And at this time, the Five Immortals Sect erupted with extremely powerful abilities, and all the people who came to attack the Five Immortals Sect were unable to walk out of the mountains in the southwest alive.

Moreover, the Five Immortals Sect also dispatched several high-strength fierce men, who directly sent Gu worms to all the high-level leaders of the sects who led this operation!

Although these Gu worms can't kill people, they can accompany people for a lifetime, making people suffer from inhuman torture throughout their lives!

Since then, the name of the Five Immortals Sect has been established.

All the practitioners in the world know that there is a sect called the Five Immortals Sect in the world, and they all know that the women in the Five Immortals Sect are all hot, but they are not easy to mess with.

And as the reputation of the Five Immortals Sect grew, many people also discovered that the people of the Five Immortals Sect seemed to be looking for something all the time.

As for what, no one can say clearly.

This is Chuhe's general understanding of the Five Immortals Sect.

As for Granny Baihua, that is a special position in the Five Immortals Sect, similar to the Supreme Elder.

But it's very strict, it's not that one can be Baihua's mother-in-law when one's seniority is reached, but one must reach a certain level before being honored as Baihua's mother-in-law.

So, in fact, every leader of the Five Immortals Sect may not have that great ability, but every Baihua Granny is definitely a strong person!

Otherwise, it would definitely not be called one of the five wonders of the Southwest.

"We're leaving now. I know where the Five Immortals are, and it's not too far away."

In fact, there is still some distance from here, but for Chuhe, as long as it is a saya running, the speed is still relatively fast.

Just walk in a straight line, no forest, no mountain, just jump over them all.

Although the white-haired witch was reluctant, she nodded.

Chu He said, "I know what you are worried about. You actually want to ask in your heart, why am I so sure that Xiao Hei will not have an accident during this time?"

Although the white-haired witch didn't speak, it was equivalent to acquiescing.

She really wanted to know, why did Chuhe dare to say that?

Chu He smiled slightly, and took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

It's just that there seems to be no signal here.

Chuhe brought the white-haired witch to a place with a little signal, and turned on the phone.

In fact, there is no need to search specifically. The information Chuhe wants to see has already been pushed to Chuhe's mobile phone in various ways.

Just click on a headline titled "Happy news! Leiyinshan will hold a demon-slaying conference!".

It briefly introduces the news that Leiyinshan wants to hold the demon-slaying conference. It is said that the masters of Buddhism in the world will go there when the time comes, and the host of Leiyinshan, Abbot Fakong, also said that he will invite qualified and powerful People went to watch the ceremony.

It is not recommended for ordinary people to go, because it will be a little dangerous, but Abbot Fakong promises that in order to improve morale, there will be a live broadcast at that time.

At the end of the article, there is a photo.

On a thick pillar, a thick chain binds a weak girl. The girl grins her teeth at the camera, revealing her wildness and helplessness.

The name under the photo reads, "The identity behind her weak appearance is the cruel Nine Lives Cat Demon."

Seeing the photo of Xiao Hei on the phone, the white-haired witch couldn't help it, "Xiao Hei!"

Chuhe's gaze was also a little gloomy.

Continue to open other apps.

When I came to a popular online community, I saw that the hot search list had already been swiped, almost all of which were news about the demon slaying conference.

Just click on one of them and look in. Almost all the comments below are insulting the Nine-Life Cat Demon. Some people even ask, after the Nine-Life Cat Demon is killed, can I buy two catties of meat?

Others were asking if they could go to Leiyin Mountain to watch the ceremony in person.

Of course, how could it be possible that there is no such thing as the most popular traffic king Chuhe in the hot searched places?

Sure enough, as long as you scroll down, you can see the hot searches about Chuhe.

"Shocked! Shicheng was slaughtered by the demon Chuhe?"

"The crusade against human sinner Chuhe is urgent!"

Chapter 98 Three Days Later

And among them, the most popular one was actually a post posted by Lei Yinshan himself.

This seems to be the first time in history that a cultivating sect has released news through the Internet.

Such a big gimmick naturally brought people infinite reverie and enthusiasm.

This seems to be a sign that those cultivation sects who had previously avoided the world decided to really intervene in this crisis.

Moreover, Lei Yinshan is also a highly respected sect in Buddhism, and even one of the leaders of the entire Buddhism!

The content of the post is high-sounding, which roughly means that it is a once-in-a-thousand-year crisis, but this is not the end of the world. In fact, there was an era when monsters were born a long time ago.

And in that era, countless people with lofty ideals went on to seal the demon, and finally sealed the demon.

And when the monster was born last time, Lei Yinshan also sent many masters to seal the monster. For this reason, Lei Yinshan suffered heavy losses, but finally sealed the monster in Wangwu Mountain.

Afterwards, Lei Yinshan fluffed his clothes and left, hiding his achievements and fame deeply, unwilling to bear the vain fame in the world.

