In the depths of a certain cave, a pair of golden and evil goat eyes suddenly opened.


Chapter 110 "Unique Skill - Goblin King"

"Rayong, grant your wish."

A total of 100 people who were reincarnated killed each other, and the last one who survived became a god...

Hey, hey, what is this?

Although I had been sent to prison several times when I was young because of rape and theft, but after all, I was underage at the time, so I was released not long after.

As for killing, he never did it.

No, it should be said that he was killed...Damn it, that bitch's father is simply a lunatic!You have been waiting for me to get out of prison, and then find a chance to kill me!

But he was also stabbed by me, so he should have died if nothing happened.

Damn, exchanging my life for the life of an old guy is not worth it...

"Rayong, grant your wish, this is a gift."

gift?You look aloof, what are you after all?

Ho, is it God?

"Make your wish, Luo Yong, otherwise you will give up your right to reincarnation by default."

wait!and many more!

Does giving up the right to reincarnation really mean death?

"Give up the right to reincarnate, and you will return to nothingness, which is generally known as death."

Grass, it really is.

That gift of words...

"Any gift will do?"


"Invincible or something like that?"

After a moment of silence, the voice of the sky echoed again.


"Hahahaha, then give me the ability to be invincible!"

Get the invincible ability, then kill other reincarnations, and finally become a god!

As long as you become a god, you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want!

"As you wish, Rayong."



I don't know how long has passed.

Until a certain moment when the consciousness suddenly wakes up——

After squeezing out from a crowded space, air rushed into his breath.

It's a foul smell.

Surrounded by strange sounds like "Gaba Gaba".

The language of another world?

Does that mean he was born? !Baby status now?

Hahahaha, that godlike guy really didn't lie to me, he really was reincarnated!

Soon after birth, the eyes were slowly able to open.

Vision changed from blurry to clear.

This... what is this, what a monster!

Surrounded by a few green-skinned humanoids, they are naked, short in stature, with sharp teeth, long pointed noses and long ears, and a pair of piercing goat eyes. They are slightly bent when walking .

After gaining vision, seeing the scene in front of him, even Luo Yong, who prided himself on being fearless, panicked in his heart.

what happened? ?

Goblin?Are they goblins?

Why are these monsters all around me when I was born!

Could it be that the biological parents were eaten by them?

Luo Yong quickly looked around.

He found himself in a small wooden shed constructed simply from logs, twigs, and dry grass.

I didn't see my "human parents".

With a bad guess in his heart, he looked at himself——

Same green skin...


When he looked around at the green-skinned monsters, he found that the green-skinned monsters in the wooden shed were all female.

I was born by this kind of guy?

To... what the hell is going on!

How could he become such a monster after reincarnation!

And goblins shouldn't be weak among monsters, right?It's all written in the novel!

But the wish I made is invincible.

What about invincible?

How is this invincible?

Damn damn damn damn! !Have you been deceived by that god?


Reincarnated as a goblin.

After spending more than ten minutes, Luo Yong finally accepted this fact and calmed down.

During this period of time, he discovered the existence of the status panel and saw his current status.


Name: Rayong

Race: Goblin

Qualification: S+

class: none

Level: LV.1

Health: 10/10

Mana: 12/12

Skills: "Unique Skill - Goblin King", "Command"

Attribute: Strength 0

Agility 0

Intelligence 1

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0


"Unique Skill - Goblin King": Gain control over the subdued Goblin, and its skills include three effects:

First, the Goblin King can directly subdue Goblins whose level is lower than his own, or subdue Goblins by defeating them.

Second, the Goblin racial characteristics possessed by the skill holder will be significantly improved.

Third, the panel attributes of the Goblin King will increase with the increase in the quantity and quality of the Goblins under him.

"Command": When the skill is activated, the surrounding targets are designated, and all attributes of the target are temporarily increased to a certain extent. The skill effect is affected by the number of targets and the target class, and is not affected by the attribute "intelligence" and other factors.


"Unique Skill - Goblin King"?It looks like this is what the god is talking about.

But subduing goblins... what kind of invincibility is this ability? !

After cursing a few more times in his heart, Luo Yong had no choice but to accept this so-called "invincible" skill.

At least it's better than nothing.

And as long as the number of goblins subdued is enough, he should be able to become stronger.

But what is the Goblin racial trait?

After ten minutes of studying the attribute panel, after focusing on himself, Luo Yong found that his body had grown a bit, and he was able to crawl on his own.

Goblins seem to grow faster than humans.

Could this be a racial trait?

After being able to climb, the mother goblin who seemed to have given birth to him happened to bring some grass and a few pieces of raw meat that looked slightly rotten into the shed.

It ate the raw meat and some grass, and then it seemed to suddenly find Rayong.

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