Isn't that... In case of falling, not only Chuhe will die, but also her own life bead is in Chuhe's hands. If Chuhe dies, then she will die too.

And Ah Qing.

If Chuhe can't come out in time, Ah Qing's injury won't last until tomorrow...

Yinyue was in a mess.

I just feel that it has never been as messy as it is now.

Looking at the grand ceremony outside, she felt a little irony in her heart. Aren't they worried at all?

Just at this moment, a slight vibrating sound suddenly came out of the cave.

Yinyue looked into the depths of the cave almost instantly.

And Granny Baihua, who was preaching to the disciples of the Five Immortals Sect in mid-air, also felt this vibration in her bones.

She said excitedly, "Everyone, welcome the birth of Lord Cangwu!"

As a result, all these pretty little girls in wedding dresses gathered at the entrance of the cave, and only a few of the higher ranks followed Granny Baihua to the inside of the cave.

At this time, the huge stone tablet inside the cave was emitting an inexplicable light.


The stele turned into a little bit of glowing debris like an illusion.

The debris is still spinning continuously in the original direction of the stele, emitting a dazzling and mysterious force.

Under the rotation of the sacred and mysterious trajectory of the debris, the center is getting brighter and brighter.

Until the end, the holy light even directly filled the entire cave, and everyone, even Granny Baihua's strength, couldn't see everything in front of them clearly.

They fell into the world of light, and there was no way to stop them.

And this brief unstoppable light came and went quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, and everything returned to normal.

The original stone tablet has disappeared, and there is now a figure in the place where the stone tablet was originally placed.

Chuhe, holding an emerald green flute with some tears in his hand, with his hands behind his back, and a jade bottle around his waist, looks like a person walking out of a painting.

And at this moment, Chuhe also has an unpredictable temperament, which is a little different from before.

Chu He looked up and looked around, only to see that there were many more people in the cave.

And these people are a little strange, all of them are wearing red wedding dresses, and a red hijab is half covered on their heads.

what's going on?

Could it be that these people are going to hold some collective wedding?

Otherwise, how to explain the clothes of these people in front of you?

But Chuhe doesn't plan to go into it now, because after all, he has more important things to do.

Chuhe saw Ah Qing in the crowd and summoned her to come over.

Ah Qing's body was a little weak, but compared to before, it wasn't to the point where she couldn't walk.

Wait until Ah Qing came to Chuhe's side.

Chuhe also untied the jade bottle from his waist, and then opened the stopper.

In an instant, an intoxicating fragrance and an inexplicable sad atmosphere filled the entire cave, and even made people want to cry.

Granny Baihua was so excited that tears really appeared in the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, she no longer doubts.

Chuhe did it.

Chuhe is the Lord of Cangwu!

Chapter 109 Marriage

Chuhe didn't care about the eyes around him.

They didn't even ask Granny Baihua if she wanted to feed Ah Qing this thing to heal Ah Qing's current injury.

Because Chuhe already knows all of this now.

There is a lot of information in the Cangwu inheritance, and it is complicated.

There is some information about Gu worms in it.

"This is so bitter." Ah Qing curled her lips after taking a sip, "And I don't know what's going on, I feel a little sad... Am I going to die?"

Hearing Ah Qing's question, Chu He rubbed her head, "Are the tears sweet or bitter?"

Ah Qing nodded and said, "I used to cry a lot, so I know this problem. Tears are bitter, just like the one I'm drinking now."

"Tears are bitter." Chuhe said lightly, "but you'll be fine after crying...don't worry, you won't die, as long as you drink these, you will be cured."

Ah Qing trusted Chu He unconditionally, and when she heard what Chu He said, she drank all the tears of Concubine Xiang.

And just after she drank these, her body changed almost instantly.

Those primordial Gu worms that were always eager to move in the depths of her body and even her soul, started to scurry around crazily as if they had encountered some kind of nemesis.

It's just that these primordial Gu worms running around can no longer cause any harm to Ah Qing.

Qin couldn't quite see all the things that happened in Ah Qing's body.

But it can be seen that Ah Qing's injury seems to have recovered in an instant.

There was even a feeling of qualitative change in the whole person.

Granny Baihua sighed softly, "The complete Wugu Holy Physique... Sure enough, only the tears of Concubine Xiang can make the Wugu Holy Physique reach the perfect state."