Therefore, many people in this world thought that the seal was made by Master Baixing, the master of Zhenyao Temple, but in fact, Buddhism, especially Lei Yinshan of Buddhism also played a great role in it.

It can be said that without the help of Lei Yinshan, Master Baixing would have absolutely no way to seal the demon.

What's even worse is that it also said that Master Baixing sealed the demons with the guidance of Lei Yinshan, and what he did was at the cost of his own life to seal the demons. The spirit of hell.

They actually directly deprived Master Baixing of all the credit, as if Master Baixing was just a pawn, and they were Lei Yinshan who really sealed the demon!

If Chuhe hadn't experienced that time in person, he might have believed it when he saw it, and he said it well.

But at that time, those Buddhist bald donkeys hid farther away than the other, and Chuhe still remembered the slogan that Leiyinshan shouted back then.

It turned out to be using love to influence the demons and coexist peacefully with them!

Just like that, dare to say that they took a huge credit for sealing the monsters that time?

There is really no limit to the kindness of the cheek, and Chu He sneered again and again.

And what is written later is that it is because Leiyinshan doesn't care about the false name, after the demon is sealed, he returns to Leiyinshan to clean up and repair, and no longer cares about the matter of suppressing the demon temple.

And it is because of this that the demon town has gradually degenerated, so that in this generation, Chuhe, the traitor of the human race, appeared!

Lei Yinshan hypocritically said that all of this is his own responsibility. If he had sent people to guard the demon temple, such a thing would never have happened.

Therefore, after sealing the monster this time, Lei Yinshan decided to build a grand temple in the place where the monster was sealed, and sent monks from Leiyinshan to guard it. In order to protect the seal, Leiyinshan was willing to give everything.

At the end of the post, Lei Yinshan also issued an invitation.

Said that in order to improve the morale of the human race, and to take this opportunity to unite people with lofty ideals from all over the world to fight against demons, they will decide to hold a demon-slaying conference at the Leiyin Mountain Demon Slaying Platform!

Slay the Nine-Life Cat Demon, the peerless monster, in public!

Below is written about how ferocious the Nine-Life Cat Demon is, how many people it has eaten, and how much Lei Yinshan has paid to catch it.

At the end of the article, even for the first time, ordinary people were invited to go. Of course, the requirements are TV stations, or platforms that are qualified to broadcast live can send people to go, and Lei Yinshan will send people to respond.

Chuhe sneered.

In fact, whatever you say is fine, no matter whether Chuhe is a devil or a traitor, Chuhe doesn't care.

However, they should never have said that the most important master to Chuhe!

The master is already dead, he died to protect you, but you still don't let him go?

Even in order to create momentum, even the last thing he did during his lifetime had to be choreographed.

Chuhe's heart gradually turned cold.

Continue to look down, only to see that the popularity of this post is very high, and the comments below are not ordinary people, especially the first few.

"I am the head of the Crane Sect. Now that the demons are causing trouble, we, the Crane Sect, have decided to enter the world to save the world. We will definitely go to the Leiyin Mountain Demon Slaying Conference in the future!"

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. I am the master of the lower three sects. All members of the three lower sects are willing to join in the grand event!"

Those in the front row were all declarations from hidden sects, expressing their reasons for going to Leiyin Mountain to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference.

Chuhe counted, and he has heard of 28 well-known ones, and there are as many small forces that are not very well-known.

All of a sudden, all kinds of casual cultivators, all kinds of capable people and strangers also stood up one after another.

They expressed their willingness to go to Leiyin Mountain, and even some of the most orthodox Taoist priests expressed their willingness to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference of Leiyin Mountain by putting aside their orthodox differences for the time being.

The entire post is full of enthusiasm, and it can be seen that their emotions are very high.

The atmosphere of passion and justice can be felt even through the screen.

It seems that the already gloomy and hopeless world now has a glimmer of hope!

And the time for the Demon Slaying Conference was also set exactly three days later!

Three days later, on the Leiyinshan Demon Slaying Platform, the Buddhist and Taoist families joined in the grand event to slay the demons to frighten the world!

three days?

Chu He muttered softly at the corner of his mouth, "It's really a good day."

Keep looking down.

The following posts are even more interesting.

They even started to criticize Chuhe together.

It's actually easy to understand.

Lei Yinshan said so much about himself earlier, and those so-called sects also said he was very powerful.

But since they are so powerful, why did the monster still break through the seal?

Therefore, they need someone to take the blame.

There is no need to look for this person, he just stands there.

It is Chuhe!

Among the scolding of Chuhe and compliments of Leiyinshan, there were also some other voices.

"...Unexpectedly, our media has accepted the invitation! I'm going to Leiyin Mountain to broadcast live to you!"

"It turns out that there are really gods in this world! It turns out that this world hasn't completely collapsed. It's ridiculous that I thought the world was going to be destroyed."

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