Suddenly, in the mist, a bear-shaped monster with a height of three to four meters rushed out. After looking for the target for a short time, it directly charged towards the front soldier.

"Mage, prepare to attack!"

More than a dozen mages in the team released magic one after another. Fireballs, water bombs, and ice picks all shot at the furbolgs.

Accompanied by a series of magic explosion sounds, these furbolgs fell directly to the ground.

"Hahaha, let me just say, these guys are just bluffing, so just get rid of that big guy."

Before the nobleman could finish his words, the furbolg, which had turned into puddles of mud on the ground, actually gradually stood up again, and then slowly returned to its original shape.

"Don't stop, mage don't stop, keep attacking!"

The nobleman was a little flustered, but he still directed the mages to attack.

Finally, as the mage output another round, those monsters fell down again.

Before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, those monsters stood up for the second time.

And this time I stood up faster.

"Mage, where is the mage! Hurry up!"

The nobleman was obviously a little flustered, and the mage also used the third round of magic in a hurry.

But this time, whether it was the ice pick or the fireball, it only left some wounds on those monsters, instead of being destroyed like before.

"My lord, you stand back, these monsters are weird!"

Can it be recovered?And the recovery speed is not slow, so if this is the case, then I will smash you into powder and see how you recover.

The great magister immediately began to chant, patterns of magic circles appeared in the sky, and rain started pattering in the sky.

But these raindrops fell on the ground like bullets, smashing holes in the ground.

The raindrops hit the bear monsters, directly piercing these monsters. The dense raindrops stripped away the tissues of the bear monsters bit by bit. Soon, these bear monsters were riddled with holes.

The rain is still falling, and it will not stop for four or five minutes.

The old lady grinned, and to this extent, it was nothing more than a little troublesome.

Just as she had an idea, those furbolgs actually stood up slowly again.

The aged female mage looked at the furbolg in disbelief, and then, the output of magic power in her hands doubled, and the raindrops became denser and poured down.

However, no matter how dense the raindrops were, on these furbolgs, they gradually became the same as ordinary raindrops.

No, you can't say the same thing, it's just like nothing.

The bear monsters roared, as if venting their dissatisfaction just now, and then rushed towards the knight team.

The old female mage finally realized that it was resistance. These monsters not only possessed a strong self-healing ability, but also gradually became resistant to magic.

In other words.

The same magic can only work once?It must be killed quickly, so that there is not even scum left.

This is no longer what I can do.

After all, I am a great magister of the water system. Although I can do a little bit of fire magic, I definitely can't achieve the effect of blasting to the ground.

"Raise your shield, lift your shield!"

The knights in the front had already started raising their shields, intending to resist the attacks of these fur monsters.

But they obviously don't know much about the attack methods of those furbolgs.

After everyone raised their shields, they watched in bewilderment as balls of purple mud flew over, splashing the soldiers' faces.

Just when the soldiers were wondering that the attack method of these monsters was spitting, the soldiers whose faces were stained with purple mud suddenly fell to the ground and moaned.

Afterwards, it exploded directly as if being torn apart by something, splashing purple mud all over the ground, and slowly, a bear monster stood out from its broken body.

Chapter 330 Six, just in time

Ke Luoluo hugged Bai Ye, and Miss Hunter, who was stunned by him, left from the side. When she left, there were already screams and fighting sounds behind her.

It seems that the knights and army over there collapsed directly.

"It collapsed really fast, not as long as the poker soldiers."

She complained, and planned to leave directly. Judging from the spreading speed of this disaster, they should be able to reach the neighboring country safely.

Just as she was thinking this way, suddenly, a huge shadow stopped in front of her.

"Tsk, you go first!"

Without hesitation, Ke Luoluo directly handed over the two girls on her body to Shuang Ye who was on the side.

"What about you?"

"What else can we do? Hold on to the other party, or we won't be able to leave!"

Really, I obviously want Bai Ye to grant me three wishes, but now I am doing my best here.

As she said so, she flew directly towards the shadow. Immediately, the smoke transformed into various magics and flew towards the shadow.

