But... it's been too long.

"We're about to go, Midori."

"Ah, are you going to go on a mission? It's great. It's been a long time since we acted together. I really miss the time when I was fighting monsters in the forest with Junji."

"I don't miss it at all..."

"Really, why are you shy?"


So I went to the commission board to accept a few commissions.

In order to increase the adventurer level as soon as possible, the entrustment is accepted in the name of an individual.

After accepting the commission, the two left the Adventurer's Guild and walked down the street.

"Can you let me go?"

"No, hey, I said Ji Ji, I helped you get ahead just now. After this lesson, those adventurers should not speak ill of you so arrogantly anymore! Ah, at least on the surface it must be I don’t dare to say that anymore, if anyone still says it, I’ll teach you a lesson!”

"I can do it without you."

Jun Ji glanced at her speechlessly.

"You can't do it. Your current setting is a C-rank adventurer. Even if you learn a lesson, it will definitely not be as useful as a B-rank me."

The girl had a look on her face.

"Since I helped you, why don't I say thank you, Miss Lvzi!"

"If you let go, I will thank you."

"No need to say that the posture of the human race is really convenient. Being able to hold the hand of the person next to you like now is definitely not possible with the posture of a monster... and hugging with the posture of the human race is also more convenient. It feels like I was holding my mother before...hehehe..."

"Hey! Don't, don't be here..."

After mentioning Lin Yu, Lvzi seemed to be caught in some kind of imagination. Her body was slightly hot and her breathing quickened, as if she was about to become abnormal again.

This appearance startled Jun Ji.

However, what surprised her even more was that after her reminder, Midori really returned to her normal state.

"You... have changed a lot."

"Of course! Hehe, as long as it takes a while, even if I meet my mother, I will definitely not pass out!"

"Yeah...but why do you keep sticking to me?"

I remember that I have never had such a good relationship with this guy before... Jun Ji murmured in her heart.

"Actually... I heard sister Chitong say before that she said at the time that we belonged to my mother and were a part of her."

Midori suddenly approached Jun Ji's ear and said.

"To some extent, liking my mother is the same as liking my sisters."


after that.

In order to pursue the efficiency of completing the commission, Jun Ji insisted on acting separately from Midori.

Chapter 98 We can only open a single room without money

Although they are acting separately, the two are not acting alone.

After Qian Yi returned home, Qian II, Qian III and Qian Ten were still hiding in the shadow of Jun Ji.

And Lvzi is not alone in the town this time, Qiansi, Qianwu and Qianliu are also hiding in her shadow.

After hearing Midori's astonishing speech, they were already silent. They were even a little thankful in their hearts that the relationship between the sneak ants and other ants was not good.

The sneak ants don't speak, and Midori and Junji usually don't talk to them.


When Lin Yu had nothing to do, he would observe the activities of Jun Ji and Lu Zi in the human world.

When she put the perspective on Midori for the first time, just as she thought, the normal Midori suddenly became abnormal again...

If he behaved strangely in front of the humans, his life as an adventurer would be over.

"Mom... this... ah... this is my daughter's first time, so... that's why I'm a little sensitive, next time! I won't do it next time!"

But because of Luzi's guarantee, Lin Yu hesitated for a while and continued to focus on her.

I don't know if I got used to it, but after that, as Midori promised, except for the strange sound at the moment of connection, there is no strange reaction.

But most of the time, the perspective is still on Jun Ji.

While Junji and Midori completed the commission, they also spent all the purchase quota of magic recovery potions in the six pharmacies in the town, and sent these magic recovery potions back to the castle in the fog area through "teleportation".

The "teleportation" function needs to be achieved through possession. When choosing between Lu Zi and Jun Ji, Lin Yu chose Jun Ji without hesitation.

But after possessing Jun Ji, an "accident" happened.

That was after Jun Ji and Midori had completed all the entrusted tasks, and after the guild had finished reporting.

After completing the commission this time, Junhime's adventurer rank was raised to C rank, and Midori was raised to D rank.

They went to the six pharmacies in the town together and bought all the magic recovery potions they could buy.

Then back to the hotel.

"Miss Junji is back, who is this?"

The uncle and manager of the hotel was settling accounts at the counter. After seeing Jun Ji, he smiled and said hello, and then looked at Midori next to him.

He also seemed a little surprised by Midori's beautiful appearance, which was no less beautiful than Junji.

"my friend."

"It's really strange, it's sisters, sisters."

Midori smiled and patted Jun Ji on the shoulder.

"Well, they are sisters."

Jun Ji sighed, she found that she couldn't handle the guy next to her, regardless of the ant-style posture or the human-style posture.

"Boss, are there any spare rooms in the hotel?"

"Yes, but there is—"

But before the boss finished speaking, Midori interrupted quickly.

"No, let's sleep in one room tonight."

"Uh, but Miss Junji's is a single room."

"Can't two people stay in a single room?"

"That's not true, it's just a bed..."

"What happened to the bed?"

“The bed in the single room is relatively small, it may be a bit cramped for two people.”

"It's okay if it's crowded! I don't mind at all, and Ji Ji and I have such a good relationship, so I certainly won't mind."

After speaking to the boss, the green-haired girl hugged Jun Ji's arm intimately, and complained to Jun Ji at the same time.

"I bought a lot of medicine just now, and we don't have much money now, so we can't waste money."



A wave of dialogue made the hotel owner and Jun Ji not know what to say for a while.

After simply having dinner at the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, they went back to their room.

"You don't do weird things at night, do you?"

Looking at the small bed that was barely big enough for two people to lie down on, Jun Ji asked a little uneasily.

"Hey hey, of course not!"

"You... Sure enough, you should open a new room? Or go to another hotel?"

"No~ I finally had the opportunity to sleep with Ji Ji, and I want to sleep in Ji Ji's room. Who knows if the other rooms are not clean, and I dare not use the bed quilt."

This guy doesn't even despise himself, but despises other rooms that are not clean...

"Then I'll go, the room is for you."

"Don't! Don't leave me, woo woo..."

"You guys are such a trouble..."

Junji sighed.

"Don't do other unnecessary things at night except sleep, understand?"


Before falling asleep, the two shared the process of executing the commission in the past few days.

Most of them are crusade-type commissions, and the monsters to be crusaded are C-level and below monsters, and a small number are collection-type commissions.

While chatting, Jun Ji was taken aback suddenly.


"Midori...is there too, you—"

After connecting, Lin Yu looked at the room from Jun Ji's perspective.

"Are you sleeping in a room?"


After answering, Jun Ji seemed to think of something and quickly changed the subject.

"Isn't mom usually going to bed early?"

"Well, because I overslept from my nap today."

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