It is white, but unlike when it was still in the ant form, the tentacles seem to be enlarged according to the proportion of the human race.

Just as she was observing the tentacles that had grown out suddenly, two ants the size of a plate suddenly pounced on her. One white ant grabbed her waist, and the other gray ant grabbed her thigh.

Ah, I forgot to put on clothes when I turned into a human!

No wonder I feel a little cold from now on...

The magic rainbow and latent image seem to be in that state too, they have to put on clothes, always feels troublesome to put them on and off, I still have to test my skills.

And being stared at... I'm somewhat used to it.

Forget it, and if it's just two little guys... ah! !Where are you climbing! !

The girl's face turned red instantly, and she pulled the two little ants off her body with one hand in each hand.

After taking out a rope from the different space that the goblins twisted out of tree bark, the girl tied the two restless little ants together and threw them on the bed.

Then move on to testing.

After one grant and one spawning before, there is still one-sixth of the magic value left, that is, more than 200 points of magic value.

Lin Yu used most of them in the next test.


I don't know if it was influenced by my aptitude, or simply because I was talented, but I succeeded after trying more than ten times!

It feels like it should be the latter reason.

I might be a genius!

Lin Yu looked at his right arm proudly.

The entire arm has turned into a relatively hard and sharp white ant forelimb, about the same length as the original right arm.

Although it was the first time to change like this, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.


The sharp ant forelimbs seem to be used as swords.

Because the feeling of becoming a swordsman with a sword before has come back, but now I don't hold a sword...

Either way, try it out and find out.

With his left hand, Lin Yu picked up a torn jacket on the ground and threw it into the air.

The next moment, the girl jumped up subconsciously, and her right hand...or right forelimb pierced the top in the air.

At the same time as he stabbed his shirt, under Lin Yu's thought, his right foreleg turned into an afterimage and flew up and down, and the next moment his jacket turned into debris and scattered all over the ground.

The girl landed steadily, and shook off the crumbs of the jacket left on her right foreleg.

A breeze blows.

The girl blushed, and silently picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on.


In short, the skill test is over.

Every time the "Transformation" skill is activated, one or more parts of the body can be selected to become the corresponding parts of another posture.

When in the human posture, the hands and feet can be transformed into ant limbs. If you want, the mouth can also be transformed into an ant's mouthparts, or simply change the human head into an ant's head.

Although there is no mirror in the bedroom, just imagination is enough to be curious.

On the contrary, it is the same when the ant tribe poses.

Because the changes in the posture of the ant race were too novel and felt weirder than the posture of the human race, Lin Yu didn't try too much.

Time goes back to the present.

After Lin Yu got dressed, he walked to the bed and tapped the heads of the two little ants with his right forearm.

They gradually become sober.

After waking up, they froze for a while, not knowing what they were thinking about.

Then Mo Hong was the first to come back to her senses, she looked at Lin Yu's right hand that had turned into an ant's forelimb.

" succeeded. It seems that my daughter's guess about the skills was correct."


The atmosphere always feels a little awkward.

Lin Yu quickly changed the subject.

"Are you hungry?"

Ah... It's too blunt to change the subject!

But speaking of it, it's almost time for lunch now.

"Although I just ate eggshells, I'm a little hungry now."


Lin Yu took out a large piece of raw meat from a different space and placed it in front of them on a plate.


When the two ants started eating meat, she seemed to remember something and walked to the door of the bedroom.

Open the door.

"Ah, Mom!"

"Mom is out."

"Is mom angry?"


"I'm here to find mom for dinner!"

"Mom...ha...the thing on the balcony before...Mom...can, can you do it again?"

Xiao Ye, Weak Voice, Qian [-], Qian [-], Qian [-], Qian [-], and even Midori and Xiaolei...several ants blocked the door.

I was busy testing skills before, so I ignored them.

Sometimes Xiaolei would come to me when it was time to eat, because most of the raw meat in my different space was relatively fresh and delicious, and sometimes I even felt that this crybaby liked eating more than myself.

As for Midori...forget it.

The other ants seemed to think that they were angry because they didn't leave the room, so they surrounded them. They seemed to hear their nervous voices when they were testing their skills just now.

Hmph, although I'm not angry anymore, I still have to teach them some lessons.

Lin Yu ignored the other ants and walked up to Xiaolei first.

After touching her big head, under the envious eyes of other ants, he personally fed Xiaolei some raw meat, and after eating, the sleepy crybaby lazily left.

Probably went back to the food warehouse to sleep.

Then, ignoring the drooling green ants in the distance, the girl walked up to Xiao Ye and Weak Yin who was hiding behind Xiao Ye, and asked them to get to know the two new daughters in the bedroom, and then let them take the magic rainbow and the latent image to visit and get acquainted. The entire fourth ant nest including the castle.

Ignoring Midori, there were only a few sneaking ants left in place.

Lin Yu walked up to Qian Yi.

"Mom...are you mad at Subuichi?"

Her voice seemed low.


After getting a response, Qian's eyes darkened slightly.

Although it looks a little pitiful, I will not soften my heart!

Hmph, forget about the other ants. As for you, I won't let you off so easily for the bad things you did in the bedroom before.

"Get down, I want to ride you."

The girl's cold voice sounded.

In the next period of time, it will be a good transportation tool for mothers.

Or being ridden in front of other sneak ants...

Wow!I'm so bad!

Chapter 37 "Magic Talents"

"If...if mom can calm down..."

Under the watchful eyes of the other ants, Qian Yi trembled and lay down, and seemed to be holding back something in a calm tone.

Being ridden under the watchful eyes of my sisters, this should be regarded as a public execution, right?

Hmph, and even before being ridden, he was already trembling with shame.

Lin Yu walked up to Qianyi, and gently stroked Qianyi's back with his tender white hands.

When the hand touched it, I could feel Qianyi's body trembling like an electric shock.

Really sensitive.

As for the daughter herself, it seems that she has only ridden a few.

Chitong, Xiaolei, and then Qianyi. As for Junji, Lvzi, and Tiesuan, they have never ridden. After all, although we have been together for three years, I am not very familiar with them.. .

If you suddenly call them over and say that you want to ride them... Even if it is a mother-daughter relationship, the daughters will not be happy, right?

That being said, I can't do it...

As for the daughters' ride test...

Among them, the number of times of riding Chitong is the most, because Chitong is very big, and it is very stable and comfortable to sit on.

As for Xiaolei, although she is quite big, she is still a little smaller compared to Chitong, and the crybaby is not very stable when riding.

Then there is the dive.

The sneaker ant is much smaller than the armored ant, and the same is true for Qianyi, except that she is bigger than the average Granville wolf.

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