When one escaped, the other followed suit. After seeing his own kind being easily killed like chopping melons and vegetables, fear spread among these goblins like dominoes.

"Mom, the goblins are running around!"

"Well, I see it."

From Ziyun's perspective, Lin Yu saw that the goblins below started running around. Some of them fled to the forest, some fled to other directions in the forest, and some panicked goblins even fled into the ant colony. drill.

Without Lin Yu's order, ants such as Chitong and Mohong separated part of the ant tribe to chase and kill the fleeing goblins.

They seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and at the beginning of the battle, they let the ant army spread out, forming a "pocket" shape to surround and kill these goblins.

However, limited by the number of ants, this "pocket" cannot hold so many goblins.

The war lasted only ten minutes, and most of the goblins started to run away.

After another ten minutes, the rest of the goblins also started to flee.

Under the semi-siege of the ant colony, most of the goblins fled to the outside of the forest.

Seeing this, under the arrangement of Chi Tong, Mo Hong and other daughters, the Ants sent out countless teams to chase after them, leaving a large number of corpses of Goblins and Ants on the battlefield.

Most of them are goblin corpses.

According to a rough estimate, there were about [-] to [-] dead goblins, which was nearly a quarter of the entire goblin group.

There were more than [-] ant tribes who died in battle, almost all of them were weak ant tribes whose aptitude and rank were D and below.

After all, goblins will use weapons such as wooden sticks and stone axes. Classless weak ants will not be opponents of goblins one-on-one. Once they are targeted by multiple goblins, they will not be injured like other ant tribes. Then retreat and get away.

When the injured health dropped below half, he temporarily retreated and took red fruits to restore his health. This was an order Lin Yu gave to the ant tribe before the battle.

After hunting for a while.

"Mom, there are goblins fleeing towards the human village."

At this time, Chitong's voice suddenly sounded.

"The village?"

"Well, they are currently fleeing towards the villages of West First Village and West Second Village in the east of the forest."

Xiyi Village...that's Gilly's hometown.

"Can you change their escape route?"

"Perhaps it can be done if the acid ants are allowed to spray acid in the direction they are going."

"Then do it."

However, in order to avoid being discovered by the human race, the ant army did not get too close to the village, so a small number of goblins fled towards the village smoothly.

Lin Yu asked the stealth ants, who had a higher agility attribute and were not easy to be discovered by the human race, to deal with this part of the goblins.

The rest of the ant team continued to hunt down the goblins.

It's just that the goblin's ability to escape is much better than their fighting ability, and this kind of pursuit cannot completely wipe out these scattered and numerous goblins.

The ant army didn't stop until they chased them near the town of Owendo.

The location of the town of Owendo is a plain with a relatively flat terrain and a relatively open line of sight. If you go further, you may be spotted by pedestrians on the road near the town.

He thought he could kill all the goblins before chasing them to the town, but in the end, a group of about [-] goblins escaped.

And still fled in the direction of the town of Owendor...

What a coincidence.

By the way... there are many high-level goblins like goblin wizards and goblin warriors in this goblin group.

Shouldn't they have been killed by the sneaking ants long ago?Is it a fish that slipped through the net?

"It's a pity that they escaped, but Mom, we can just use this goblin to test the defense of the town, can't we?"

Just when she realized that something was wrong, Mohong's mature female voice followed.

"Sister Mohong is right, Mom."

At this time, Chitong also said aloud.

"A goblin tribe of only about 3000 can put the army sent by the adventurer's guild and the town into crisis, so what about the more than [-] goblins with more high-level goblins? Human towns Can it withstand the attack of such a large number of goblins?"

"If you can't resist..."

In my mind, I imagined the tragic situation of these goblins breaking through the defense of the town's defense crystal, opening the city gate and entering...

If it really evolves into this way, he is also responsible, right?

After all, these goblins fled to the town under the intentional guidance of Chitong and the others.

