"Gaba." (Eat.)

A small stack of grass was thrown in front of Luo Yong.

Miraculously, he found that he could understand the goblins' conversations.

However, his voice seemed to be immature, and Luo Yong found himself unable to speak.


eat grass?

Although those pieces of carrion look more disgusting, but... eat grass?Let me eat grass? !

A burst of anger suddenly welled up in my heart.

But a few hours later, when the orange sunlight slanted into the wooden shed, it was about dusk.

In the end, Luo Yong was defeated by hunger, so he picked up a blade of grass and ate it.

The taste is like grass, but I don't know if it's because I'm so hungry, but I don't think it's too bad, at least I can swallow it.

In the past few hours, he had climbed out of the wooden shed to have a look, the smell outside was even heavier than inside the wooden shed, and it was all goblins at a glance.

The goblins are talking, the goblins are arguing and scolding, the goblins are fighting and killing each other, and the goblins are... eating each other.

They actually eat their own kind! !

Seeing this, Luo Yong was dumbfounded, and an indescribable sense of fear and disgust arose spontaneously.

After that, he quickly climbed back to the wooden shed, not daring to step out of the wooden shed again.

He has just been born, and he doesn't want to die yet, especially if he is eaten by his fellow goblins!

Right now, I can only wait for myself to grow up, he thought.

After he was born, his level was the lowest in the Goblin tribe, so he couldn't activate the skill effect of "Unique Skill--Goblin King", and he couldn't subdue the other Goblins.

Chapter 110: Conquering the Goblins


Rayong couldn't sleep, because whether it was outside or inside the wooden shed...these disgusting goblins were all breeding.



The cries of goblins are everywhere.

The stale and foul-smelling air in the house became more and more disgusting.

And at this moment in the wooden shed...

The female goblin who just gave birth during the day was having sex with a male goblin... and it was in front of her!damn it's disgusting...

Just looking at it makes my scalp tingle.

Close your eyes and follow the smell and sound in the wooden shed, and a picture will appear in your mind!

However, because he was just born, Luo Yong finally couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.


Every day after that, Rayong stayed in the wooden shed, surviving on some leftover goblin grass that his mother goblin ate.

On the fourth day, he found that his body had stopped growing, and his current size was no different from that of an ordinary goblin.

The strength and speed are almost the same as that of ordinary goblins.

However, after the growth is completed, there is an almost endless desire to reproduce, a powerful desire that cannot be controlled at all!

That night, he randomly found a mother goblin to vent his desire.

Although he felt nauseous, he couldn't control himself.

Under his roughness, the mother goblin fell silent after a while.

After the goblin died, he gained experience points, and Rayong was upgraded to LV.2, but at the moment he has no time to care about these at all.

The mind is almost filled with endless desires.

He threw away the female goblin whose body was getting colder, and rushed towards the second female goblin in the wooden shed.

But two is not enough!Far from enough!

I don't know how much time passed, until the sky was slightly bright and five or six goblins lay down in the wooden shed, Luo Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when he saw the dead or half-dead mother goblins around him, his expression suddenly became ugly.

And there was a female goblin he recognized...

Disgusting, so fucking disgusting!

Luo Yong's face turned fierce, he picked up a wooden stick on the ground, and smashed those half-dead mother goblins to death with three or two strokes.

The level has been raised again, reaching LV.4.

Killing these goblins, plus the activities of the previous few hours... tiredness surged up all of a sudden.

What he has seen and heard these days, coupled with his body’s desire for reproductive behavior just now, he understands that the "unique skill--Goblin King" skill said "the Goblin racial characteristics possessed by the skill holder will be Significantly improved" - the meaning of this sentence.

The racial characteristics of goblins are extremely strong sexual desire and reproductive ability...

After cursing, he began to check the pop-up windows and prompts that had been popping up just now.

Choose one of three gifts...

From LV.1 to LV.4, there are a total of three gift selection opportunities.

Two of them were only attribute gifts, and the other one had a skill called "Appraisal".

Luo Yong was not stupid, he decisively chose the "Appraisal" skill.

After that, you can use the "Appraisal" skill to see the attribute panels of other goblins in the goblin tribe.

At a glance, most of them are between classless LV.1 and LV.5.

Thinking that his level was already higher than many goblins, Luo Yong couldn't wait to use his "unique skill - Goblin King" on them.

It worked!

I could feel a certain connection between myself and the target goblin, and a little light seemed to appear in my mind.

The dots of light seem to represent the existence of the target goblin, and you can feel the state of the goblin and the approximate direction from yourself through the dots of light.

Captured a goblin.

Rayong regained his spirits and continued to use his skills on the other goblins.

Goblins were subdued one after another.

But it's not enough to just subdue five of them.

Because the magic value has been consumed completely, it seems to consume one-fifth of the magic value to activate a skill.

Then, as if thinking of something, he looked at his property panel.

Even after subduing five goblins, their attributes still remained unchanged.

Doesn't it mean that the panel attributes will increase due to the increase in the number of goblins conquered?

Isn't five enough?

"Gaba!" (Come here!)

Rayong shouted at the five goblins.

They obediently ran up to Luo Yong quickly, lowered their heads and looked obedient.

The five goblins are all LV.3.

Luo Yong raised his foot and kicked one of the five goblins into the air.


The goblin screamed and rolled on the ground a few times, struggled to get up again and ran to him.

Sure enough, it was successfully subdued.

Wow, what a feeling of control!


Excitedly, Luo Yong stomped the slightly injured goblin under his feet. With a grinning grin, he crushed the goblin's ugly cheek into the soil, as if venting his dissatisfaction with what he had encountered in the past few days. Resentful, he didn't let go until the left side of his face was bloody from stepping on it.

The goblin groaned and got up from the ground, but still bowed his head in a submissive manner.

In addition to directly subduing Goblins whose level is lower than your own, you can also subdue them by defeating them.

If he wanted to become stronger right now, subduing goblins was the only way he could think of.

Thinking of this, Luo Yong ordered the five goblins to attack the next goblin.

Through "identification", it can be seen that the goblin is also LV.3.

"Gaba!" (Kill that guy!)

As soon as the words fell, five goblins rushed up from behind the goblin.

Five hit one, and it was still a sneak attack, the result was obvious.

The goblin was knocked down within a few breaths, and was crushed by two goblins.

But Rayong didn't feel the connection with the fallen goblin.

Isn't it hard enough?

Luo Yong looked at the goblin who was screaming strangely and still struggling desperately and thought so.

So he stepped forward and kicked two feet again.

still none.

He kicked it hard in the face twice.

With that, a light spot representing the other party appeared in my mind.


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