Shen Tuo's eyes widened, "That's a tool for you to practice! It's still stained with your spirit, if you destroy it directly, are you harming yourself!?"

Chapter 96

As a craftsman, Shen Tuo said almost obsessively, "Crazy! You must be crazy!"

As a refiner, when refining any artifact, he devotes himself wholeheartedly. After each artifact is successfully refined, it will be contaminated with the spirit of the refiner, and even some of them will live with the refiner. The weapon is even more important than the life of the craftsman!

The black and white chess piece that Chuhe just refined looks extraordinary, and it can be regarded as a very good magic weapon.

However, Chuhe still crushed without hesitation!

Looking at Chuhe's expression again, his face is still not red and his heart is not beating, as if he has done something indifferent.

"Crazy? It's just a rubbish refining device." Chu He waved his hand casually, wrapped another complete porcelain bowl with Lihuo, and continued refining the device.

In fact, Chuhe is not doing useless work now, but within the magical power of Lihuo that Chuhe has obtained, there is also a complete set of methods for refining weapons.

Although Chuhe has mastered the inheritance by accepting the inheritance, refining tools is different from kung fu, and still needs to be practiced.

And just now, Chuhe was practicing.

The reason why I need to practice my hands is to be safe when I dismantle Shen Tuo's seven lotus seeds!

Chuhe controlled Lihuo, melted the porcelain bowl in an instant, burned off the impurities, and then began to refine the weapon according to the refining techniques recorded in Lihuo Divine Ability as he wished.

The liquid that was burnt into earth spirits was constantly changing into various shapes in Lihuo.

Shen Tuo also put away his underestimating thoughts, and looked at Chuhe's crafting technique seriously. The more he looked at it, the more profound he felt, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became!

"Is the refining difficult?"

Chuhe took a refined dagger in his hand, and then broke the dagger.

He opened his arms, and the flames shot out in all directions!

Originally, this place was a restaurant with many tables, chairs and benches, as well as a lot of bowls and chopsticks. Now these things are all surrounded by Lihuo.

Then it was refined into various things by Chuhe.

Shen Tuo was dumbfounded.

He has never seen such a powerful and unique refining method.

It's as if there are dozens of facial device masters acting at the same time, and each master's method is different.

After watching this for a while, Shen Tuo already felt that he had benefited a lot, and even thought about retreating to digest what he saw and heard today.

His original contempt for Chuhe has long since disappeared, but he began to feel that Chuhe is unfathomable!

All of this was formed subtly, and even now he was still immersed in that shocking feeling and forgot his current situation.

Then, Chuhe rolled up the sky full of flames and directly wrapped the two golden lotuses in it.


When Shen Tuo saw this, he was about to detonate the seven lotus seeds, but it was too late.

At this moment, Chuhe used the spirit binding spell to block Shen Tuo's reaction time, and it was this little time that gave Chuhe a chance to crack the seven lotus seeds.

The seven lotus seeds, which were originally seamless, were directly poured into it by Chuhe's huge spiritual consciousness, and they were directly disassembled according to the knowledge Chuhe obtained from the inheritance of refining equipment.


Shen Tuo suddenly let out a scream and was paralyzed on the ground.

And those two golden lotuses also became the original appearance of the two seven lotus seeds.

Shen Tuo and Qilianzi cultivated their lives together, and five of the original Qilianzi had been destroyed, and Shen Tuo had already suffered a lot of damage because of this.

In the end, Chuhe directly dismantled the two seven lotus seeds.

The so-called dismantling is actually a jargon in refining equipment, which means complete control!

Shen Tuo directly suffered a huge injury when the things of life and cultivation were taken away by others.

But Chuhe looked at the two seven lotus seeds and pinched them vigorously.

The white-haired witch came to the side with Ah Qing in her arms, and looked at Chuhe with admiration.

Demons respect the strong most!

At this moment, even if Chuhe doesn't control her life bead, she is willing to dedicate all of herself to Chuhe without reservation!


Seeing that Chuhe was about to crush the seven lotus seeds, Shen Tuo fell to the ground and struggled helplessly, "Please, don't destroy the seven lotus seeds, I can...I can worship you as my teacher! I swear to serve you forever! "


One of the seven lotus seeds was directly crushed by Chuhe.

Shen Tuo spat out a mouthful of blood, "No! I can... I will obey your orders from now on, and I am willing to make a new blood oath!"

Chuhe is still expressionless, and continues to hold the last seven lotus seeds.

