"Because of the stupid actions of your race, your towns and villages are now surrounded by my daughters, and you have two choices: one, surrender to us, or two, destroy."

"Choose, surrender or die, I will give you time to think about it."

After speaking, the voice disappeared from my mind.

And after roughly digesting the meaning of the sudden appearance of the voice, the whole town boiled.

"What's going on? What does it mean to be surrounded?"

"Surrender or die... Hey, hey, where did this come from a prank!"

The townspeople were either surprised or angry as if they had been tricked.


And the soldiers at the gate of the city also heard the voice of the magic rainbow.

Several soldiers who were huddled in the corner of the city gate were also taken aback, and quickly stood up with vigor.

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"I heard it, this seems to be...reading words."

The last soldier who spoke went up the city wall and looked into the distance.

In the snowy weather, he began to see some small figures in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the small figures gradually increased, more and more... and as the distance approached, the soldiers began to be able to recognize the faces of those figures.

This look made them almost terrified.

It's the ant clan!

The dense numbers spread like an ocean.

Chapter 160 Seven

There are more than 2 weak ants, more than 2 worker ants, more than 1 army ants, and nearly [-] armored ants, as well as nearly [-] acid liquid ants and soil-digging ants.

The huge armored ants crawled at the front like tanks, riding green acid ants on their backs, and other ants were interspersed on both sides and behind them.

The army of the ant clan was mighty, attacking with the momentum of a black cloud overwhelming the city.

Could it be that the "encirclement" mentioned by the previous voice refers to these ants? !

And she said "daughter", is that voice made by the queen of the ant tribe?Monsters that can use "reading words" and even communicate with humans, but I have never heard of such a thing!


The soldier's two rows of teeth kept shaking. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look at the ant army in the distance.

"Hey...hey, then, that is...the iron-clad ant?"

Compared with other ant species, the huge body of the iron armor ant is easier for people to see.

"Iron armored ant, it's an iron armored ant... There's nothing wrong with it. The only ant monsters of this size are iron armored ants."

Another soldier stared in disbelief.

"But... Iron Armored Ants don't act alone, are they rare monsters? This... this..."

Not only are they fighting side by side with other ant monsters, but the number is unbelievable!

According to a rough estimate, there are thousands of armored ants!

Not a few, dozens, or even hundreds, but thousands! !

The Iron Armored Ant is a monster with an aptitude above C. It has excellent strength and defense attributes. It is a powerful monster that ordinary B-rank adventurers would not want to provoke when they encounter it on the road.

With such a number of Iron Armored Ants, let alone a few thousand, one can easily wipe out a human village, and a dozen or so can be considered a disaster.

The scene in front of him could be said to have shattered his long-standing cognition.

After being taken aback for a moment, he quickly thought about the business.

"Hurry up! Ring the bell quickly!!"

There is a big gate bell on the top of the tower next to the city gate, and amplifying magic is attached to it, so the sound can spread throughout the town.

As long as the big bell is ringing, it means that there are a large number of monsters attacking the city.

And once the big bell rang, the huge defensive crystal in the center of the town had to start to play a role.

The bell usually only strikes one to nine times.

The more times the bell was rung, the more monsters came this time, and the stronger they were.

The bell rang three times when the goblins attacked the city earlier.

As for this time...

clang - clang - clang -

The bell was struck nine times by the soldiers without hesitation.

Nine times means that the town is facing the highest crisis, and it is almost impossible to defeat the enemy with the strength of the town.

After the bell rang, the soldiers guarding around the defensive magic crystal in the central square of the town were stunned when they heard the bell.

Could it be that what the voice said was indeed true, that the town was under siege?

After reacting quickly, the leading guard took out a fist-sized magic crystal that was the same blue color as the defense crystal.

click -

With a crisp sound, the magic crystal was crushed.

The moment it was crushed, the huge defensive magic crystal guarded by the soldiers suddenly shone faintly from the inside to the outside. At the same time, a huge translucent blue mask suddenly appeared, completely covering the entire town.

The soldiers at the city gate had just stopped to ring the bell when they saw the appearance of the magic shield.

But can this layer of magic shield really withstand the impact of these armored ants?The soldiers dare not continue to think about it.


the other side.

Originally, Lord Simon felt a little bad after hearing the words.

And the bell that followed immediately made his face even more ugly.

Nine Bells...

This is the first time in decades since the big clock was made!

What happened?


"Lord Simon."

"I want you to personally lead the team to the gate of the city to check the situation, and let me know if there is any situation."

In addition to "Appraisal" and magic skills, Philip also has the skill "Reading Words". If anything happens, he can tell Simon at any time, and he can pass this skill with the other party when the voice sounds again. Communicate directly.

So Felid took some members of the Guards Knights, and all the infantry and cavalry to the gate of the city.

When he came to the city gate with the human army, he climbed behind the city wall.

Even the well-informed Felid couldn't help froze all of a sudden, his eyes widened, and his mouth subconsciously opened wide because of surprise.

Ant tribe...it turned out to be an ant tribe!There were so many of them, they literally surrounded the whole town!

And these ant tribes are more than one ant species.

Among them, those giant armored ants were the ones that shocked him the most. For him, if there were only a few, he could still deal with them with confidence, but... these are not just a few iron armored ants. Thousands.

And on the backs of these armored ants...then if I remember correctly, they are acid ants?It is said that if you are attacked by the acid of this ant monster, you will die of pain, and your flesh and blood will be corroded alive.

And next to the armored ants are these bright black ants the size of Granville wolves... These should be army ants, the kind that are good at fighting.

Even the relatively common Weak Ant Clan looks larger than ordinary Weak Ants, and... at first glance, almost all of them are D-rank?

At this time, the ant army had reached a distance of less than 300 meters from the town, so Philip could see it clearly.

But what surprised Philip the most was that there were actually two "humanoid" ants riding an armored ant and appearing at the front of the ant army.

The reason why they knew they were ants was because Felid used "Appraisal" on them.

One is a B-rank intermediate weak ant named Weak Yin, wait...weak ant?Can the weak ants actually reach B rank?

The other is a B-rank high-level armored ant named Chitong!

Class B advanced!And it’s still an iron-clad ant!

It is entirely possible for such a monster to wipe out an entire town by itself...

no chance...

Not to mention the town of Owendo, even if it is added to the town of Nukeel in the north, it will not be the opponent of this group of ant tribes.

As for the request made by the ant clan...

Surrender...and surrender to the Ants?

Regardless of how these monsters will treat the town after surrendering and surrendering to the ant tribe, the action of surrendering to the ant tribe alone will have an irreparable impact on the town of Owendo.

Ants are monsters after all.

There is no doubt that the human race cannot be ruled by monsters, otherwise the church and the Principality will send troops to sanction them.

So... what to do now?

Felid's face became extremely ugly, because he couldn't think of a way for a while, so he first informed Lord Simon of the current situation through "reading words".

Chapter 160 Eight

Because the city gate was not closed, the knights, soldiers, and adventurers gathered inside the city gate, as well as some townspeople farther away who were not afraid of death, could also start to see the ant army in the distance through the city gate.

As long as the magic shield cast by the town defense magic crystal is released, the soldiers can directly rush out of the city gate and kill the monsters.

But if you do this now, you can only let the soldiers die in vain.


Felid glanced at the soldiers under the city wall. Probably because of panic and fear, they couldn't even maintain their formation. Some soldiers even couldn't help shaking their legs, and they couldn't even stand firmly.

If they went out of the city to fight, they couldn't kill even a weak ant.

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