"Oh? The realm of perfection?" Chu He looked at Granny Baihua.

Granny Baihua immediately said respectfully, "Although my old body is also a witchcraft holy body, my witchcraft holy body is not perfect. It is still composed of various Gu insects in essence, but a perfect witchcraft holy body is not perfect. Anywhere will be the same as ordinary people, even the body will no longer have any Gu worms, and it will become pure and flawless, but the power of the Wugu Holy Body is also..."

Granny Baihua only said half of what was going on, and Chuhe knew what was going on.

Because these are also recorded in the Cangwu inheritance.

It's just that what is recorded in the Cangwu inheritance are all the cultivation methods of the witchcraft holy body, as if the Wugu holy body was acquiesced as the perfect state from the beginning.

Chu He nodded, and then directly nodded to Ah Qing's head, "Ah Qing, I will teach you a method of cultivation, and you must cultivate yourself well."

Ah Qing was stunned, a lot of complex knowledge poured into Ah Qing's mind.

Her ability to accept is limited, but for some reason, she has a natural affinity for these exercises.

Almost subconsciously, Ah Qing began to operate this method.

And her body also began to exude a sinister and holy aura that was different from the witchcraft holy body before!

Granny Baihua was dumbfounded.

After Chuhe finished these, he looked at Granny Baihua again, "After all, I can get these because of your convenience. Therefore, I plan to give you a copy of the cultivation method of the Holy Body of Witch Gu."

After speaking, Chuhe threw the jade bottle to Granny Baihua.

Unexpectedly, after Granny Baihua took it with both hands, she knelt down on the ground respectfully, "Thank you, Lord Cangwu, for the treasure!"

The little girls in wedding gowns all shouted coquettishly, "Thank you Lord Cangwu for the treasure!"

Chuhe was taken aback by the battle.

Who is Baihua Granny?

To actually tell him to kneel down is to kneel down, which is really a bit unpredictable.

And they are shouting about the Lord of Cangwu, is it because they have obtained the inheritance of Cangwu?

Chuhe casually pointed at Granny Baihua, and a ball of light condensed out.

"After drinking Xiangfei's tears, I am accepting this exercise."

Granny Baihua did as she was told.

But after Granny Baihua accepted the exercises again, she didn't show any strange appearance like Ah Qing.

Because Granny Baihua's witchcraft body is relatively old and basically formed, naturally there will be no major changes, but of course there are still some changes.

And it was this little change that made it difficult for Granny Baihua to hold herself back.

He knelt down and shouted long live again.

"Thank you Lord Cangwu for bestowing the law!"

The people around cheered again, "Thank you Lord Cangwu for your blessing!"

Chuhe went up to help Granny Baihua up, "Grandma Baihua, what are you... the Lord of Cangwu?"

Granny Baihua suddenly panicked, "My lord, don't call me Granny Baihua, my name is Long Zhiyi."

"As for the Lord of Cangwu, you have obtained the inheritance of Cangwu, and when you are recognized by the stele, you will naturally be the Lord of Cangwu."

Chuhe rubbed his nose, and thought to himself, is this the Lord of Cangwu?

"Since I have become the Lord of Cangwu, is there anything I can do?"

Of course, we still have to see if there are any conditions.

Baihua mother-in-law Long Zhiyi said, "My lord is the lord of Cangwu, what qualifications does this old man have to ask you for conditions?"

If there are no conditions, then Chuhe is not unacceptable.

"It's fine if there are no conditions. I'm going out now, and I still have important things to do."

"I am willing to follow the Lord to the left and right, share the Lord's worries and solve the problems!" Granny Baihua said sincerely, "I am willing to work hard for the Lord!"

The surrounding Five Immortals Sect congregation in wedding dresses also said one after another, "It turns out that the master is doing his best!"

Chuhe looked at so many young girls with bright eyes, and said such words firmly in his eyes, but he didn't know what to say.

"Um, I understand your feelings, I seem to have helped you a lot by accident, right?" Chuhe looked at the crowd and said, "I understand your kindness, but even if you want to help, at least wait until you Finish the marriage?"

Granny Baihua was taken aback, "It's up to the master to arrange."

Chu He waved his hand, "Then hurry up and get married."

In fact, Chuhe was also a little embarrassed. Did he make too much noise? Why did these people come out halfway through their marriage?

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