Those who were at the scene, people with cultivation, saw this.

Those who were watching the live broadcast outside the scene saw a different scene.

From their point of view, what is played in the video now is like a TV series or movie with mythological themes that they saw when they were young.

Now that he is tall and tall, he looks like a real Buddha. Although Chuhe has a little strength, in the final analysis, he is just a clown.

After all, these people don't know the law, the world, or some things about cultivation.

From their point of view, whoever has the upper hand in vision is the one who has the upper hand. Besides, they don't understand anything.

"My dharma name is Bodhi's anger!"

Hearing that the sound at this moment was like a series of muffled thunders, directly blasting into people's hearts, just hearing it made him want to bow down.

Chuhe plucked his ears, but didn't pay attention to his words at all.

Are you playing games now?

Why do you have to call out before releasing the skill?Is there a mistake?

Seeing Chuhe's current appearance, Wenjian felt that Chuhe was dying.

He didn't think that Chuhe could escape from his own hands, and he didn't even feel that he was inferior from the beginning to the end. Even if Chuhe humiliated him like this just now, he didn't feel that he was inferior.

After all, Chuhe's attack just now didn't hurt him at all, it just made him feel a little embarrassed. All those attacks were blocked by the golden bell cover.

If it weren't for so many people watching it, they wouldn't care if they heard it in embarrassment.

However, the bad thing is that there are still so many people watching, he represents not only himself, but also the face of Buddhism.

Moreover, he considers himself the savior of the world, the hope of revival of Buddhism, how could he bear to be ashamed in front of so many people?

In fact, he still has ten thousand ways to deal with Chuhe, at least he thinks so.

But he chose this method, the method that best reflects his strength and strength!

Faxiang, Bodhi was furious!

There were still lightning strikes constantly falling from his body.

That's the five thunder rectification method performed by Chuhe.

It has to be said that it was a headache for Wen Jian to be caused by these lightnings. Although these lightnings can no longer hurt him now, the harassment they brought to him is also extremely annoying.

But in the eyes of outsiders, at this moment, Gao Da is standing beside him in the void. In front of him is the enemy of all human beings, and above his head is surrounded by lightning, which occasionally strikes down.

That look is simply stunning.

Chuhe waved the five thunders to revoke the righteous law.

In fact, if he combines the five thunders into one and re-casts the Chaos God Thunder, he is confident that this file will absolutely be unstoppable.

But he didn't think it was interesting enough.

So what is interesting?

It's interesting to beat you at something you're really good at.

"You call this Faxiang Tiandi?" Chuhe asked again with a sneer, "Then what do you call this on me now?"

After Chuhe finished speaking, his aura continued to fill up, and behind Chuhe, there was also a phantom constantly taking shape.

But some people at the scene couldn't see clearly, because this figure was too huge!

It is hundreds of meters high!

Half of his body was in the clouds, so he couldn't see clearly at all.

Everyone at the scene raised their heads and looked at this phantom with horror on their faces.

Looking at this figure in a complicated Taoist robe, it seems to be the figure of a true emperor descending to earth!

Qixing and Ranchenzi couldn't bear it anymore, the corners of their mouths twitched for a while.

Dharma Aspect World...and it is such a huge Dharma Aspect World...

This guy, in the end...why does he know the law?And it's so powerful! ?

In fact, before that, Qi Chuhe's dharma image behind him was not that big, but after going to the Five Immortals Sect once, he got Cangwu's inheritance in it.

There are also some records about some Dharma gates about Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth.

It directly raised Chuhe's Faxiang to a higher level.

However, even so, Chuhe's Dharma Aspect is definitely not called Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth, it is just Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth, and it needs to be able to swallow the world in order to be called Dharma Aspect Heaven and Earth!

As for the smell in front of him that couldn't even condense the Dharma, Chuhe could only sneer.

Blow up your physical body in a special way, is this called a Faxiang?

I just don't know what it means!

Wen Jian looked at such a huge figure in front of him in astonishment, and couldn't calm down anymore.

At this moment, standing in front of Chuhe, he is like a dog blocking the way. He only needs to be kicked by others to be trampled on.

"No! It must be a hallucination!"

