There is also that Long Weiling, who obviously saw her a few hours ago, she is still very normal, why did she put on her wedding dress after a few hours?

Simply inexplicable.

"Huh? What are you still doing? Hurry up and get married?"

After Chuhe saw that he had finished speaking, these people were still motionless, and they all looked at him helplessly, feeling something was wrong.

Granny Baihua saw that Chuhe was still not moving, and thought of what Chuhe said just now to urge her to get married, she had no choice but to take a step forward and said in a low voice, "Master, please move up."


Chuhe felt a little surprised.

Do you want me to be the best man, or let me witness the wedding?

Chu He shook his head slightly, stepped forward, and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

And the scene at the entrance of the cave directly stunned him.

Chapter 110 The time has come

The cave entrance of Cangwu Cave.

Looking at the hundreds of girls in wedding dresses standing in the valley, Chuhe felt a little outrageous.

These girls are almost prettier than the other, and they are all wearing wedding dresses. When they saw Chuhe coming out, they all showed excited eyes and blushed on their faces.

Is this the Lord of Cangwu?

Is this the man in his destiny?

Really handsome!

Moreover, there is an aura emanating from the inside out that fascinates people and gives people the power to explore the truth.

Although the vast majority of people have never seen Chuhe before, even those who saw Chuhe when Chuhe entered the Five Immortals Sect and had conflicts with Chuhe are now There is a wonderful feeling for Chuhe.

This is not as simple as love at first sight.

If it was love at first sight, those masters of the Five Immortals who had conflicts with Chuhe would never have conflicts with Chuhe.

It's entirely because after Chuhe obtained Cangwu's inheritance, a strange aura appeared on his body.

And these people were all born after their mothers drank the holy water in Cangwu Cave, and they simply had no resistance to the wonderful aura of Chuhe.

In other words, these people were almost born for Chuhe.

Even if they are ordinary people from the outside world and have never lived in the Five Immortals Sect since childhood, the resonance flowing in the depths of her soul will make her feel at Chuhe at the first sight when she meets Chuhe at this moment. generate goodwill.

"My lord! I'm waiting to welcome my lord!"

These brides all bowed to the Chu River, as if they were paying homage.

The corner of Chuhe's mouth twitched. For a moment, he seemed to understand something.

"Ahem, Granny Baihua, so many people are going to get married?"

Granny Baihua heard Chuhe calling her Granny Baihua again, and said in panic, "Yes, these people are going to get married."

"Then... what about the marriage partner? Why haven't I seen any boys?"

Granny Baihua was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say, she just looked up at Chuhe.

Chuhe watched Granny Baihua look at him, and instantly understood what it meant.

Then he pointed at himself.

"You mean... me?"

Granny Baihua nodded and said, "My lord, please rest assured, these women in wedding dresses are all young girls, and it is their blessing that they can serve you."

Chuhe was really speechless.

It's only been a few hours, and he actually has hundreds of brides?

The brides below also shouted to Chuhe, "May I serve the Lord all my life!"

Chuhe listened to so many people below calling him the master, and according to them, he even regarded himself as her husband...

"I'm not your master, don't call me your master."

The people below were a little flustered and began to whisper.

"What do you mean? Could it be that the Lord doesn't like us?"

"Didn't you hear that people don't like us calling him Lord? You still call him?"

"What's that called? How about calling it Young Master!"

"It is estimated that the young master felt that calling him the master made him old."

The following people quickly negotiated a title, and shouted to Chuhe in unison, "Your order, son!"

Chuhe Fu forehead, I didn't mean that at all...

Forget it, what do you like.

Granny Baihua also said, "My lord, there is something you don't know..."

Granny Baihua told Chuhe the origin and fate of these people, and finally said, "If you don't agree, these people will eventually..."

Knowing what she was going to say, Chuhe sighed, "Let's do this first."

An ambiguous sentence.

Neither agreeing nor refusing, is simply a scumbag.

"But I can't stay and delay any longer. I need to go now, and there are important things to do."

"The old man would take the liberty to ask, what's the matter?"

Chuhe said something simple.

Unexpectedly, Granny Baihua laughed, "My lord, please let me wait to wish you a helping hand!"

"Oh?" Chuhe looked at her in surprise, "I am a rumored demon, and have even been portrayed as the worst person in the world. Are you still willing to follow me?"

Granny Baihua said, "Don't say that the world misunderstood you, even if these are true, so what?"

"So what if you are an enemy of the world? So what if you are really evil?"

Granny Baihua said firmly, "Our destiny is to follow Lord Cangwu and die for Lord Cangwu, which is our highest honor!"

Seeing how serious she said, Chuhe also said seriously, "In this case, I will never let you be in danger."

"You have decided to follow me, so it's up to you."

Granny Baihua and the brides below all raised their heads because of it, their eyes glistening with light.

Chuhe sighed secretly in his heart, and continued, "I'm about to set off now, and the matter over there cannot be delayed."

Granny Baihua came directly to the entrance of the cave, "All the people of the Five Immortals Sect obey the order, and together with the young master, level the Leiyin Mountain!"

"Tamp down Leiyin Mountain!"

The delicate girls below suddenly exuded an extremely strong fighting spirit.

Even Chuhe looked sideways at this soaring aura.

The Sect of the Five Immortals is almost isolated from the outside world, and it has been practiced here for generations. Because of the special birth method of the people of the Sect of the Five Immortals, almost all the members of the Sect of the Five Immortals are geniuses outside.

No one is ugly.

The most important thing is that these people have good cultivation qualifications, and the skills of the Five Immortals are also top-notch.

Therefore, although there are only a few hundred people here, the overall cultivation level is not low at all.

The top leaders of the Five Immortals Sect, such as Granny Baihua and Long Weiling, are the top experts in the outside world!

With so many people working together, it is definitely a force not to be underestimated.

However, Chuhe doesn't need so many people.

One reason is that the time is running out now. If so many people act together, they will definitely not be able to arrive on time. Even if they arrive on time, they must have abandoned the large army and only a small number of people will go.

If so, the meaning of so many people going together would no longer exist.

Seemingly aware of Chuhe's intentions, Granny Baihua took the initiative, "Young master, time is running out, let me pick some and go together."

Chuhe didn't refuse, but nodded lightly.

A quarter of an hour later, 49 delicate women in wedding dresses surrounded Chuhe.

These, almost anyone can be regarded as a master.

In front of these people were Long Weiling and Granny Baihua.

A group of more than 50 people set off directly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third day.

It was the day when Lei Yinshan announced that he would publicly kill the Nine-Life Cat Demon in front of everyone!

Chapter 111

On this day, Leiyin Mountain was full of people.

This holy land, which was originally a pure land of Buddhism and located deep in the mountains, now has many more ordinary people.

Because the only way to get here is to go over the mountains and over the mountains, and there is no way in the depths of this mountain.

The so-called road refers to the dangerous road that only those with a certain level of cultivation can come to.

As an ordinary person, there is almost no chance to walk to this place from land.

Then why do many ordinary people come here now?

Just look at the sky and you'll see.

Helicopters took off one after another, and landed one after another.

It carried people and some equipment.

After all, this place is located in the depths of the mountains, and it needs to be broadcast live to the outside world. If the equipment is not powerful enough, it will be impossible to synchronize the global live broadcast at all!

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