Want to kill me, and finally threaten me with someone I care about?

That's it, do you still want to live?

"No... I'll tell you the address of the Five Immortals Sect..."

"No need." Chuhe said softly, "I know."


The last seven lotus seeds were directly crushed, Shen Tuo's face suddenly turned pale, and he fell directly to the ground, unable to stand up again.

If all the magic weapons of life cultivation are directly destroyed, it is equivalent to directly losing half of one's life.

At this time, Shen Tuo was not dead yet, but he was almost dead.

"You... so cruel... Bailianmen won't...won't let you go!" Shen Tuo lay on the ground, raised his head reluctantly, and looked at Chuhe with resentment, "Bailianmen will... I take revenge!"

What greeted him was a big foot.

Chuhe stomped on him expressionlessly.

Stepping down, it was like stepping on a watermelon.

Shen Tuo died instantly and couldn't die anymore.

As soon as Shen Tuo died, the surroundings were instantly silent.

There are only three people left in Chuhe.

The white-haired witch looked at Chuhe, then at Ah Qing in her arms, feeling extremely tangled, she said softly, "My lord, what should we do now? Xiao Hei is still waiting for us to rescue, and Ah Qing... also It won't last much longer."

This is what confuses her.

Now, who should we save?

She wanted to save Xiao Hei in her heart, after all, it was Xiao Hei who risked his life to let her escape.

As for Ah Qing, she didn't have that much affection, but it was obvious that Chuhe seemed to like this little girl very much.

what should I do now?

Chu He looked at Ah Qing, thinking about the legend of the Five Immortals and Granny Baihua in his mind.

"Go and rescue Ah Qing first." Chu He said lightly, "There is still time."

The white-haired witch was obviously still a little confused, so I heard her continue, "But...but if you don't save Xiao Hei soon, those people will definitely know about what happened in Shicheng and what happened here, and they We are still holding a meeting to eliminate demons and defend the Dao. If we don't hurry up, we will definitely alert them, and by then..."

"Wouldn't it be better?"

Chuhe said confidently, "Give them a little time to reflect, it's best to let them all gather together, so that we can catch them all in one go!"

Chapter 97 Detonate the Internet

Even the white-haired witch knew that Chuhe was very powerful, but she was still shocked by this sentence.

What kind of courage is this! ?

It's nothing more than the case!

"My lord, but...but that place is different from other places. That place is a sacred place of Buddhism, and there are countless masters there, and... and it is estimated that there will be many masters of Taoism going to help."

The white-haired witch said worriedly, "If we go quietly, we can catch them by surprise. If we want to catch them by surprise, we must be quick. We must wait until they have not reacted and kill them with one blow!"

"The longer the time delay, the more they will be able to know our movements. At that time, they will definitely know that we are going to save Xiao Hei, so they will be prepared. When that time comes, it will be difficult to save Xiao Hei... It's..."

Chu He stared straight at the white-haired witch, only to be frightened by the white-haired witch.

"Hehe, I can understand your feelings. After all, it was Xiao Hei who saved you, even Xiao Hei tried to save me, but I didn't need it, but I always kept this matter in my heart. I gave it to her, and I will never give up on her."


"But what?"

"I know what you're thinking. I've said it too. I promise nothing will happen to Xiao Hei. You don't have to say it anymore."

The white-haired witch was terrified when she heard this.

She was a little too presumptuous just now!

Who is Chuhe?

Not to mention that my own life pearl is still in the hands of others, just relying on his strength alone, I am not qualified to say such things to him.

Thinking of this, the white-haired witch couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and stood aside, daring not to speak anymore.

But Chuhe continued, "Now, there are still three days. Within these three days, we must find Granny Baihua!"

Granny Baihua is known as one of the Five Wonders of the Southwest, and she is a legendary figure in the Five Immortals Sect.

As for the Five Immortals, it is also a legend.

This is a sect that is neither righteous nor evil. It pays attention to seclusion and never shows its face in the world. Moreover, the Five Immortals Sect also has a characteristic, that is, it only accepts women, not men.

I don't know when it started, there were rumors that there were treasures in the Five Immortals Sect, so within a period of time, in the world of practice, there were some actions against the Five Immortals Sect, labeling them as a cult.

In short, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

Originally, the Five Immortals Sect was just a hidden sect in a mountain, but because of a legend, it was forcibly regarded as an evil sect by righteous people and besieged.

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