As for the remaining half of the mana...

The original plan was to do that after a long absence.

However, there is a slightly bolder idea that I plan to try.

When I possessed Jun Ji before, whether it was "Wanyu Tong", "Magic Backpack", "Sword Talent", or "Sword Master", these skills could be activated through Jun Ji's body.

So, what happens when you activate "spawn" while possessing?

It's time to try it~

As for who to try...

Jun Ji is definitely not good, because she is now active in a human town.

So the choice is between Chitong and Midori who is about to turn into a human.

Hey, it seems that you don't have to be able to change people to try it?

I don't care~

After all, this is just a pure skill test, it is definitely not my bad taste!

Chapter 79 has changed!

so slow~

Although Chitong and Midori had been informed last night that they were back, after all, they were hunting in the north direction of the eighth ant nest, and it would take a lot of time to rush back.

In short, eat breakfast first.

Speaking of which, as long as the "magic backpack" is attached to the body, the food in the town can be sent back to the castle through Jun Ji's body.

It feels more convenient than the takeaway in the previous life.

So, after Lin Yu possessed Jun Ji, he learned what happened last night from Jun Ji and Qian Yi the next moment.

After hearing that the two adventurers attacked Jun Ji at night and planned to defile her daughter before killing her, the girl's expression became a little bit colder than usual.

The angry look made Jun Ji and Qian Yi afraid to continue talking for a while.

It was Lin Yu who continued to ask, and they continued.

Then the sneaking ants stunned the two of them, and Qian Er's carelessness was seen, until the two adventurers were kidnapped out of the town overnight and handed over to Die Yi and Die Er.

And now... those two adventurers are now on their way to the castle?

After Lin Yu was taken aback, he quickly canceled the possession effect on Jun Ji.

She set her sights on Koichi.

"Ah! Mom!"


After Lin Yu responded, he followed Die Yi's line of sight.

Sure enough it was them.

They have a broken leg?Hmph, he must have been bitten off by Die Yi and Die Er because he wanted to escape, he deserved it!

I won't let you off this time!

"Mom, these two guys wanted to run away, but I and Koji stopped them!"

"We have not been discovered by the human race along the way!"

"Well, well done."

After listening to the two ants chirping and complimenting them, Lin Yu withdrew the contact.

Taking out some breakfast from the different space that she bought in the town after possessing Jun Ji, she ate while thinking about how to deal with the two adventurers.

Anyway, after digging and digging to bring them back to the castle, throw them in the cell first.

Ah, it always feels like the cells are really coming in handy...

After throwing them in a cell, just spend some time prying useful information out of their mouths, and then finish them off.

Since they are people who are about to die, they can boldly ask them for information.

As for what information to ask...

The information on how to quickly recover mana has been obtained, and there are only two main things left to know.

One is information about the reincarnation!

After all, this part of the information is relatively sensitive, so Will, Maier, and Sally have never been asked.

People in this world may not be unfamiliar with the term reincarnation, because it is possible that there has been a reincarnation coming to this world before me.

If this is the case, then what is the attitude of this town, and even this country, towards reincarnated people?

The second is about the overall strength of the town of Owendo.

Although the three of Will have been asked before, they are only new adventurers after all, and they certainly don't know as much as the veteran adventurers.

Ah, although I have no plans to attack the town of Owendor, but the necessary precautions are still necessary.

And just in case, we must also prepare for possible wars with the town in the future. Before that, it is still very important to know the overall strength of the opponent's town.


That's all I can think of for now about the information I want to ask.

And then there's something worrisome about it.

Now that they have left the town, the two adventurers should not be able to escape from the palm of their hand.

But there are two remaining people in the Wings of Liberty team, one is a male archer and the other is a male mage. Although they did not participate in last night's night attack, Sylvester and Martina's Actions should also be clear to them.

The "disappearance" of Sylvester and Martina, as long as they are not stupid, they must have guessed that it has something to do with Jun Ji.

Maybe he will file a complaint with the guild.

Although Sylvester and Martina have bad records, they are still adventurers in the guild after all, and they are also adventurers with relatively high adventurer level and strength.

What actions will the guild take?

But no matter what, the two of them had no evidence to prove that the disappearance of Martina and Sylvester had something to do with them!As long as you don't admit it, it's fine.


Since it would take a few days before Sylvester and Martina were brought back to the castle, Lin Yu focused on other matters.

She warned Jun Ji and Qian Yi to pay attention to the movement of the guild during this time.

Then the eyes moved to the other daughters.

Most of the daughters with A qualifications and above are out hunting during the day.

But at this moment, there are two ants, no, judging from their size, they should be one person and one ant, and they are rushing towards the castle.

Another half hour passed...


came back!

After standing on the balcony and seeing the young girl and green ants appearing in the distance, Lin Yu trotted down the stairs with a "pat-pat-pat".

When she came to the gate of the castle, the young girl and the green ant had also arrived at the castle.

"Mom, we're back."

"Mom...Mom...hahaha...yes, are you going to start? My...daughter too...haha...can you become a human too?"

The green ant was panting heavily while wiping the saliva dripping from the corner of its mouth with its forelimbs, and looked at Lin Yu expectantly.

This guy shouldn't rush forward like before, right?

Lin Yu subconsciously took half a step back.

"Anyway, come in first."

The white-haired girl entered the castle with Chitong and Midori, and then went to the third floor of the castle.

Before entering the bedroom, Midori acted like a baby to Chitong and asked the young girl to wait for her outside the bedroom.

Chi Tong glanced at her and nodded.

So he and Lin Yu entered the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"Mom...turn on...let's go...ha~~"

She hadn't even started to transform into a human being, and she hadn't even been given any skills yet. Midori's limbs were weak and she looked a little unsteady, and she seemed to be about to pass out from excitement.

Is this guy really okay?

"Well, then I'll start."

After nodding his head, Lin Yu stopped hesitating and activated the effect of "Unique Skill--Queen Ant".

/Skill activated successfully.

Lin Yu heaved a sigh of relief at the successful reminder.

"Ah... yes, yes..."

Midori also seemed to have found the "Transfiguration" skill on her attribute panel.

She couldn't wait to try to activate the skill.

The moment the skill was activated, the green ant disappeared.

Instead, there was a girl about fifteen or sixteen years old. The girl's skin was as fair as jade, and she was slender and slender, with a slender waist. She had long green hair that hung down to her waist and slightly curled at the tip, and a pair of dark blue His big eyes are clear and bright, and his eyebrows and eyes also have some similarities with the white-haired girl.

Judging by the appearance alone, she is undoubtedly a beautiful girl on the same level as Junji, and her temperament is softer than least on the surface.

In addition, girls are naked.

Chapter 80 Come, let mom see


After taking a few deep breaths, Midori managed to calm down a bit.

As if she suddenly thought of something, she stared nervously and expectantly at the white-haired girl in front of her and asked.

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