Taking a closer look, I saw that the top of the mountain was not the top of the mountain, but a platform.

There are nine pillars on the platform. These pillars are made of unknown materials. They are as thick as several people hugging them, and they are more than ten feet high!

The nine pillars are neatly arranged on the platform on the top of the mountain according to the strange orientation.

And at the very center of the platform, there is a high platform. On this high platform, there is only one of the nine pillars that is different from the other pillars, taller and more refined.

The central pillar is a hard bronze color, and there are several chains stretched down from the pillar. These chains also look very hard, and they also emit a faint electric light, obviously not ordinary things.

At the bottom of this pillar, surrounded by layers of chains, was actually bound a pale young girl.

The corner of the girl's mouth was still bloodstained. She looked exhausted. Just as she was about to close her eyes slightly, she was stimulated by the electric light on the chain and opened them again.

Who else could this person be if he wasn't the life-saving cat demon Xiao Hei?

She was tied up on this altar, and she was constantly being tortured, and under the other eight pillars, other demons were also tied up.

It's just that only Xiao Hei has reached the realm of the sky demon, so he was placed in the central position.

Under the Altar of Alchemy, there were several figures standing.

One of them has fluttering white hair, white hair and chicken skin.

It was obviously a Taoist priest, and beside the Taoist priest stood several monks wearing cassocks.

"Amitabha." Fakong, the abbot of Leiyin Mountain, said, "This kind of monster is a disaster for the common people. It should be killed, it should be killed."

"It really should be killed." On the other side, the white-haired old man said, "Just killing her like this, wouldn't it be cheaper for her? And it is far from deterrent."

He is the master disciple of Xu Lingzi in the Lingming Hall of Zhongnan Mountain, and he is the son of the dust.

Ranchenzi is not very well-known in the monastic world, on the contrary, his life is not obvious, but it's not that everyone doesn't know that there is such a number one person.

Only some old guys will know the horror of Ranchenzi!

He came out of the mountain this time because of one thing.

Ran Chenzi looked at Abbot Fakong and said, "Abbot, the world is now occupied by demons, thanks to our Taoist sect...Of course, there are also your Buddhist sects who fought desperately to protect some pure lands on earth, but now demons are rampant. Quite a few mortals have long been in despair, unable to give birth to the slightest resistance."

"If we let this happen, it is inevitable that these people will perish. Therefore, we must bring hope to these desperate people and let them know that they are not hopeless."

Ranchenzi said lightly, "Only in this way..."

A divine light suddenly burst out from his narrowed eyes all the time, "Only in this way can I be prosperous in Taoism and Buddhahood, and let these ignorant people know who can save them."

Fakong's eyes also brightened, but then he quickly hid himself, "If that's the case, it will be regarded as a great merit... I understand what you mean, I have already notified the practice sects in the world, and when the time comes, we will join hands in killing monsters." Grand event."

Ran Chenzi shook his head, "It's not enough."

"not enough?"

"That's right." Ran Chenzi said word by word, "It's not enough, it's just these, how do those mortals know? Let them see, let them know who is saving them, so that they can give them hope, right? ?”

"Fellow Daoist, that's exactly what you said." Fakong didn't argue, "It's just how to let everyone know?"

Ranchenzi smiled, and took out a mobile phone.

This scene was a bit abrupt, but Ranchenzi didn't take it seriously, "This is a mobile phone, everyone has one, as long as they pass through this thing, everyone can know what's going to happen here..."

Of course, Ranchenzi didn't say the most important thing.

That is, as long as the news spreads, Chuhe can know about it.

Ran Chenzi had already received the news that Xiao Chunfeng was almost killed by a demon, and he also knew from Xiao Chunfeng that Chuhe was able to kill the demon king!

It's just that he doesn't believe it.

After all, what kind of character is the devil?

How could a mere Chuhe want to kill the devil?

It's just idiotic dreams.

But even so, Ranchenzi is also curious about Chuhe's strength.

Not to mention whether Chuhe killed the demon king, Chuhe directly drove away Xiaochunfeng, or crushed Xiaochunfeng, there is no doubt about it.

In this case, it is a little difficult to kill Chuhe, not impossible, but it may consume some power of the Taoist sect.

It might as well be...

Ranchenzi looked at old monk Fakong.

Then it's better to let these big monks take the lead, and then show up at the most critical moment to deal with Chuhe directly!

In this way, there is both face and face.

And he can also rely on this credit to successfully come out of the mountain, and he can steadily achieve the position of the leader of the Taoist sect, and even the position of the co-leader of the entire world of practitioners!

Chapter 81 Familiar Breath

The practice world today is no longer what it used to be.

The former practice circles have always practiced in the deep mountains and old forests. Although the world knows that there are some capable people and strange people, most of them have heard of them from legends, and no one has seen them with their own eyes.

Even if someone saw it with their own eyes, there is no conclusive evidence that has been circulated.

So many people are skeptical about it.

