So the weak ants carried pieces of meat that were almost as big as theirs in their mouths, and headed towards the cave with a full load.

Taking advantage of the time when the exploration team came back, Lin Yu sent a weak ant from the ant nest to the entrance of the cave, and asked her to hide in the grass beside the entrance and keep an eye on it.

Mainly stalking the bear.

It would be easy if the bear didn't come back, but it would be troublesome if it came.


Ten minutes passed.

The bear didn't come back, and the figure of the exploration team had already walked out of the woods and appeared under the small hill.

Lin Yu asked the weak ants in the ant nest to temporarily widen the entrance of the ant nest to make it easier for the ants of the exploration team to transport food into the ant nest.

In fact, when the exploration team was exploring outside, the other 9 weak ants in the ant nest were not idle.

While the bear was out, Lin Yu asked them to try to widen the ant nest.

As expected of the ant tribe, they seem to be born with the ability to dig the soil, widening the ant nest without letting the "ceiling" collapse.

It's just that there is a limit to widening the ant nest. When it is almost three times the size of the original ant nest, it has reached the limit. If you continue to widen, the soil will loosen...

But if you dig a new channel, it is possible.

By digging new passages, you can then continue to dig out new rooms that are the same as the current ant nest...

However, developing a new room is a big project, and Lin Yu plans to think about it later.


In addition to the widening of the ant nest, the weak ants also widened the passage from the entrance of the ant nest to the interior of the ant nest, and then the excess sand was carefully transported to the entrance of the stone cave and discarded.

Lin Yu asked the weak ants to carry away the sand stained with the foul-smelling mucus from the mother's corpse first.

The air in the cave seemed to be much fresher all of a sudden, although it was probably her illusion.


Lin Yu finally relaxed when the ants of the exploration team began to carry the pieces of meat into the ant nest.

It's a rewarding experience!

"It's a good job this time."

"Everyone has worked hard."

She stretched out her right foreleg and patted the head of the weak ant that was carrying the meat in the passage as a sign of encouragement.

When fighting the yellow-haired pig just now, the last blow that ended the opponent's life was the captain ant with aptitude D and strength 1.

No, strictly speaking, the one who did it was himself who attached his consciousness to the captain ant...

So at that time, he controlled the two jaws of the captain ant, and stabbed deeper into the back of the yellow-haired pig.

She always felt that she should take the life of this "mother" with her own hands.

Chapter 13 Steal Thief!

name: none

Race: Weak Ant

Qualification: D

class: none

Level: LV.7

Health: 50/50

Mana: 10/10

Skills: none

Attribute: Strength 1

Agility 0

Intelligence 1

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0


That's right, after killing the yellow-haired pig, the captain ant was upgraded!

He has grown to a higher level than me.

Mom is very relieved, she is not jealous at all!

The level has been raised by three levels at once, the life value has increased from 30 to 50, and a little intelligence has been obtained.

At the same time as intelligence was acquired, the mana value suddenly changed from 0 to 10.

But in the absence of skills, it seems useless to gain intelligence and magic points...

It's a waste, if you can give it to me, it's acceptable whether it's intelligence or mana!


Wait until the food delivery is about the same.

Lin Yu let the seriously injured weak ants stay in the cave, let the nine weak ants who had stayed in the cave and the other eleven weak ants who were less injured form a new team of 20 weak ants, and went to the previous cave. Location to recover the remaining yellow-haired pig carcasses.

Although the action of the ant colony has been very fast, the result seems to be one step too late.

Lin Yu, who had noticed the movement early, ordered all the weak ants to stop.

At this moment, she was possessing another weak ant with D aptitude, and the former captain who had upgraded to LV7 was left behind in the ant's nest.

There was no need to let this weak ant with qualification D go out together, after all, it was just to bring back the leftover food.But considering that you may encounter small creatures like slimes on the road, you will bring her along, and give her experience if you encounter them.

Lin Yu intends to give priority to training these two "talented" "daughters".

Time goes back to the present.

Lin Yu heard the sound of "creak creak" gnawing on something.

The sound was at the location of the yellow-haired pig's corpse.

That is to say...

Food was stolen? !

She was attached to the weak ant, slowly manipulating the weak ant's body to move quietly towards the corpse.

After the grass that obscured her vision became thinner, she saw the object making the sound of gnawing.

It was a pack of gray-haired wild wolves, seven in number.

They are much taller than the weak ants, almost half the size of a yellow-haired pig. They look strong and fierce, and their exposed sharp teeth can easily tear the hard fur of the yellow-haired pig.

The leading wild wolf, or the head wolf, is significantly larger than the nearby wild wolves, and has more scars on its body than other wild wolves, and one of the claw marks even covered its entire wolf face. Tear it sideways.

The remaining half of the carcass of the yellow-haired pig has been eaten to pieces.

These guys are not easy to mess with...

Can you beat it?No, no, no, I can't beat it...

Damn's hard to get such a big prey.

Here, for me to remember!I will get this account back!

After staring at the pack of wild wolves unwillingly, Lin Yu told the weak ants to retreat to the ant nest.

Probably because of the smell of blood from the yellow-haired pig corpse, the wolves with a keen sense of smell did not notice the ant colony not far away.You must know that some of the 20 weak ants who came here to carry this time also fought with yellow-haired pigs before, and these weak ants are still stained with the blood of yellow-haired pigs.

However, not long after the weak ants left, the wolves finally ate up the little half of the yellow-haired pig.

The leading wolf raised its head, its long nose wriggling.


Probably smelled the residual blood smell in the air, after a while.


The alpha wolf greeted its companions, and then it took the lead in moving in the direction where the weaker ants retreated. While running, it would stop and shake its nose, and move again after finding the scent.

Although the weak ants were not as fast as the wolves, fortunately, Lin Yu made them retreat in time.

Lin Yu was taken aback when he heard the wolf howling, so he told the weak ant team to quicken their pace.

Finally, when the wolves arrived at the bottom of the hill, the weak ants had already entered the cave.

What are you doing! !

I didn't even teach you a group of thieves, how dare you come after me!unacceptable!unacceptable!

While telling the weak ants to quickly retreat to the ant nest, Lin Yu waved his forelimbs angrily, relieved.

After all the weak ants entered the entrance of the ant nest, she asked the two weak ants who entered the ant nest last to cover the ant nest with sand, but only half of it was covered, and a pair of animal pupils appeared directly in front of her eyes!


Lin Yu, who focused on the weak ant, almost jumped up in fright.

The next moment, the forelegs of the wild wolf pushed in, and the entrance of the ant nest, which was half covered, was instantly opened.

The two weak ants standing in front bore the brunt of the attack!

The wolf's thick forearm hit them one after another.

/health 28/38

/health 28/38

Directly destroyed 10 points of life.

My own judgment was indeed correct. These wild wolves may not be as strong as the yellow-haired pig individually, but they are not opponents that the weak ants can deal with now.


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