Captured two A-level residual blood monsters and came back alive. What a capable daughter, I always feel that I am one step closer to upgrading.

But...look at them.

"Where are you going now?"

"Clean up the blood on your body, and then continue hunting..."

Chapter 39 She Still Loves Fighting So Much

While Jun Ji was talking about her next plan, her eyes kept moving on the girl's face and body. She didn't even notice Qian Yi who was being ridden by Lin Yu.

"Continue hunting?"

"Ah, yes."

That was the plan, but...

Maybe it would be nice to stay in the castle for a while?Looking at the girl, Jun Ji couldn't help thinking.

And just when she was about to withdraw her foreword——

"Well, that's fine too."

The girl nodded, then continued as if thinking of something.

"By the way, the next time you level up to recover your mana, I will give you the "Transfiguration" skill. "

"Eh?! Me?"

Jun Ji showed an ant face in disbelief.


"Ah! I, I went hunting!"

After being confirmed again, Jun Ji felt her heart pounding.

It's Sister Chitong!Sister Chitong recommended me to my mother!

In addition to the excitement and joy in my heart, there is also gratitude to Chitong.

Always feel motivated again!As long as I become a human, my mother may like her human appearance, and maybe she won't hate herself!

Continue fighting!Need to capture more A-level monsters alive!

"Junyi, take the other ants and let's go."

She didn't hesitate any longer, and after greeting the ants of the exploration team, she happily left the gate of the castle.

Seeing how anxious she was, Lin Yu, who was planning to let Jun Ji take a break and cook for her himself, also shut his mouth.

Jun Ji still likes fighting so much, she thought.

And at this moment, on a certain balcony on the second floor of the castle.

Mo Hong looked at Jun Ji's going away figure with thoughtful eyes.

"Ah, why did Sister Mohong come here all of a sudden?"

At this time, the other three ants, Xiao Ye, Weak Voice, and Larking Shadow, came over.



A few more days passed.

The last batch of newly hatched ant species slowly integrated into the entire ant colony.

The flying ants started their hunting. Because they have the advantage of flying, they basically did not encounter any danger in the battle during this period, and their efficiency of flying in the air to find the enemy is higher than that of other exploration teams, so the upgrade speed Faster than the average ant race.

The magic ants are on the contrary. The skills they have - "magic talents" are not yet useful, and most of the gifts they get after upgrading are to increase the upper limit of life, the upper limit of mana and the intelligence attribute, so the combat power is even higher. Weaker than general qualified army ants.

And because the number of magic ants is scarce, Lin Yu didn't let them go out to fight, but let them stay in the food warehouse with Xiaolei, and upgrade by eating raw meat.

The rest of the other ant species that had just hatched were assigned to various positions, because the number of ants in the fourth ant nest was already large, so some ants were even "sent out" to other ant nests.

As for the few A-qualified and S-qualified ants that have just hatched.

Because Xiaoye and Weak Yin are relatively weak worker ants and weak ants, Lin Yu didn't let them go out to fight.

Xiaoye really hates eating raw meat. After eating a few meals of raw meat, she can't help but come over to act like a baby with Lin Yu. She wants to eat the dishes made by Lin Yu himself. It seems that she feels the same way, so Lin Yu will usually satisfy her. Require.

While she was cooking, Xiao Ye was watching with interest.

Xiao Ye's gaze made Lin Yu a little nervous, and he messed up and burned the cooking several times because of it.

However, after getting along with each other for the past few days, Lin Yu found that he still liked this daughter quite a lot.

In addition to familiarity, she found that Xiao Ye was quite similar to her, not only loving cleanliness like herself, but also having the same taste as normal people.


As for the weak voice, she unexpectedly gets along well with Midori.

Although she had some psychological shadows because of being "attacked" by Midori at the beginning, she is somewhat similar to Midori in some respects.

Like Luzi, she couldn't get close to Lin Yu.

Lvzi would faint because of excitement when she got close, while Ruoyin was simply shy and only dared to hide in the distance and observe Lin Yu secretly.

So of course they noticed each other.

In addition, they even envy each other.

Midori is envious of Ruo Yin being able to get close to her mother without falling into a coma, and Ruo Zi envies Midori's boldness.

From observing each other at the beginning, to chatting with only a few words later, after chatting a lot, I feel that we are very speculative with each other, so we gradually become familiar with each other.

Then there are Ziyun and Ziwu.

Unlike the weak tone who has a good relationship with Midori, the previous "attack" by Midori seems to have caused a lot of psychological shadow on them, so as long as Midori is in the castle, they rarely go back to the castle.

But as long as they entered the castle, they would keep pestering Lin Yu, which made Lin Yu feel a little troubled, and also gave up his plan to ride them to fly.

She couldn't handle these two naughty and disobedient daughters. After all, what if she rode on them and ended up flying away?


Then came the shadow.

She started hunting with other sneak ants.

But what is different from other ants is that she likes to "play" with the prey. When the prey loses resistance, she does not kill it with one blow, but slowly tortures the prey with her forelimbs and jaws.

Seeing the painful struggle of the prey gradually becoming weak, hearing the scream of the prey gradually weakening, her bright silver eyes will become brighter, and she will stop giving the prey the last blow when she is satisfied.

But most of the time, before she is satisfied, the prey often dies.

Probably because of this "bad habit" and extremely seldom-spoken personality, except for Qian Yi who occasionally speaks to her, the rest of the ants don't have much contact with her.

It seems that latent image is about to become as unpopular as Midori.

Even Lin Yu is no exception. It stands to reason that if they are both seldom talkative, they should be able to chat with each other a little bit, but Lin Yu always feels that something is wrong with this daughter. Hairy, it always feels like being targeted by a ghost in a horror movie.

The only one who can be regarded as having a good relationship with Latent Image is Magic Rainbow.

However, there are quite a few ants that have a good relationship with Magic Rainbow.

In just a few days, she established a good relationship with most of the A-qualification and B-qualification ants in the fourth ant nest.

It even included Midori and Junji.

She often contacts Lin Yu by discussing skills issues, so she is often "attacked" by Midori.

But she doesn't reject it, at seems so on the surface.

So after a few times, Midori was so satisfied that she even started to call her "Sister Mohong" along with the weak voice.

In the past few days, Jun Ji has also come back two or three times, and each time she came back with a bloody monster.

But it was just such a short contact when I came back two or three times.

"Mom actually doesn't hate Sister Junji."

"During the time my sister was away from the castle, I often heard my mother talking about you."


Just a few conversations, a few words.

Although Jun Ji was skeptical about what Mo Hong said, she also developed a great affection for this younger sister in her heart.

New discoveries after Chapter 40 A

"Mom, the "Transfiguration" skill has returned to normal. "

"And in the past few days, my daughter has discovered that the transformation can be partially transformed like the partial giantization that Jun Ji's sister can use."

It was because he hadn't seen Chitong for a while that he connected to the other party, but Lin Yu didn't expect Chitong to say this when he opened his mouth.

"It is inconvenient to fight with the bodies of the human race and the ant race, but if you combine the two, the battle will become easier."

"Ok, I know."

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the other party was silent, and then asked in a slightly surprised tone:

"How did Mom know?"

Hey, I also have this skill, okay?

Always feel underestimated.

Since you can know, why can't I know?

Although, it is true that Magic Rainbow discovered it first...but it is only a matter of time before I discover this!

"Magic Rainbow told me."

"Sister Magic Rainbow..."

The young girl's soft voice paused.

"It seems that the younger sisters have already hatched. How did the magic rainbow sister discover the partial transformation?"

"I showed her the skill, and she guessed it."

The young girl was silent again, and then praised.

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