But now, demons are raging, people from Taoism, Buddhism, and other sects are born one after another, and people are killing demons every day.

Almost all the videos on the Internet are all about some experts slaying demons and demons.

Especially Taoism, with all kinds of flying swords, spells, and Taoist clothes fluttering, almost in a short period of time, the reputation of Taoism has reached a very terrible level!

This is an opportunity for Taoism to officially become a famous school in this world.

If you become the master of the Taoist sect at this moment, you will not only be the master of the Taoist sect, but the leader of the entire world!

When the world is in great trouble, Taoism and Buddhism begin to prosper.

This is an opportunity, as long as you can grasp it, you can...

There was light in Ran Chenzi's eyes, as if he saw a bright future.

At this point in his life, there are already many things that can hardly arouse his interest and desire, but this is one of them.

And these are his real goals.

However, as a member of the Daoist sect, Ranchenzi is still a high-ranking member of the Daoist sect, so of course he won't let the Buddhist sect gain any advantage.

He had already figured it out.

It is to delay the demon-killing action of the Buddhist Leiyin Mountain until the arrival of the Chu River, and the whole world will be watching.

With the strength of these Buddhist sects, they will definitely fall into a hard fight with Chuhe.

And when the time comes, the Taoist sect will come as the savior, killing two birds with one stone.

Not only beheaded the traitors of the Taoist sect, released the demons, and Chuhe, who was cast aside by the people of the world, can also directly suppress the limelight of the Buddhist sect, so that the people of the world can take a good look at who is the boss of the practice world.

From Ran Chenzi's point of view, this plan is perfect, so he has to implement it himself, acting as Fakong's lobbyist, and he must ensure that the plan is foolproof.

As for Chuhe, the reason why he suddenly felt that Xiaohei, the nine-tailed cat, was suddenly safe was because of the arrival of Ranchenzi, who held back the monks in Leiyinshan.

Fakong and Ranchenzi communicated for a while, and he couldn't help asking, "Fellow Taoist, Ranchenzi, are you being too kind? After doing these things, what can you get?"

Ran Chenzi had already prepared for this, hehe laughed and said, "Master Fakong, you have made a fool of yourself, for the sake of the world, for the safety of all people, for the sake of justice, for the sake of the Tao, what do personal gains and losses matter? What do you mean? , if the Buddhist sect kills demons, am I not only not going to help, but also making trouble?"

Ran Chenzi said sternly, "In this troubled time, Buddhism and Taoism should join hands to resist disasters. Helping you this time is also my sincerity."

"Amitabha!" Fakong immediately put on his treasured makeup, "Since this is the case, I would like to thank fellow Taoist Ranchenzi."

Ranchenzi also returned the gift, and then chatted for a few more words before Ranchenzi flew away.

Fakong's expression was always smiling, and he didn't put down his face until Ranchenzi completely disappeared from sight.

He said coldly, "Fa Hai, pass on an order to announce this matter to the world!"

Fakong took out the mobile phone left by Ranchenzi, "Through this."

Fahai took the phone, hesitant to speak.

Fakong said lightly, "Say it, I know you have doubts in your heart."

Fahai said, "Abbot, I'm worried... I'm worried that Ranchenzi didn't have any good intentions..."

Fakong laughed, "Junior brother, you can see it, so why can't I see it?"

Fa Hai quickly shook his head, "Abbot, that's not what I meant..."

"I know you don't mean that." Fakong shook his hand, "I know your worry, in fact, I have already seen that Ranchenzi has no good intentions, but so what?"

Fakong showed a strong self-confidence, "What he said is indeed right, as long as everyone in the world sees what we are doing now, then the people in the world will know who is saving them. It will also be able to harvest a large number of beliefs, and even surpass their Taoist sects in one fell swoop is unknown."

"But..." Fa Hai frowned.

"But there are dangers in this, right?" Fakong said, "Hehe, junior brother, do you know that my Dharma form has been completed recently?"

Fa Hai was stunned for a moment, and then he was startled, "Brother, could it be that you...have you reached that level!?"

Fa Kong smiled without saying a word.

Fa Hai knew that he had lost his composure, so he quickly sorted out his emotions, and then he became a little excited, "If that's the case, I won't be afraid of any plots and schemes they have..."

Fakong chuckled, turned his head and glanced at Xiao Hei, the life-saving cat demon tied to the altar.

"Your life, let's stay for a while..."

After speaking, he left directly with a few people.

On the Chu River side, they also came to a dilapidated town.

All I saw was that the outside of the town was a bit dilapidated, and a few wild dogs that were originally pets but had become dirty now, became a little more vigilant when they saw people, and then disappeared from sight.

The town looked dilapidated.

But in fact, there was no disaster of demons here.

It should be that the people here, knowing that the monster is coming soon, or worrying that this place is too close to the place where the monster broke out, have all moved.


Chuhe was about to walk over, but suddenly heard a strange sound.

"Huh?" Chuhe looked at the belly of Ah Qing who was always by his side.

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