"Sister is really amazing."

"However, Mom, apart from the new usage of shape change these days, my daughter has also discovered a very important piece of news."

"what news?"

"My daughter found out that after reaching the A rank, the experience points will start to increase slowly automatically, and the deeper the forest, the faster the increase in experience points will be."

"Experience points increase automatically?"

Lin Yu was taken aback.

I am also A rank, why don't I feel it?

As if knowing Lin Yu's question, Chi Tong continued to explain:

"The automatic increase of experience points is very slow, and Mom may not have noticed it in the castle."

This is true, because every day, the daughter captures the bloody monster and sends it back to the castle.

If the automatic increase of experience points is too slow, plus I have been in the process of increasing experience points...it is normal to not find it.

Ah, wait...

Since Chitong can detect it, that is to say, has she been promoted to A rank?

Lin Yu quickly checked the attribute panel of the young girl.

Sure enough, it has been upgraded from B-tier LV.40 to A-tier LV.1.

And also got a new skill.

"Undead": It can be connected with multiple targets. After the skill is activated, the damage suffered by all the connected individuals will be weakened to a certain extent and shared equally on each individual.

so strong...

As long as the number of connected targets is large enough, the damage suffered by each individual will be evenly reduced!

Even if an individual suffers a fatal high-damage attack, as long as it is connected with the "Undead" effect with a sufficient number of ants, the damage of the fatal attack will be reduced, or even reduced a lot.

Immortals... what an apt name.

Hmm, feels like a group version of the "Life Connection" skill?

No... "Life Connection" is connected to a single target, and all the damage suffered by the target is transferred to the skill initiator, which is quite different.

And speaking of it... can the "Undead" be able to connect with the enemy?

Then the damage caused by the enemy's attack will be shared on the enemy through the effect of "Undead" or something...It must be impossible, right?

If it is possible, isn't it the same as the "dispel" skill that can dispel the state of death?This is too outrageous!

But... maybe it can connect with monsters other than ants?For example, those goblins who are almost domesticated...

However, the mana value consumed by such a powerful skill might be very high, and there is currently no object to connect with, so if you want to test this skill, you can only wait for Chitong to come back.


Back to topic.

Speaking of which, in addition to myself and Chi Tong, Jun Ji is the only one who has been upgraded to A-level in the ant colony.

But because Jun Ji has been fighting, she probably didn't pay attention to the small changes in experience points, right?After all, she has the skill "Fighting Talent", and her experience points are automatically increased in the combat state.

As for the automatic increase in experience points...

Ask Chi Tong.

"Very small."

The young girl shook her head.

"Unless it is in the area north of the sixth, seventh, and eighth ant nests, it is difficult to detect that the experience value is automatically increasing, but if it goes north... that is, enter the activity of those A-rank monsters When in the area, the automatic increase of experience points will be much faster.”

"Although the experience points gained from hunting are still very small, as long as there is an interval of one or two hours, you can still find a slight change in the progress bar of the experience points."

"The further north you go, the more obvious the change in the progress bar will be, and..."

Chi Tong paused.

"Although the number of monsters goes to the north, the number is smaller, but their level is higher. I think that the reason why the A-level monsters gather in the north is probably because the experience points automatically increase."

"As for why the experience points increase automatically as you go north, my daughter doesn't know yet."

"Because the A-rank monsters in the north are very vigilant, and they are very exclusive, so I can't go further."

After finishing a series of words, Chi Tong calmed down to give Lin Yu time to react.

"Is that so..."

No wonder those A-rank monsters seldom fight each other. After all, if you can gain experience as long as you stay in your own territory and do nothing, there is no need to risk your life to fight other monsters of the same class.

However, the further north you go, or the deeper you go in the forest, the more experience points that high-level monsters can automatically get...

How powerful should the monster in the deepest part of the forest be?


"Mom, I'm going to go back."

After talking about her two discoveries, Chitong said suddenly.

"You want to come back?"

"Well, I want to meet my newborn sisters, and most importantly... I miss my mother."

"Then, come back then."

It's so straightforward!

But it feels so good to be told by a girl that she misses herself~

"Mom should miss her daughter too, right?"

Yes, no!



So that night, a huge iron armored ant ran back to the castle in the fog area with a dying frog monster that had lost its limbs on its back.

Because of its huge size and not slow running speed, it made a lot of noise and attracted the attention of the ants who were moving around the castle.

"Ah, it's Akahito sister!"

"Sister Chitong is back!"

"Sister Chitong!"

The news continued to spread, and the ants in the entire ant nest became a little lively for a while.

The white-haired girl walked quickly from the third floor to the first floor on her little feet to meet Chitong, and the newly hatched high-quality ant tribes also followed Lin Yu to the gate of the first floor of the castle.

They have long wanted to meet this "big sister" recognized by all the ant tribes.

Magic Rainbow is no exception.

Her red pupils also followed the other ants, looking towards the direction of the distant movement.

Although I have never met Sister Chitong, but from the words of my mother and sisters these days, I can probably guess...

Really looking forward to it.

Chapter 41 Meet

Watched by a crowd of ants, the giant armored ants finally came to the gate of the castle.

She leaned over and threw the golden and red frog-like monster off her back.


The thrown frog-like monster let out a weak cry. In the state of bleeding, its HP was slowly and continuously decreasing like a countdown.

Health -1

Health -1


With the monster in his jaws, the red pupil walked up to the white-haired red-eyed girl in front of the ants.

"This is a present for Mom."

She put down the frog monster.

"A-stage megalodon frogs have better meat quality than B-stage frogs. I think mom will like it."


The meat is good...

Wouldn't it taste better roasted instead of raw?

Hmm, I'll give it a try later.

Although the meat of A-level monsters is used to make dishes, it is a waste to not get experience points... But since the quality of the meat is good, it is also a waste not to make dishes.

Lin Yu took out the long sword from the different dimension, gave the giant tooth frog a sword, and ended its life.

Then put the whole frog together with the long sword into the different space.

At the same time she finished dealing with the giant-toothed frog, the giant iron-clad ant in front of her began to glow with a faint light, and then the giant iron-clad ant turned into a young girl with black hair and red eyes covered in naked fruit and appeared on the spot.


After shouting in a soft voice, when Lin Yu turned his head to look over, the young girl trotted into the arms of the white-haired girl in front of her sisters.

Burying his head into the girl's slightly barren chest, he rubbed his little head against the girl's faint scent at the same time.

The surrounding ants cast envious glances.

"I am back."

"Well, welcome back..."

Lin Yu didn't expect Chi Tong to suddenly transform into a human and rush towards him.

Surrounded by a crowd of daughters, she felt even more embarrassed than the naked red pupil in her arms. Although her expression was still cold, her cheeks were slightly hot.

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