"Chuhe! Put away your five thunders! This spell can't hurt me!"

Chuhe smiled, "If you can't get hurt, you will accept it?"

Chuhe precisely controlled the thunder and lightning to hit Wen Jian's body, and the tone of the bell changed because of the strength of the thunder and lightning excited by Chuhe.

Soon, the bell ringing from Wen Jian's body turned into... two tigers, two tigers running fast...

This is a nursery rhyme that has been widely circulated by first-hand, with a popular melody, and everyone at the scene has heard it.

It is precisely because I have heard it all before that I couldn't help being stunned when I heard the voice coming from Wen Jian.

Some people even couldn't recognize them and laughed out loud.

Of course Wenjian also knows what Chuhe has done to him.

Unexpectedly, he regarded himself as a musical instrument! ?

And also playing such imbecile songs!

This is what I am! ?

Wen Jian's eyes turned red, and his stable mood also changed dramatically.

And there was a sneering smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth.

It's now!

Chapter 126

And this scene fell into the eyes of outsiders and those who were watching the live broadcast, and the shock it brought was even greater!

The dignified Buddhist saint son of Leiyin Mountain stood there and let Chuhe beat him like a mentally handicapped man.

This scene looks very funny, smelling that the whole body is emitting light, it looks like a glowing sandbag.

Because of the golden bell cover, his figure was also a little bit bigger than before, and he looked like he was swollen from being beaten.

On his body, there is also a piece of blue and a piece of red. Even the golden bell cover cannot completely erase the traces left by Chuhe's attack.

The thing that makes people want to laugh the most, but dare not laugh, is the hilarious voice coming from their body.

What the hell is it that two tigers love to dance?

And at this moment, the barrage that was watching the live broadcast suddenly stopped.

Countless people watched this scene without moving for a long time, all laughing at the scene in the video.

The holy son of Buddhism, the hope of saving them, was hanged and beaten by Chuhe, just like that?

And such a humiliation?

Those hard-core Daoist supporters who had been suppressing before all of a sudden stood up at this time.

"This is the Buddha's holy son? If it is at this level, how can we save us?"

"From my point of view, Buddhism is nothing more than an appearance product. How can it be so powerful? It's nothing more than a good packaging."

Many people did not refute, and some people followed up with some of their own opinions.

And those people who were so hot-headed and even wanted to convert to Buddhism before, now calm down and start to think carefully about whether they really want to join Buddhism.

The attitudes of these people directly determine the state of Abbot Fakong and Wenjian who are thousands of miles away at this moment.

Fakong's face was gloomy, and he could feel the unfathomable power of faith, which began to disappear rapidly.

Of course, what disappeared along with it was the ability to rely on the power of faith that he had just acquired.

Cursed in his heart.

Damn, how can people do this now?

Can beliefs change as they say? ?

What Fakong didn't know after living in the mountains for a long time is that modern people are already different from before.


What belief?

How much is faith worth?

If Abbot Fakong could take some time to wander around the world before, then he would definitely come to a conclusion.

That is, the present society is already in the Dharma-ending era!

Perhaps if this is the case, he will not arrange this strategy of taking it for granted.

"Smell!" Fakong shouted suddenly, he was really anxious now, "Cheer up!"

Fakong's words seem to be ordinary, but in fact they used the most subtle slap in the face of Buddhism, which can make people instantly wake up to some things, which can be regarded as a method of gain.

Sure enough, after hearing these words, Wen Jian's eyes became more radiant instantly, and his body, which was still struggling to support, also began to relax a little.

And his face, which was originally flushed with suffocation, also began to gradually return to normal.

He let the tones of the two tigers sound on his body, but he just remained unmoved.

"Amitabha, do you want to disturb my state of mind in this way, so as to find a flaw in me?" Wenjian stared straight at Chuhe, "Hehe, if that's the case, then you are wrong. "

Hearing that the corner of his mouth curled into a smile that he thought he could see through everything.

Seeing him like this, Chuhe wished he could go up and give him a kick.

"What are you talking about? It's as if you understand it very well." Chuhe shook his head and sneered, "The reason why I did this is because I think it's fun. Do you think that with your strength, you still want me to act like a A way to deal with you specifically?"

