The only choice right now is to surrender... or ask for help from other towns, but regardless of whether other towns have the power to defeat this group of ants, what should be considered at the moment is how long the town's defensive magic crystal can block this group of ants .


The current situation is a desperate situation where there is no hope at all.

Surrender is impossible.

The other party is a monster. Once they surrender, they don't know what they will do. What's more... Maybe the so-called surrender is a conspiracy of these monsters. In fact, it is just to capture the town more easily?

At present, because of the defensive magic crystal, the monsters will not be able to attack the town for a while, but if they surrender, the town will have to open its gates to this group of ants?

In addition, there is a matter of principle. If the town surrenders to the monster, the position of the town of Owendo will change. It is foreseeable that there will be an army of humans coming to crusade against the monster...even the town.

Ordinary citizens may be fine, but Lord Simon and I must die.

Leaving the town behind and allowing these soldiers and knights to break through the siege of the ants would have more hope of surviving.

Although as the lord of a city, it is unavoidable to be criticized for abandoning the city, but it is clear at a glance whether it is a bad reputation or a bad life.

The escape route is the town of Nukeel in the north. The lord of that town has some friendship with Lord Simon and can go to him.

And just when Phillip began to think about running away.

The ant army finally stopped about [-] meters away from the town.

The previous voice of "reading words" reappeared.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

It was still a mature female voice with a haughty and indifferent tone.

"We, the Ants, are here for revenge."

The voice fell.

The army of ant tribes in front of the town separated into a path, and then five unkempt human tribes were pushed out.

Their hands were bound by ropes made of shadows, and their mouths were stuffed with coarse cloth, so they could only stare at the surrounding ants in horror with wide-eyed eyes.

After being pushed out of the ant army, their eyes finally stopped at the city gate which was only about a hundred meters away.

The lifeless eyes suddenly became alive again. They got up from the ground and stumbled towards the city gate.



Accompanied by several crashing sounds, the heads of the five without exception hit the magic defense shield that was protecting the entire town, and then they fell back and sat on the ground.

After being stunned for a while, they began to desperately try to say something to the soldiers inside the city gate, but they could only make a sound of "嘤嘤".

Regardless of whether the soldiers understood what they meant, even if they did, it would be impossible to let them into the town under such circumstances.

Magic Rainbow also understood this, so it did not stop their actions.

"It was these five who attacked my daughter in Granville Forest, and that's the main reason why we Ants declared war on you."

However, just when she was about to speak next.

"What happened to the other three?"

Lin Yu connected to her and asked.

Mo Hong paused and temporarily canceled the "reading words" skill.

"Mom, do you still remember the incident where Sister Jun Ji was attacked at night by the human race?"


But it wasn't Sylvester and Martina who attacked at night?

The white-haired girl looked at the five people in front of the ant army. Among them, Sylvester and Martina were the most sloppy. As for the other three... Lin Yu didn't have any impression.

"Before the night attack, sister Jun Ji had a conflict with a drunk in the tavern, and the drunk left the tavern with the help of his two companions after being taught a lesson by her sister."

Mo Hong paused, then continued.

"But in fact, the reason why Sylvester and Martina were able to find the hotel room where Junji's sister was staying was because of these three people."

"They followed my sister at the time, and after finding out where she lived, they informed Sylvester and Martina, who had a grudge against her."

"And they were also involved in spreading rumors that my sister killed Sylvester and Martina. In addition... these three adventurers are also not good people. Although they have a good reputation on the surface, but He did a lot of evil things in secret."

"They're as damned as those two, what does Mom think?"

If that's the case... isn't that even worse than those two guys?

But what made Lin Yu most angry was that they also participated in that night attack.

"Well, damn it."

But... when did Magic Rainbow investigate this?And it happened so long ago, she still remembers it so clearly... By the way, when I told her about it, she had doubts, right?


the other side.

After seeing five human races pushed to the front of the ant army, the human race at the city gate suddenly became commotion.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? Those five people... are they human race?"

"I recognize those three people. They are a well-known adventurer team. As for the other two... I can't recognize them from this miserable appearance."

