When they got closer and closer to the hole, Sylvester and Martina finally cut the rope.

When they pulled away the ropes on their bodies, the khaki-colored ant tribe who carried them had already walked out of the ant nest, and their eyes suddenly brightened.


Martina's voice came from behind, and at the same time something was thrown over.

Sylvester reached out to catch it.

It was Martina's curved dagger.


"it is good!"

They all clenched their daggers and stabbed at the head of the khaki ant below them.

Afterwards, only a "clang" sound was heard.

Not only did the dagger not penetrate the ant's head as they had imagined, but it made a sound of gold and stone as if it had hit an iron block.

Due to the excessive force, Sylvester felt his tiger's mouth go numb, and the dagger flew out of his hand.

"Damn, they are not ordinary monsters!"

"Oh shit."

Not only Sylvester, Martina also found that her attack couldn't break through the defense of the khaki ants below her.

Although it might be possible to break through the defense with a skill, but if the normal attack can't break the defense... unless the opponent is a monster specialized in defense, it means that the opponent's level is much higher than yourself!


After greeting Sylvester, Martina jumped off the ant's back without looking back.

It seems to be in the forest right now, but the shadow of the town can be seen faintly in the distance.

However, when the woman wanted to continue running after landing, she found that her feet could not move.

She quickly looked down.

At some point, the small piece of ground he was on had turned into a small-scale swamp made of silt.

Martina's feet were sinking deep in the mud.

Chapter 78 As long as you look cute, you are considered a pervert...

Martina struggled to break free from the quagmire that trapped her.

But during the time she was trapped, Du Yi jumped and landed in front of the woman.

She stretched out her forelegs and pressed Scar Woman's head, making it impossible for her to break free from the mud.

Seemingly irritated by Ji Yi's actions, the woman waved the dagger in her hand angrily.

At the beginning, the dagger still failed to cause effective damage when it slashed on the foreleg of Ji Yi, but Martina seemed to use some kind of skill afterwards, and a faint white light appeared on her dagger.

When it attacked the forelegs again, it finally caused damage.

There was a slight knife-cut mark on Die Yi's foreleg.

Feeling the slight tingling sensation from the attack, Koichi raised his foreleg again and hit Martina's head with a "slap".

This time, the opponent fell directly on the mud, not only dizzy, but also covered with a lot of mud.

"They're trying to escape."

Die Yi turned to look at Die Er, and discussed with her.

"According to what my sister said, bite off their legs?"

"Well, let's do it!"

Ju Er nodded, at this moment Sylvester was being firmly stepped on by her forelegs, with a look of despair on his face.

Sylvester escaped at the same time as Martina, but he was not as strong as Martina, but he was stepped on by Dier just when he landed.

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake Di Er's forelegs. Instead, his back was scratched by the slightly sharper forelimbs because of the struggle. If he continued to struggle, the wound would undoubtedly be cut open again.

Therefore, he could only lie on the ground motionless, and then watched Martina being suppressed by another khaki ant.

Then at the next moment, he saw Gu Yi hooking Martina's clothes with his forelegs, dragging it out of the mud, and then sticking out his jaws towards Martina's legs——


With Martina's screams, her knees were bitten off by Qi Gen.

"Ahhh!! You, what kind of monsters are you guys!"

The man's eyes were full of horror.

Damn it!

You will be killed, or even eaten alive by these monsters!escape!must hasten—

He began to struggle desperately, the wound on his back deepened because of his struggle, and blood continued to flow from the wound.

Finally, he stepped on his forelegs and let go.

Sylvester didn't even think about why his forelimbs were suddenly released, his only thought at the moment was to run away from here.

However, after he got up, he stood still all of a sudden.

It's not that I don't want to escape, but I can't escape...

Whether it was in front of him or behind him, there were more than a dozen digging ants and dozens of weak ants surrounding him and Martina.

If he wanted to get out of this situation, the man could only think of a magic tool - the transfer magic crystal, as long as he used the transfer magic crystal, he could transfer from the original place to a place 500 meters away.

Such magic crystals are said to be available at engraving shops in the inner city.

However, because of the high price and scarcity, Sylvester and the other team members were reluctant to buy them. They spent all their money on weapons and equipment.

At the moment when he was desperate, a pair of jaws protruded from behind and bit off his legs before he had time to react.


The severe pain almost covered all his thoughts.


"that's it."

"It will take a while to get back to the castle, so let's keep going."

"If we successfully bring it back to the castle, will mother praise us?"

"Mom probably doesn't know about this yet."

While chatting twitteringly, Dig Yi and Die Er picked up the two, who had become weak due to the pain of the broken leg, with their jaws, and placed them on the backs of the other two digging ant sisters.

Among the digging ants responsible for "escorting" the two human adventurers, except for their two B-rank ants, the other digging ants are all ant tribes with full-level C aptitude and C-rank. They can't speak. It will only follow orders.

The two human adventurers seemed to have given up their resistance, lying motionless on the back of the digger ant.

Their broken feet are constantly bleeding, but because of their high level, in terms of their physique, the wounds on their broken feet will stop bleeding and begin to heal slowly after a while.

"The monsters don't seem to be trying to kill us."

Along the way, the two finally calmed down. Martina looked at the ants around her with a gloomy expression.

"Then what are they for? Where are they trying to take us?"

"I don't know, but I think it has something to do with that woman."

"But that woman is only C-rank, how did these powerful ants attack us?"

The two were puzzled, and their hearts were full of anxiety.

The procession moves on.

The journey from the town to the Granville Monster Forest was a long way away, and it would take seven or eight days to travel in broad daylight in a bullock cart.

Although the earth-digging ants moved much faster than the bullock carts, it was impossible for them to reach the foggy castle in one day.

In addition, in order to avoid being discovered by pedestrians along the way, Die Yi and Die Er discussed and decided to change their work and rest time.

They planned to travel at night, and spent most of the day resting in the ant nests they passed along the road.


And the other side at this moment.

Inside the castle in the foggy area.

Lin Yu was in a good mood.

After stabbing a large number of residual blood monsters in the cell on the basement floor yesterday, the level has finally been upgraded from LV.2 to LV.3!

The magic value is fully restored!

Then how to use the full mana value again?

In fact, I have already thought about it.

Half of the mana is spent on bestowing.

Give Midori the skill "Transformation" first.

Because according to the order, she will be the next one, and this guy has been pestering me before, clamoring to change into a human being.

If the magic points are recovered but not given to her this time, I always feel that she will probably come to me and cry...

Ah... just imagining it makes me feel so noisy...

And I am also somewhat looking forward to what it will be like for Midori to become a human.

Chitong and Junji are both beautiful and lovely girls after they transform into human beings, and if you look closely, they both look a bit like me.

From this point of view, after becoming a human, Midori should also inherit the beauty of this girl, and become a cute girl, right?

As long as she looks cute, she's a pervert...

In my mind, I imagined that Midori who had turned into a beautiful girl was drooling, and she rushed over with a silly smile on her face.

It always feels a little subtle.

In any case, this time the "Transfiguration" skill was given to her.

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