"Don't be ridiculous, in my eyes, you are just a big ant!"

Hearing that his hands were clasped together, but the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his whole body was trembling a little.

The barrage also directly reached its climax at this time.

"What! How dare you be so arrogant!"

"I thought the Holy Son could not hold on any longer. Now it seems that the Holy Son is still calm. On the contrary, it is Chuhe who has started to anger the Holy Son with these arrogant words."

"This shows that the Holy Son has the upper hand!"

And what supported these people who watched the live broadcast to say so was of course not just Wenjian's conversation with Chuhe, but also Wenjian's move and its magnificent kung fu at this moment.

"You forced me." Wen Jian looked at Chuhe with some pity, "You forced me to use this trick."

"Amitabha, I once swore in front of the Buddha that I would never use this trick unless it was absolutely necessary, just because this trick hurts the harmony of heaven, and when I use this trick, you will never have the chance to beg for mercy again. "

"Including those behind you will die too."

"Are you ready? Are you ready for a grand death?"

As he heard and said, his figure actually began to gradually grow taller. Every time he said a word, his body would grow a little bigger, and his body would emit a sacred and solemn light.

It was a kind of light that people couldn't look directly at, almost wanting to kneel at a glance.

As if the light did not belong to man, but to the gods in the sky.

These words also spread to the ears of everyone at the scene along with the sound waves.

They are all guessing what this trick is.

Only the faces of Ranchenzi and Qixing changed slightly, as if they had seen something.

Jiang Xinlian didn't know what the trick Wen Jian said was, but when he saw the slightly discolored Ran Chenzi and Qi Xing, he also knew that what would happen next was definitely not that simple.

Fakong looked at Wen Jian, who was now extremely tall, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

He waved his hand, motioning for those cameras to focus on Wenjian to take pictures.

I can only see that the figure of Wenjian has become extremely tall at this moment, at least more than one foot tall, but the clothes on his body are not broken because of this, but also change with the increase of Wenjian's body size. Get huge.

What's even more amazing is that the Eight Treasures Zen Stick in Wenjian's hand also becomes bigger as the reminder of Wenjian becomes larger.

Hearing and seeing at this moment, standing there, is like a Buddha statue, compassionate and compassionate, but there is also a majesty that will bring down the punishment of heaven in the next moment!

The so-called thunder, rain and dew are all blessings, and at this moment, it is vividly reflected in the body shape of the smell.

Wen Jian also opened his mouth slightly at this moment.

"Chuhe, it is also your honor to die under my Dharma world."

Faxiangtiandi! ?

Everyone was stunned.

This is a legendary supernatural power!

I didn't expect Wen Jian to even learn the Faxiang Tiandi! ?

No wonder he is so confident!

It turned out that he had already mastered the dragon slaying technique!

Only the corner of Chuhe's mouth showed an unpredictable smile.

For some reason, when Jiang Xinlian saw the smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth, she felt that things might not be that simple.

Chapter 127 Hard Resistance


Chuhe muttered these words silently in his mouth.

"Just because of your current supernatural power, it is also worthy of being called Faxiang Tiandi?"

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on his face, "Hehe, ignorant boy, you don't even know what the Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth is, do you?"

The people present almost put their hearts in their stomachs when they saw Wenjian revealing such supernatural powers. Instead, after hearing what Chuhe said, they began to ridicule one after another.

"I really didn't expect that the holy son of Buddhism has even realized the supernatural powers of Dharma Xiangtiandi. This cultivation base may have reached the top level."

"More than that? Do you think that the supernatural power of this Dharma can only be achieved by cultivation? I don't know how many people can reach that extremely high level, but only a small number of people can reach the Dharma world."

"If you want to comprehend the law, the world, you must not only have a very high level, but most importantly, you must have your own understanding of the law, the world, and your own way. In short, only those who are about to Only those who have achieved their own way can comprehend the world of Dharma."

"And the appearance of the law, the heaven and the earth, which they comprehend, is also the concretization of the appearance of the Tao they comprehend."

"So you see, when you hear the Holy Son now, does he look like a wrathful Vajra? So in fact, the Tao he comprehended is the Tao of some kind of Bodhisattva..."

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