"It's none of my business meow, if Alice arrives at your castle, wouldn't there be so many things if you just drive her away meow?"

When the two blamed each other, everyone had already arrived at an island in the middle of the lake.

On the island, there is a gate.

"Is this the fairyland exit?"

Chloe nodded: "It should be. According to the memory I have come into contact with, I will send people who strayed into the fairyland here and let them leave, so this should be the exit."


Suddenly, there was a yell, and Miss Hunter appeared behind the door with a gun: "If you want to pass through here, you have to answer my question first."

Bai Ye looked at Miss Hunter, and then gestured to Chloe with his eyes.

Ke Luoluo understood, and walked forward directly, and raised his hand under Miss Hunter's puzzled eyes.


A hand knife slapped Miss Hunter on the neck, knocking her out.

"Let's go!"

A group of people passed through the gate, and then a sense of dizziness came.

No, I can't sleep!

Bai Ye knew that he still had a big guy to solve.

But in the end, Bai Ye still couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell asleep directly.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Ye only felt a pain in his head, and then he got up with a whimper.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Bai Ye looked around, he was still on the bed in the elf hotel before, while Julia and the others seemed to be tired from playing cards, and they were lying on the side to sleep.

She looked out of the window and realized that it was already morning. Did the whole group actually sleep well all night?Was it all a dream before?

It looks like it is.


"Ding, I'm here."

"I'm supposed to be in reality now, right?"

The system was silent for a few seconds, then said.

Trigger the scene.

Watching a group of beautiful girls lying next to you, you choose.

A: Of course, touch them one by one.

B: Choose a girl... Ah, no Bai Ye, the others are still here.It's okay, they are still sleeping!

C: Gentlemen, wake them up and tell them what happened.

Bai Ye had black lines on his face, well, it looks like it is indeed in reality now.

Of course it is option C.

Bai Ye walked over directly, shook everyone lying on the ground awake, and then asked about what happened in the fairyland before.

As a result, except for Chloe who still remembered, everyone else was stupefied. As for Alice, she was still asleep.

"So, did we do such strange things in the dream?"

Miss Hunter suddenly raised her hand: "Wait a minute, what about me? Why didn't I appear?"


Bai Ye rubbed his chin: "It's on stage, ahem, it's finally on stage."

She carefully recalled Bai Ye's narration just now.

I didn't talk about myself.

"It appeared later, but I omitted it."

Bai Ye didn't have the nerve to say that Miss Hunter was knocked out by Bai Ye after only a moment of appearance.

"But the matter is far from over."

Bai Ye rubbed her chin, she felt that the disaster was still there, and it was likely to appear in reality soon.

"Tap Tap!"

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes stepping on the ground outside.

Bai Ye and the others looked through the window, and saw groups of soldiers in silver-white armor surrounding the entire Elf Hotel.

The proprietress of the hotel, a very mature-looking elf lady, went up to negotiate, but was slapped directly by the leading nobleman.

"This group of guys are really wicked, how did they come here?"

Bai Ye clutched her head, feeling that her headache had intensified a bit.

"Oh? Those guys."

Ke Luoluo also became confused: "So, have they not been beaten enough?"

"Let them get out of here quickly, something is coming out!"

Bai Ye clutched his head, and at the same time, a thin layer of mist had begun to fill the surrounding area.

"Master Bai Ye, are you alright?"

Maomao jumped onto Bai Ye's lap, but at this moment, Bai Ye had no intention of saying anything to Maomao.

Krollo knew that the monster was about to come out, so he flew out directly.

And the knights outside, together with the leading nobles, were planning there, what to do with the women after they were captured.

"Hey, you guys, get out of here quickly, a monster will appear later!"

These guys here will only get in the way.

"It's this guy, shoot the arrow!"

Ke Luoluo covered his face speechlessly, watching the arrows flying towards him all over the sky, then passed through his body, and nailed to the wall of the elf hotel.

"Have you nobles always been like this?"

She flew directly to the first few nobles, and the guards around those nobles quickly drew their long swords, and the mages also began to chant magic.

"Wind, blow her away!"

A mage directly activated a high-level wind magic, and Crolo was blown away without paying attention.

"Hahaha, you want to attack me, just dream, come on, grab her!"

Ke Luoluo gritted his teeth, the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker, and then, in the thick fog, a huge figure slowly appeared.

Chapter 330 five, don't listen to advice

Crolo squinted at the figure not far away. The huge, ugly monster that looked like a dilapidated bear doll gradually emerged from the mist.

"Don't you bastards understand human language? Leave quickly, there are monsters coming."

The nobleman smiled and looked at the old lady beside him: "Mage Klaus, what is that thing?"

The old lady narrowed her eyes in doubt, and then said: "Looking at the strength of the magic power, it may be a magical beast that has always been powerful, and its strength may be infinitely close to that of the great magister. My lord, I suggest avoiding it for a while, and then slowly consume it to death."

The noble raised his brows: "Are you telling me to run away? No, this is absolutely impossible. The honor of nobles cannot be trampled on. Now, the whole army is ready!"

Chrollo glanced at the knights and mages and knew that there was no hope.

She dodged back to the room directly: "We have to leave, there are a group of idiots outside who will hold us back!"

"Ah, but sister Bai Ye is still in a coma."

Julia on the side held Bai Ye's head, just now, not long after Ke Luoluo went out, Bai Ye fell into a coma.

"I can't help it, take her away!"

"Wait a moment!"

Everyone was about to leave, but Miss Hunter stopped in front of them again: "What about the civilians around?"

"What else can I do? With the growth of the disaster, basically this kingdom will be eroded, and those who are far away may run away, but the surrounding ones are hopeless."

She shook her head: "This disaster should be laziness, and its spread is not strong. According to the records of more than 1000 years, the maximum spread of laziness only includes a small medium-sized country.

Moreover, there will be a powerful existence to solve it later! "

Ke Luoluo seemed a little indifferent, after all, it was too difficult for his group of people to deal with the disaster.

This disaster can only be overcome by gathering at least four or five Bai Ye and a powerful existence like himself.

So that is, you can't win.

Shuang Ye at the side took out the magic mirror: "Hey, are you there, magic mirror? I heard that the disaster was sealed by you, can you seal that thing now?"

The magic mirror, which was always on standby, was completely silent today.

Shuang Ye was silent for a few seconds: "I also agree to leave!"


Miss Hunter looked troubled: "But those people are going to die here.

Huh, you go first, I will evacuate the people here, with my strength, it should be no problem to hold that guy. "

"Don't be willful."

Julia on the side also came over and patted her on the shoulder. Judging from the growth rate of that disaster, as long as it swallowed enough lives, the growth rate would be extremely fast, so no one could stop it at all.

But Miss Hunter made up her mind to go, and went straight out of the window.

Over there, the group of knights had already launched a charge against the disaster, but deep into the fog, there were only a few exclamations, and nothing happened after that.

Several nobles looked at each other, and a whole knight squad, more than 30 people, rushed in directly without causing any waves, which is too weird.


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