Maomao, Julia, and Shuang Ye picked up the other three who had lost consciousness, and ran towards the north.

"You said, Miss Chloe should be all right?"

"It will probably be fine!"

Julia's ears trembled a few times, trying to judge the surrounding situation through the sound.

Because the entire area is now shrouded in fog, a few people walked around, and then sadly found that their group was lost.

"Tsk, hell, I can't see the way at all."

"Leave it to me for finding the way, cough cough cough!"

Suddenly, Miss Hunter, who was still in a coma just now, climbed off Maomao's back: "Tsk, really, you actually knocked me out."

"If you don't do this, you will definitely save those civilians, right? We can't even control ourselves now."

"Okay, I got it, but let's find a way to get out now. I'll go out of the foggy area first and then go to evacuate the civilians."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand directly, and the magic power around her changed, and immediately, a long and thin thread flew out and wrapped around the house beside her: "Okay, let's go!"

Mao Mao looked at the thread curiously and asked, "What's the principle?"

"Ah, we get lost because we can't tell the direction. We often go halfway, turn a little bit in one direction, and then get lost. This line can ensure that we walk in a straight line."

Immediately, little stars flickered in Maomao's eyes: "Wow, I didn't expect you to be very smart. I thought you could only shoot guns."

Miss Hunter proudly raised her non-existent chest, and then said to everyone: "Okay, let's go!"

After all, he took the lead and ran in one direction, and everyone hurried to follow.

In the mist that could barely reach their fingers, a group of people walked in one direction while holding a steel rope.

As long as the steel rope collapses straight, they will not get lost.

At least, that's what several people thought before they encountered the house where the rope was just tied.

"Oh, you can't do that either."

Maomao walked up to Miss Hunter, and leaned on Miss Hunter's shoulder: "I thought you were so smart."

"Shut up, you stupid cat!"

But everyone was puzzled, why, the steel wire was clearly broken and straight, but it still came back.

"Could it be that the steel wire was bent because it encountered something like a tree?"

If you rely on some trees as fulcrums, the steel wire will still be straight no matter how many detours you take.

"Impossible, we walked all the way, I chose the main road on purpose."

Miss Hunter was not confident, but just as everyone was wondering, the roar of the monster gradually approached.

"Tsk, that's bad!"

Miss Hunter didn't bother to care about the steel wire anymore, she let go of her hand, and the steel wire shrank immediately, and then formed an iron block in front of Miss Hunter.

The iron block deformed for a while, and rows of muskets appeared in front of everyone.

"It looks like I have to defeat the opponent before I can go out. The magic mirror is not responding now, and I have no clue at all!"

Shuang Ye sighed, he had no idea at all.


A huge roar came again, and then, a monster more than ten meters high, carrying a large amount of muddy water, came step by step from the front.

Miss Hunter was heartbroken and directed the musket directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

Rows of muskets roared, and afterward, the catastrophe was smashed into a sieve, and fell to the ground with a howl.

"Strange, why is the body of Calamity here? What about Miss Cloro?"

Looking at the calamity body that fell to the ground, several people felt a burst of worry in their hearts. Could it be that something happened to Miss Crolo?

But they couldn't help thinking about it, the monster had already struck again.

Miss Hunter could only lead the crowd to retreat and fight, but soon, the monster became resistant to Miss Hunter's attack, or it was already resistant to gunpowder weapons, but Miss Hunter's gunpowder weapons were mixed. With magic power, although it can cause damage, the damage is not high.

"You go!"

Miss Hunter gritted her teeth: "I'll go and lure this monster away!"

What bad luck!

Miss Hunter thought so in her heart, but among the people present, apart from herself, only Shuang Ye has a little fighting power.

Maomao, her attack is melee, so forget it.

"Let me do it, I'll try to see if I can decompose this monster again!"

Julia on the side stood up. She is not strong enough now, but she can give it a try.

"You go, don't make trouble!"

Julia smiled disdainfully: "It's you who made the trouble, go away, I'm a sage anyway!"

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