"Yes...that's right."

"Can I see what my mother looked like when she was a human race?"

Mo Hong suddenly changed her mature and stable appearance and approached Lin Yu, looking at her expectantly with bright eyes.

Lin Yu was taken aback by the change in the other party.

This way...it looks like a daughter again...

It's so dangerous, I almost regarded her as a big sister who was older than me just now!

What, what, after all, it's just a newly born female ant, or a child.

By the way, Latent Shadow seems to be looking forward to it too...

Keep your eyes on me...

The daughter didn't say anything except calling her mother at first.

It always feels a bit like a child possessed by an evil spirit in a horror movie, a little scary.

It seems that there are more and more weird daughters...


Since you are looking forward to it so much... Mom will satisfy your curiosity.

Although it's a bit shameless to say that, but my mother, I am a big beauty!When the parent meeting is held in the future, you can show off your mother to other students!

If there is a parent meeting, even if I sit in the last row, with my appearance as a human race, I have confidence!You will also be the most eye-catching!

Well, there is actually no parent association in another world.


Doesn't seem to be the case?

And seriously, if the daughters become human, they should be able to enter the Human Academy, right?

Ah, it seems quite necessary!

Let them enter the Human Race Academy, or even a higher-level academy, to get in touch with more contacts, obtain more information, and at the same time learn the knowledge of the Human Race!

While improving yourself, you might be able to find information about other reincarnated people.

I haven't forgotten this one, even if you don't intend to kill other reincarnators, you still need to guard against them!


Ah, far away.

"Well, wait a minute."

Mom was just in a daze for a while, really impatient.

And I originally planned to test whether after activating the "Transformation" skill, combined with the "Magic Backpack" skill, it is possible to directly transform into a human and put on clothes at the same time.

But it seems that there are not many clothes.


Lin Yu checked the items in the different space.

Originally, five pieces of clothes were collected from the villagers, but one was worn by Chi Tong, and another top was broken.

There are only three left.

In other words, there are only two chances to test.

Hey, shouldn't it be three times?Please, I have to wear clothes too...

It would be even better to succeed once if you can, so that the two sets of clothes can be worn interchangeably.

So no more hesitation.

Activate the skill "Transfiguration".

At the moment when the ant's body begins to feel squeezed and stretched, gradually shaped and the shimmer on the body surface begins to fade!

Activate the skill "Magic Backpack".

Let the bodice appear on the chest and be knotted...let the panties be where they should be...let the trousers fit...let the top—


Ah...the last step failed.

So what appeared in front of Mohong and Latent Image was a beautiful girl with long white hair hanging down her waist, red pupils, and a cold face. The girl was wearing coarse cloth pants, and her upper body was only wrapped in a chest cloth. A torn coarse cloth jacket hung over the shoulders.

But it’s a success without the whole fruit!

The reason why the last step failed... I accidentally put it on backwards...

It will definitely be a one-time success next time!

And just when Lin Yu was about to go all out and try again.

"Mom is so beautiful, much more beautiful than the posture of the ants."

The voice of Mohong's admiration came, and at the same time, there was the burning vision of the latent image.

Although her gaze was equally scorching, Magic Rainbow's willpower seemed to be stronger. She managed to calm herself down while holding down the latent figure that was about to move with her forelimbs.

"But Mom, does the "Transfiguration" skill just change between humans and ants? "


That's what it says in the skill description, so there's nothing wrong with it.

"That is to say..."Transfiguration" skills are likely to only appear on races other than humans..."

Mo Hong murmured, then shook her head slightly, and she looked at the girl.

"This is not the point for the time being, the point is the degree of skill development."

"How far have you developed your skills?"

"Well, didn't my mother say that fireball and water polo can create multiple fireballs and water balls through skillful use, and Sister Junji can use the skill "Enlargement" to realize the enlargement of some limbs.Midori-san can add the paralysis effect of the skill "Paralysis Plus" to the saliva..."

Mo Hong paused, as if to give Lin Yu time to think.

Seeing that the girl seemed to be thinking of something, she continued.

"With the proficient application of skills, or a deeper understanding and trial of skills, skills will have further improved effects, and even... there will be another usage."


"Does that mean that avatars can also be used in other ways?"

Isn't it just changing...

Because he couldn't figure it out for a while, but he didn't want his daughter to feel that he was too stupid, so Lin Yu could only show a thoughtful expression.

By the way throw the question back.

"Well, but this is just my daughter's guess, and the improvement of the effect of the skill and the change of usage should not apply to all skills."

"...That's right."

this!I understand this!

Passive skills such as "Attack Enhancement" and "Defense Enhancement" not only cannot improve proficiency, but also cannot change usage!

"About the "transfiguration" skill, has mom ever thought about... it can be part of the same as part of the "giant transformation"? "

"Although the posture of the human race is convenient in some respects, it is inferior to the posture of the ant race in terms of combat."

"Moreover, the ant clan will definitely come into contact with the human race in the future. If they encounter a situation that requires fighting...if they can have the ability to partially form the ant clan's forelimbs, hind limbs, or even two jaws, such abilities should come in handy. "

Chapter 36 I might be a genius!


He just changed his servant, and Mohong could think of so many things.

But of course I can think of such a thing!Only, it's just a matter of time!

In short, try it according to the idea of ​​​​Magic Rainbow.

Partialized form?

Well, try turning the arms into forelimbs first...

Activate the skills...

There was a gleam of light.

Ah, failed.

The whole person has become an ant.

But... there seems to be a faint feeling in the process of skill activation, I can't tell... there is a subtle feeling.

Anyway, let's get back to being human...

Well, wait, since the posture of the human race can try to change the arms and other parts into the forelimbs and other parts of the ant race...

Conversely, can I also try to change the forelimbs into the arms of the human race with the posture of the ant tribe... and change the head of the ant into the head of the human race...

Imagine a little bit——


so weird...

However, in order to master the skill, it is necessary to try it out.

So activate the skill again.

Just focus on the top of your head...

There was a gleam of light.

Failed?It seems... not at all?At least not completely turned into a human race.

There were two thin and long objects shaking in front of him, which first caught Lin Yu's attention.

Two tentacles grow from the top of the head.

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