"What are the Ants going to do? That voice said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth... Could it be?"

Just as these human races thought, the shadows under the ant clan suddenly extended, and they turned into ropes and shot at the five people, restraining the five people who had no resistance and pulling them back to their original place.

And this means of using shadows...

Lin Yu looked at a gray ant behind the ant colony.

At present, the only one who can manipulate shadows is Larking Ant.

It's just...Although it is said that a demonstration is going to be held in front of these human races, it can also be said to be an example to others, but if the latent shadow comes...wouldn't it be too much?

Just looking at the latent image's evil taste made Lin Yu feel a little scared, and because of this reason, Lin Yu rarely focused on this daughter.

Especially... when she was fighting.

But since the magic rainbow has already arranged it, it's not good for me to intervene, ah, it's definitely not because I'm afraid that the latent image will be angry.


A bloody public execution followed.

Chapter 160 Nine

First of all, the three adventurers.

A person who was pierced by various weapons transformed into countless shadows died screaming.

One was chopped off from the foot to the head every five seconds until the life value returned to zero.

A shadow turned into a big knife was chopped off from the waist, the body was cut in half, the intestines were scattered on the ground, and the blood spread out all at once...

Because the main organs of the human race are in the upper body, the man did not die immediately, but became conscious because of the pain.

The man screamed in pain and supported his body on the ground with his hands. A long dark red blood trail was drawn behind him, and he finally died after a while.

The death conditions of the three were worse than the last.

Among the people who witnessed the tragic situation of the three people at the gate of the city, whether they were ordinary citizens, or soldiers and cavalry...whether they were ordinary adventurers, or Jun Ji and Qian Yi who had rushed over from the tavern to watch the excitement , they all behaved more or less ugly.

People with low ability to accept either vomited on the spot, or were so frightened that their hands and feet went limp.

Junji and Qianyi are fine, after all, they have seen the appearance of the latent image hunting, but their faces are not very good-looking.

Not to mention the people at the city gate, even Chi Tong and Weak Yin, who had experienced many battles and had seen many battles, felt a little uncomfortable.

The onlookers all looked like this, and as the next victims-Sylvester and Martina were even more frightened, and they uttered "uuuh" to the red eyes and the weak voice behind them with tears No" begging for mercy.

But no matter how much they begged for mercy, the two women still just kept their faces cold and ignored them at all.

It always feels like being the bad guy.

And this indifferent expression that looks like no one else... isn't he trying to imitate me?

Lin Yu took two more glances at them.


Without keeping Sylvester and Martina waiting for too long, the shadow that existed like a death scythe to them began to attack them.

Sylvester's neck and limbs were tightly bound by five ropes transformed from shadows, and then straightened.

The man's face turned purple because his neck was strangled by the shadow. Although he wanted to reach his neck to untie the rope, his hands were also tightly bound and he couldn't move.

The owner of the shadow seemed to want to admire the man's painful struggle. After he struggled for a few minutes, the rope suddenly tightened.

The next moment, the man's head and limbs were ripped apart at once, and a large amount of blood sprayed out from the cut, splashing all over the ground...

The other Martina was tightly bound into a "zongzi" by several shadows, leaving only her head outside.

Then the shadow slowly shrinks...

The woman's expression became more and more painful, and then her eyes protruded, and her mouth opened wide to make a "ho ho" sound.

After that, the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears began to bleed.

The blood flowed more and more... In the end, the woman's face was covered with blood, her blood-red eyes were open and she was silent.

After all five adventurers had been executed, the shadows returned to their original places, and at the same time, somewhere in the ant colony came a sigh of contentment.

the other side.

There was a moment of silence at the city gate.

The tragic death of the two once again brought a great impact to the race.

The purpose of the public execution is to deter the human race, and so far it seems to be very effective.

At this time, what broke the silence was the exclamation of an adventurer.

"I remember!"

He pointed with trembling fingers at the silky, miserable bodies of Sylvester and Martina.

"He, the two of them suddenly disappeared a few months ago, Sylvester and Martina from the Wings of Liberty team!"

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