As he said, he directly picked up the Eight Treasures Zen Staff and threw it at Chuhe!

No matter what his state is now, this eight-treasure Zen staff is not empty after all, but a magic weapon that moves vigorously.

Even Chuhe had to take it seriously.

But, this time, is the last time.

Chuhe didn't want to waste time to deal with this annoying fly.


Under the blessing of Faxiang, Chuhe directly resisted this with his physical body.

Then he grabbed the Eight Treasures Zen Staff!

Chapter 128 is about to begin


"The body caught the Eight Treasures Zen Staff!?"

"Is there a mistake!?"

The people at the scene were going crazy. At this moment, they didn't know what to say in their hearts, they just felt that it was outrageous.

You know, the Eight Treasures Zen Rod, in the records, is even a powerful magic weapon that has killed the Demon King!

What kind of character is the devil?

Any one of them is the most top-notch master, and their defense power is amazing, but even so, they were still ruthlessly beheaded by the Eight Treasures Zen Staff.

But now Chuhe used his body to block the Eight Treasures Rod, and even grabbed the Eight Treasures Rod with his backhand?

In fact, Chuhe felt a little uncomfortable this time, of course, that's all. Besides that, there was nothing else.

It can only be said that Chuhe thinks the Eight Treasures Zen Stick is not bad.

He wants this eight-treasure Zen stick.

"call out!"

Chuhe directly grabbed the Eight Treasures Zen stick and swung it violently.

It smelled like a kite with a broken string, flying upside down.

Then it slammed into the mountain fiercely, making the mountain rumble directly, like a huge meteorite, falling directly on the top of the mountain.


Abbot Fakong was very anxious, and hurried to the side of the mountain, and at this moment, Wenjian also rushed out from the rubble.

At this moment, he is already dressed in rags, and he doesn't seem to have the feeling of my Buddhist holy son before, but looks like a beggar.

When Abbot Fakong saw this scene, his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

He could see that Wen Jian was in a bit of a panic now, but he didn't actually suffer any serious injuries.

That is to say, although they seem to be fighting fiercely, they actually don't have the ability to hurt each other.

Fakong took a deep breath.

I thought to myself, Chuhe, Chuhe, unexpectedly, I still underestimated you.

You let my Leiyin Mountain lose all its prestige and prestige, and let my Buddhist sect lose face in front of the world.

If I don't kill you today, how will I, Lei Yinshan, gain a foothold in the world from now on! ?

Thinking of this, he suddenly yelled, "All disciples of Leiyin Mountain obey the order!"

Nearly a few hundred people at the scene, all of whom were disciples of Lei Yinshan, stood up one after another, "I'll wait for the order!"

"With these demons and ghosts, there is really no morality to talk about. If we talk about morality with them, it is cruel to ordinary innocent people who died at their hands!"

"Everyone, let's go together!"

He used to speak nicely, saying what he said should be moral, and he had to fight alone, but now seeing that he couldn't resist, he just stopped saying what he said before.

Anyway, for them, it doesn't matter what they say or what they do, the important thing is to make people feel that what they do is right and what they do is just.

"Protect the Lord!"

The people of the Five Immortals Sect saw all the people swarming up and rushed to the front of the Chu River one after another, and the war was about to break out.

"Is it finally going to be a gang fight?" The barrage on the video also gradually became excited.

"I wish I hadn't done this earlier? If you have to talk about morality with such a garbage scumbag, morality is for people. Is he still human? He is a demon!"

"I really didn't expect that the evil spirit Chuhe is quite strong, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is more reasonable."

"Even if he is strong, so what? How do you say that sentence? Two fists are no match for four hands. Could it be that he is so strong that he can knock down all the masters of Buddhism and Taoism on the scene? If that's the case, then we should just go out." Find a demon to feed the demon."

"After all, there are so many masters standing on the side of the demon, why should we resist?"

There is also a barrage of excuses, "Chuhe doesn't seem to be on the side of the monsters, he is just neutral, he doesn't save us, and he doesn't help the monsters. Didn't he kill a lot of monsters a while ago..."

"Human traitor! Why do you still talk to Chuhe? If he doesn't want to save us, he will kill us, and he will die! You, a traitor of the human race, even speak for Chuhe!"

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