside Chuhe, there was no enchantment, and those monsters dared not come forward!

Don't dare... to step forward? !

Xiao Chunfeng seemed to have figured out some key points, and his face suddenly turned livid.

Is it...

Seeing the change in Xiao Chunfeng's face, Chuhe also smiled.

"What? Isn't it strange? It's strange why these demons don't come to besiege me?"

When Xiao Chunfeng heard Chuhe's words, he felt a sense of depression in his heart and almost exploded his body.

"Hmph! It must be because these monsters treat you as the same kind!"

He spoke harshly while looking at the monsters, trying to find the one among them.

But after looking around, he couldn't find the figure of the Demon Lord.

its not right?

Shouldn't it be?

Shouldn't the devil be the first to stand up at this time?

The demons generally don't have any conspiracy and tricks, and the boss of the demons is not the kind of existence that sits behind the army. Generally, after conflicts, they will take the lead and appear in the front.

How... what about the Demon Lord among these monsters?

Why didn't it show up?

The more Xiao Chunfeng thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt chills in his body.

A terrifying result was constantly forming in his head, but he still didn't want to believe it.

"What are you looking for?"

Chu He asked lightly.

Xiao Chunfeng was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously replied, "The devil..."

Chuhe shook his head, "The devil? He's dead."

"What!?" Xiao Chunfeng's eyes almost popped out, "Impossible!"

Chuhe didn't explain, but stared at him and continued, "Laughing Spring Breeze? Peach Blossom Gate? Hehe, do you remember my order? I am the leader of the Taoist sect, and your Peach Blossom Gate is also one of the Taoist gates, but you don't follow my order. They even forcibly tried to intercept me..."

Chu He's eyes turned cold, "From now on, I, as the leader of the Taoist sect, declare that Taohuamen will no longer be a Taoist sect!"

After speaking, Chuhe took a step forward, and the huge Dharma image was directly sucked into his body.

To deal with Xiao Chunfeng, who is at his wit's end, he can't use spells of this level.

Don't you want me to be buried in a group of monsters?

Now let you try the taste of being besieged by monsters.

Xiao Chunfeng realized that something was wrong and was about to run away, but when he was about to leave, he realized that his body was imprisoned for a moment.

Chuhe's spirit-binding curse!

And at this moment, Chuhe had already brought Ah Qing and the white-haired witch, and walked past him.

The crowd behind also quickly followed.

Chuhe ignored it.

And those demons also directly surrounded Xiao Chunfeng and those who hadn't had time to get out of the encirclement.

Only at this time did Xiao Chunfeng resume his actions.

But it's too late.

The huge group of monsters directly overwhelmed him.

He tossed and moved among the monsters, relying on his agility, trying to break out of the encirclement, but there were enemies all around him, so there was too little room to move around.

Xiao Chunfeng made another dodge, and came directly to the only open space among the demon group.

It's very strange here, there are no monsters here at all.

On the open space here, there is a broken corpse, which emits billowing and suffocating waves.

These fluctuations are the most real reasons that prevent these monsters from daring to come forward.

Demon Lord!

To be precise, it was the corpse of the Demon Lord!

Xiao Chunfeng still felt a faint dao rhyme from Chuhe on it.

That is the Tao rhyme that belongs to Chuhe alone, and it can never be faked.

What Chuhe said is true, the devil is dead, and he was killed by Chuhe!

Xiao Chunfeng entered the ice cave, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

He was full of remorse.

How...how did you provoke such a monster?

His heart felt cold. At this moment, he knew that he was able to escape from Chuhe's hand, not because of his clever means.

It's that people don't even bother to do anything to themselves.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at the man who had disappeared...

And Chuhe, who had just walked not far away, also directly received a large amount of regret value from Xiaochunfeng.

It is several thousand!

It seems that the remorse value of a person with a higher cultivation level is completely different from that of an ordinary person.

Chuhe turned his head to look at the monsters and the city behind him, and left without looking back.

"Lead the way." Chuhe said to the white-haired witch.

Xiao Hei must be rescued, and Chu He has already made a decision in his heart.

Chapter 80

The speed of the three is very fast.

In a short period of time, the people who gathered behind them and followed them all the time were thrown away.

After all, the three of them are not ordinary people, one is a female devil, one is a witch, and the other is a Taoist leader.

This combination is also extremely strange.

The three monks left early, but because of their slow speed, they were also overtaken by Chuhe and the others.

Looking at the direction, the direction the three monks were heading was actually the same as that of Chuhe and the others, but Chuhe didn't care at all.

On the second day, Chuhe slowed down, because in his feeling, the safety of the little fox should not be a major problem for the time being.

This feeling is very strange, and it cannot be said to be unfounded.

Some people with advanced cultivation bases often have this premonition.

Chuhe faintly felt that the little fox was in danger at the moment, but after a day passed, the danger was reduced a little.

In fact, what he didn't know was that the person who hijacked the little fox over there already knew some of Chuhe's recent actions, so there were some disputes, and it was because of these disputes that the little fox was so safe. .

Leiyin Mountain, the Holy Land of the West.

This is the holy place in the minds of almost all Buddhist believers in the world, but ordinary people think that this holy place only exists in legends, and it will never be available in the real world.

But in fact, what they don't know is that this Leiyin mountain has always been among the mountains in the west, but it was just cast a spell by a Buddhist monk so that ordinary people can't see it at all.

All I saw was the golden light on the top of Leiyin Mountain in the distance, as if a miracle had appeared.

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