"Let's go back now."


They turned into a few shadows and shuttled between the forests...


the other side.

Lin Yu focused his attention on Fei An Ziyun.

"Target found! Lots of goblins, Mom!"


The dense green dots are coming in the direction of the Granville Monster Forest in a long snake-like formation.

The leading goblin tribe has entered the forest.

Ah... the line of sight started to falter again.

So high...and so dizzy...

Although Ziyun was warned not to move around when flying, let alone make "difficult" flying movements, just like Mohong likes to study magic and Junji likes to fight, Ziyun and Ziwu like to fly, plus The reason for being naughty in the first place, it seems impossible to keep them honest...

But even though she is just as naughty, Ziyun, as her elder sister, is more obedient than Ziwu.

Ah, although the two ants were born at the same time, but I don't know when they started calling each other sister and sister.

In contrast, Midori and Junji, who were also born at the same time, had a relatively ordinary relationship from the beginning.

But...during the time in the human town, their relationship seems to have improved a lot?

By the way, didn't they go to the southern hills area to carry out the commission? How is the situation now?

I have been paying attention to the Goblin tribe these days, and almost forgot about them.

So he "dialed" the "phone" of Jun Ji, the three of them.


"Well, how are you guys..."

Lin Yu, who focused on Jun Ji, was taken aback when he saw the bloodstains on the three of them, and there were more bloodstains on Lvzi's shirt.

"what happens?"

"Mom, we met a reincarnation."

Immediately afterwards, Jun Ji told Lin Yu a series of things that happened after they discovered the reincarnated Luo Yong.

"Is Midori all right?"


Lin Yu heaved a sigh of relief after receiving Jun Ji's reconfirmation.

But with that comes anger.

Someone really reincarnated as a goblin, and a bad guy at that!

The horror of the goblins attacking the village of Naner Village is horrifying just from Junji and Midori, but it turned out to be a good thing done by the reincarnation.

This guy not only ordered his goblins to kill almost all the villagers, but also used the female villagers as seedbeds. The female villagers who could not give birth to goblins were eaten by them, and most of the female villagers who gave birth to goblins also lost blood And die, whether dead or not, the result is also eaten after giving birth.

so bad!

Could this guy have been a criminal in his previous life?

However, things in the human village are fine, anyway, it has nothing to do with her.

What made her most angry was the fact that Midori was killed by the other party once.

Among the skills given to her daughter, only the "immortality" skill was not allowed to be tested by her.

After all, if the skill does not take effect, it will really die!The risk of testing is too great!


His arms were cut off, his chest was pierced by a long sword, and his head was smashed... It hurts to think about it.

Is Midori really all right?

If it were me... maybe I would cry out in pain!No, I will definitely cry... I'm afraid of pain.

And maybe it will leave a psychological shadow.

Well, wait for Midori to come back and give her some rewards!After all, she worked very hard.


Besides that goblin reincarnation named Rayong, there is actually a second reincarnation?

And also not reincarnated as a human race, but reincarnated as a giant wolf... Poof, isn't this almost like becoming a dog!Pitiful.

But why did that giant wolf help Midori and the others?

what!Because dogs are good friends of humans—certainly not for this reason, and Midori and the others are not humans.


Forget it, anyway, that giant wolf is not an enemy for the time being.

As for the current enemy...

The white-haired girl's eyes turned cold.

It was the guy named Rayong.

And the capable daughters even discovered his weakness.

As long as he kills the goblins under him, especially the high-level goblins, his board attributes can be weakened.

"You three don't need to come here for the time being. I will let Ziwu take a small group of flying ants to stare at the goblin reincarnator. When his panel attributes are weakened to a certain extent, you will take action."

Having said that, Lin Yu paused.

"I want you to bring him back alive, and I want to kill him with my own hands."

"...Okay, Mom."

After "hanging up", Lin Yu ordered Ziwu to bring a dozen flying ants to fly to the southern hills. They fly very fast, and it will not take long for them to fly to the hills and find the reincarnated Rayong. .

After making the arrangements, he immediately refocused on the Goblin tribe in front of him.

After the first goblin tribe entered the forest, the second and third tribes also entered the forest successively, and they began to approach the first ant nest.

This group of goblins is like locusts crossing the border. The monsters encountered along the way either escaped or were killed and eaten by them.

The enemies were seventeen tribes of goblins, the total number of which was roughly estimated to be between twenty-five and thirty thousand.

In contrast to the ant colony, except for the worker ants as the logistics force and some ant clans that need to stay in the ant colony, the number of ant colonies that are fighting is only about half of that of the goblin tribe.

However, the aptitude and level of the ant clan are mostly higher than that of ordinary goblins, so as long as they follow the plan, the losses can be kept to a minimum.

When the first few goblin tribes reached the area of ​​the first ant nest, the first goblin tribe headed by them began to disperse and explore around.

It's almost time.

"Do it."

"Yes, Mom!"

"Okay, Mom!"


Sneaking Ant Squad, Chi Tong, Mo Hong and other daughters responded one after another.

The ants move quickly and orderly in the underground ant nest passages, and finally run out from the exits of various large or small ant nests.

In just a moment, countless ant tribes suddenly appeared on the first ant nest and the ground nearby.

Once it appears, immediately attack the nearby goblins!



Unprepared, goblins continued to die under the jaws of the ants.

And the leader of the goblin tribe, that is, the goblin king, also reacted at this time, they shouted "gaba", so the goblins gradually stopped being as flustered as they were at the beginning, but started to fight back .

However, this state only lasted for a moment.

The next moment, a few shadows suddenly turned into gray ants beside the goblin kings, and attacked them!

The goblin kings who were focusing on their own tribe were seriously injured in an instant, and were directly killed by the stealth ants after a few rounds.

After losing their leader, the goblin tribe is thrown into chaos once again.

"Destroy them!"

Chapter 120 Five Self-Asserted Daughter

The goblin swarm, which was in a state of chaos, became even more chaotic under the full-scale attack of the ant colony.

Goblins kept screaming "Gaba", and the scarlet blood dyed a large area of ​​the woods red.

Lin Yu observed the battlefield from multiple perspectives.

Weak ants whose aptitude and class are generally at D-level can already deal with multiple ordinary goblins alone.

Army ants are stronger. Most ordinary goblins can't even penetrate their shells. Their jaws tear the limbs of goblins, cut their necks, and easily snatch one goblin after another. Breen's life.

The acid ants sprayed acid, and a dozen goblins howled and died in an instant.

The Iron Armored Ant waved its giant forelimbs lightly, and the hit goblin's health immediately returned to zero. Even the big goblin was no match for them, it was just a matter of a few more attacks.

The sneaking ants set their targets on the goblin warriors who are good at various weapons and the goblin wizards who are good at magic. On the chaotic battlefield, they stalked and killed high-level goblins one after another.

Flying ants overlook the entire battlefield, keeping abreast of the battle situation at any time.

Judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before these goblins are wiped out.

However, the number of goblins is twice as many as that of the ant tribe. They are scattered widely, and each tribe is separated by a certain distance. It is not easy to wipe them all out in a short time.

Moreover, not long after the battle, some goblins began to flee.

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