No matter how slow he was at this moment, Lin Yu could guess the small movements of Chitong, Mohong and other daughters.

They didn't let the ant colony go all out to hunt down these goblins, but intentionally left enough goblins that threatened the town and led them towards the town of Owendo.

"Don't you have sisters?"


"Sunji, Midori, and Tenichi, just let the younger sisters go to the town of Owendo to help."


But wouldn't this mean that he had to temporarily give up dealing with that goblin reincarnated?

"By the way, Mom, Shuying and Weak Yin will go to deal with that reincarnation named Rayong. They have just set off."

I don't know if she had expected Lin Yu's thoughts, Mo Hong followed Chi Tong's words and said.

Speaking of which, they did not see the two ants in the middle of the battle. Did they go to find the bad guy reincarnated?

"Sorry, Chitong-sister and I made our own decisions without telling mom."


Hmph, ignore you.

But... is it because I thought I would object to using goblins to attack towns?


I might really object.

After all, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Anyway, the town's defense ability has been mastered to some extent, and it would be bad if the goblins really invaded the town.

Feeling guilty about becoming a villain yourself.

and also!

I won't forgive you if it's just an apology!

"Since we have done something of our own accord, my sister and I are already mentally prepared. Mom can punish us however she wants."


Really!Any kind of punishment is fine!

Chapter 120 Six

The town of Owendo at this time.

"Hey, look, what is that?"

The patrolling soldiers on the city wall patted the shoulders of their colleagues next to them.

"what happened?"

The colleague squinted in the direction the other party was pointing at...

There's some dust in the distance, and something seems to be approaching the town...

When the opponent was close enough to be seen clearly, the faces of the two soldiers were shocked.

"Goblins! There are a lot of goblins!"

From a rough look, there may be thousands of goblins. It is no small matter for such a number of goblins to attack a town!They are fully capable of breaching city gates!

After the shock, the two reacted quickly.

One of them informed the guard organization at the city gate that the people who were still lining up outside the city to enter the city quickly entered the city, and the other entered the tower next to the city gate to inform their superiors, their captain.

The captain was also taken aback by the current situation, and he hurriedly ordered the soldiers to go to the barracks and the lord's mansion to notify the legion leader Lite and the lord Simon.

The soldiers rushed the news to the barracks and mansions.

At this time, the goblins were already close to the distance of only 400 meters from the town.

The soldiers on the city wall were able to clearly see the number of goblins this time, roughly estimated to be more than 1000!You must know that the combined infantry and cavalry in the town barracks are only more than [-].

And one of these goblins had a big head.

That is the big goblin, and its rank is generally between D and C. Compared with ordinary goblins, its power is simply two different species.

And such a big guy... one, two, three... more than 30!

Due to their limited vision, the soldiers couldn't spot the goblin warriors and goblin wizards among the goblin group, but the big goblins alone already made them feel a little scared.

If that huge arm wields a stick as thick as a small tree, plus the strength of these big guys... the gates of the town can't resist their attacks for a few rounds!

(V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V)

Therefore, once these goblins continue to approach, they can only activate the huge defensive magic crystal in the central square.

The captain of the soldiers looked at the big clock on the top of the tower.

Once the town is attacked by a large number of monsters or other disasters, the big bell can be ringing, and the big bell with amplified magic can be used to amplify the bell, so that the bell can ring throughout the town.

The human race who had lined up outside the town to enter the city had already been led in by the guards at the gate of the city, and the gate of the town was also closed.

When the group of goblins had approached to a distance of about 200 meters, the big bell on the tower that hadn't been moved for several years was finally rang.

clang - clang - clang -

In the central square of the town, the soldiers guarding the defensive magic crystal were startled when they heard the bell.

After reacting quickly, the leading soldier took out a fist-sized magic crystal that was the same blue color as the defense crystal.

click -

With a crisp sound, the magic crystal was crushed.

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