Although most of the passages have been enlarged, it was the correct choice not to expand near the entrance of the passage.

At this moment, although the wild wolf is struggling to pull the entrance, the length of the entire entrance of the passage is not what they can pull out in a short time. What's more, when they are pulling the entrance, the weak ants can narrow the subsequent passage that was originally widened. .

And if they fought in such a narrow environment underground, they might be able to keep all these wild wolves behind.

Humph, a small person also has advantages of being a small person!

You idiots, come and bite me!

At this time, the wild wolf seemed to have seen Lin Yu's provocative eyes. It squeezed its head in and opened its mouth wide, trying to bite up and down. Unfortunately, the distance was not enough.

Even though they have chased here, they can’t bite the ants at all. How pitiful, hahahaha! !

Although he laughed loudly at the wolf in his heart, Lin Yu took a few steps back in action.

At this time, she came here as the main body of the white ant queen.

Not just to laugh at the damn thief, but also to test the skill "Appraisal".

/Skill activated successfully.


name: none

Race: Granville wolf

Qualification: D

class: none

Level: LV.9

Health: 120/120

Mana: 20/20

Skill: "Bite"

Attribute: Strength 1

Agility 1

Intelligence 1

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0


/ Granville Wolf: A common low-level predator living in the Granville Monster Forest.

So strong, the attributes alone are almost the same as when my mother was alive.

There are still six such guys!How can I fight like this before? Sure enough, it was correct to run away before!

Also... Judging from the description, the location I am in is the Granville Monster Forest, right?

While Lin Yu was checking the contents of the appraisal, there was a new movement outside the cave.

First there were a few wolf howls, and then a dull roar.

Lin Yu was shocked when he heard the roar.

The bear is back!

Chapter 14 Wolves and bears fight, ants watch a show

After meeting the owner of the cave, the wolf that had been blocking the entrance of the cave finally left the ant nest.

The two sides faced off.

The big bear stared fiercely at the group of bold intruders in front of him.

The alpha wolf at the head of the pack bared its teeth and bent down as if ready to attack at any time. It threatened the opponent with a low voice.

The other six wolves spread out and surrounded the big bear in the middle.

Lin Yu told the weak ants to retreat, and then carefully moved to the entrance of the ant nest to watch the show.


Come on, big bear, get rid of these thieves!

Come on, that G...Gryffindor wolf?Ah, sorry, it's the Granville wolf!Anyway, come on!Get rid of that big bear!

It would be great if we could kill each other!When the time comes, all the flesh on your body will be mine, hehe...

The wolves and the bear didn't confront each other for long, and the fight started when a Granville wolf couldn't help but pounced on the bear from behind.

After it jumped on the bear's body, its sharp teeth bit down fiercely, but it only bit off a pinch of long hair, and the Granville wolf was thrown away by the bear.

The remaining six wolves also started to fight one after another.

They didn't swarm directly, but attacked two or three at a time.

If such a tactic is faced with an enemy stronger than oneself, it should be able to consume the enemy to death with a relatively low degree of loss in the end.

But the bear in front of him seemed to be more than a little stronger than them.

Its size is about five or six times larger than the Granville wolf in front of it. It is stronger than the Granville wolf in terms of defense, strength and speed. It only needs one slap of the bear paw to knock a Granville wolf away. The wolf shot flew so far that he couldn't even stand up for a while, obviously suffering serious injuries.

Only the head wolf of the wolf pack can deal with it with the same speed and small size. If you are lucky, you can also leave some small wounds on the big bear, but it will also be injured when it hurts the big bear. That's it.

While the bear and the wolves were concentrating on fighting, Lin Yu took the opportunity to launch the skill "Appraisal" against the head wolf and the big bear.

/Skill activated successfully.


name: none

Race: Granville wolf

Qualification: D

class: none

Level: LV.10

Health: 120/160

Mana: 25/40

Skill: "Bite"

Attribute: Strength 2

Agility 2

Intelligence 2

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0

/Granville wolf (leader): The strongest of the Granville wolf pack will be embraced by the rest of the Granville wolf as the leader. While protecting the wolf pack, he also has the priority to enjoy food and female Granville wolves .


name: none

Race: Long-toothed brown bear

Qualification: C

Class: D

Level: LV.12

Health: 408/420

Mana: 60/60

Skills: "Defense Enhancement", "Bite", "Thick Hair"

Attribute: Strength 5

Agility 2

Intelligence 2

Physical resistance 3 (+3)

Elemental Magic Resistance 1

Ailment Resistance 1

/Long-toothed Brown Bear: A mid-to-low-level monster with excellent defense.


It worked!

And the activation skills were not discovered by them, praise~

But it is really strong.

The alpha wolf is almost twice as strong as the other Granville wolves.

But by the way... this bear is too strong! !

Class D, and the level is double digits, the health value is more than twice that of the alpha wolf, and... What's wrong with the three skills!

I only have three skills!And it's not a skill for combat!Oh, that's okay, I'm not going to fight anyway.

The next attribute is even more outrageous, the strength point is 5 points?Is there a mistake? !

And there is also resistance, this is the first time I have seen a guy who has acquired resistance... The reason why the wolves scrape is because of this physical resistance.

Alas... It seems that you can't beat the big bear.

Lin Yu felt a little pity.

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