"That's right, by the way, Midori and I bought all the magic recovery potions that can be purchased in the pharmacy today. Do you want to take them home first?"


Speaking of which, the rest of the mana recovery potion has also been drunk, and next time depending on the situation, the mana value can be used to give Qianyi the "Wanyutong" and "Camouflage" skills.

While Lin Yu was thinking about it, Lvzi discovered something unusual.

"Ji Ji, what's wrong with you? Have you been in a daze?"

"Mom is connected to me."

"Eh?! What did mom say?"

Jun Ji briefly explained, and she took out the magic recovery potion in her different space and put it on the table in the bedroom.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu possessed Jun Ji.

For a long time, I felt something heavy on my chest.

"Mom? Is it mom?"

Seemingly aware of the change in the blond girl, Lvzi stared at Lin Yu with bright eyes.

"Well...it's me."


After getting the affirmation, the green-haired girl let out a cry of excitement and stepped forward to hug the blonde girl.

Lin Yu froze, she patted Lvzi on the shoulder.

"Okay, go to bed early, and take out your mana recovery potion."

"Well! But when will mother be able to possess her daughter once?"


While talking, the green-haired girl sniffed the scent of the blonde girl with an intoxicated face.

It made both Jun Ji and Lin Yu's scalps tingle.

And it seems that because of being possessed by Jun Ji, Midori will not fall into a coma due to over-excitement.

She quickly pushed Midori away.

"What about the medicine?"

"Okay, mom is really impatient~"

Midori rolled her eyes, and she obediently took out the magic recovery potion in her different space and put it on the table.

After handing over the magic recovery potion on his body, the potion attracted Lin Yu's attention, so before Lin Yu could put the potion into the different space, Lvzi pounced on him again.

The blond girl who had been on guard for a long time avoided it quickly.

After avoiding it, she saw a few drops of green liquid suddenly ooze from Midori's slender fingers.

When the liquid appeared, the green-haired girl swung forward violently.

Caught off guard, the blond girl's face was stained with a drop of liquid, and her body froze suddenly, unable to move.

Chapter 99 Mom, I am suddenly sleepy

"It's amazing, Mom, as long as you practice, the acid can seep from the skin."

Midori approached again.

"As long as you add paralysis to the acid, even Ji Ji's body won't be able to move immediately. I think... it will take at least a few seconds, right?"

"And...in those few seconds—"

The green-haired girl trembled slightly with her right hand as she caressed the blond-haired girl's cheek.

Lin Yu, who finally regained some consciousness, went numb again and couldn't move.

"As long as the skill is used again within the interval...it will be like this."

ha ha... ha ha...

Midori's face flushed, her eyes became blurred, and her cheeks moved closer and closer.

"Ah~ah~ that's great, the human race's body is really good."

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, and hugged the immobile blond girl, her small face kept rubbing against the blond girl's face.

Because of the paralysis, Lin Yu couldn't speak, and even if he wanted to make Lvzi let go, he couldn't.

Being rubbed so closely, Lin Yu felt his scalp tingling because he was not used to it.

"It's getting late, you guys should go to bed early."

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

I'm sorry, Junji, mom, I'm suddenly a little sleepy.


After saying this to Jun Ji, Lin Yu canceled the possession and returned the body to Jun Ji.

After gaining control of her body, the immobile Junji could only be desperately attacked by Midori.

But Lin Yu didn't leave after canceling the possession, but then connected to Qian Er who was staying in Jun Ji's shadow, quietly looking at the two daughters of "sisterly love".


"Well, keep quiet."

Together with the six sneaking ants, the seven eyes stared straight at the two of them.

Although they were able to stop it, the stealth ants just stood by and watched with relish.

And probably because she had developed some resistance to paralysis, although her body was still unable to move, Jun Ji found that her mouth could move.

"Midori...let go of me."

She hastily shouted to stop.

"No, mom...it's hard to get this chance...I just...don't let it go."

Breathing is still rapid.

"Let go of me, mom... Mom is gone..."

"Liar, I don't believe it."

I don't know if she really didn't believe it, but the green-haired girl didn't stop her movements.

Under Midori's actions, Jun Ji's breathing gradually became short of breath, and her little face was already flushed with shame.

Seeing the intimacy, Lin Yu's heart beat faster.

When the atmosphere was getting better, when Midori closed her eyes and poked out her lips to touch Jun Ji's lips, probably because of being too excited, there was a gap in Midori's paralysis control.

Jun Ji's eyes, who had gained control of her body, suddenly became clear, and her eyes became sharp, and she pushed away the green child that was half hanging on her body.

Midori was pushed down on the bed.

Just when Jun Ji took out the long sword from the different space, she was about to step forward and chop the hateful guy in front of her.

"Ah, Ji Ji is lustful."

Following Midori's line of sight, Jun Ji saw that she was disheveled.

Jun Ji blushed, and hurriedly straightened her clothes, most of her aura lost.

It was only when I was arranging my clothes that something was wrong.

"You called me Ji Ji just now, ah, you bastard! Just now you clearly know that mom has left!"

"Hey hey... It's the right thing to do, Ji Ji seems to be very comfortable."

"I'm not very comfortable! Wow, I'll kill you!!"

"and many more!"

Midori's expression suddenly became serious, and the serious look made Jun Ji's raised sword stagnate in the air.

"doing what?"

The three words seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth, and it seemed that he was indeed angry.

"This is a hotel, it's not good to play with swords and break people's things. Be quiet, someone is resting next door."

creak creak...

There were strange noises from next door.

After a pause, Midori continued to speak with a serious face.

"And our setting is an adventurer partner with a sisterly love. We must strictly follow the setting made by our mother."


Although angry, Jun Ji had to admit that what Midori said made sense.

She took two deep breaths, and finally put away the long sword.

"Let me punch you twice, I will try not to make any noise, and more! You can no longer use the skills just now!"

"Hey...do you still want to beat me up in the end? Does Ji Ji have the heart to do it to me?"

The green-haired and short-haired one put on a cute and pitiful appearance, and looked up innocently at Jun Ji with big eyes.

"Obviously I didn't hurt Ji Ji just now."

She began to unbutton her clothes.

"Instead, how about asking Ji Ji to do it to me again as compensation for what I just did? This will calm down, right?"

The things I just did...

Jun Ji was taken aback, recalling the scene just now, and then looked at Midori who had taken off her coat and was about to take off her underwear, her face turned red again.

"Stop, stop!"

"What's wrong?"

"Phew...forget it, let's go to sleep."

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