Because this kind of house with air leakage everywhere is not for people to live in.

"The ant nest is nearby, if you go in, you won't want to come out."

Not only is there food and drink inside, but my lovely daughters are always nearby, so I can sleep peacefully.

But probably because my tone was too cold, it seemed to have the opposite effect?

In the end, they were invited into the cave by their daughters.

Not only this pair of brothers and sisters, except for some children who were arrogant and whose eyes made people feel uncomfortable, they also rescued another [-] or so orphans.

Most of them grew up in slums and lived a precarious life all day long. Although they had hands and feet, few people in the town would hire them, and even if they were hired, they would only do short-term jobs.

But they may have a job in the future, and it will be a long-term job.

Work is the eyeliner of the ant clan.

Since the ant tribe will hide in the dark after winter, a group of human tribes will need to replace them to do the monitoring work for the time being.

And these orphans in the slums are the best candidates.

Well... In fact, there are also reasons for my soft-heartedness.


However, doing so alone is not enough to change the views of all races on the Ant Race.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

No matter how reasonable the ant clan is to show kindness, the human race cannot change their views all of a sudden.

So the next step is the hero of the town!

Not only were the two heroes of the Blade of the Moat not eaten by the Ants, but they were sent back to the town by the Ants unscathed. ——This incident became big news in the whole town immediately after it happened.

As long as the two heroes say something nice about the ant tribe, it will help.

Saved the town twice, fought for the town once...Jun Ji and Qian Yi or two ants still have a certain weight in the hearts of these human races.

And after the two heroes, the merchants made their move.

Capital has the power to manipulate public opinion, and these big businessmen are very handy in playing with this tool called public opinion.

Coupled with the previous foreshadowing, under the influence of these big businessmen, the ant tribe has become a strong, united and positive image of the race, making people believe that the reason why the ant tribe occupies the town is for the development of the ant tribe itself and the human race, to achieve win-win.

But it is true.

The large amount of monster fur, sharp teeth and claws, food, fruits and other resources accumulated by the ant tribe can be sold to the tribe at a relatively low price.

Especially food and monster fur, these resources are in short supply for the current human race in the town.

With the passage of time, under the influence of public opinion, more and more human races began to identify with these ant races stationed in the towns due to the influence of the surrounding environment.

And the number of human races who abused the ant race has become less and less.


Under this series of operations, the town is now almost under the control of the ant clan.

In addition, the biggest practical gain this time is——

Lots and lots of mana recovery potions!

The kind that can drink a bottle and throw a bottle!

So when you take the magic recovery potion next time, you don't need to think too much about the diminishing effect of taking too many magic recovery potions in a short time.

The speed of mana recovery increased a lot at once!

It used to take three or four days to restore the magic value once, but now one or two days is enough. If it is a higher-quality magic recovery potion, then the time can be shorter.

As for how to use the mana...whether it is granting skills or laying eggs, it seems to be fine, after all, the recovery speed is very fast.

update later today

I had a cold last night, so I didn't move a word.

It is likely to be updated later today, about one or two o'clock in the evening.

If you're in a bad state, you might have to dove for a day (whispers)

According to the usual practice, put another daughter here, and everyone can scold her to vent their anger.

I don't bother, I'm leaving ha--


Chapter 180 Two

Gudong Gudong Gudong...


It's really bad, the taste is strange and the smell is pungent.

Although the taste of medium-quality mana recovery potions will be much better, but there are fewer of them, so it is more often to drink low-quality and inferior-quality mana recovery potions.'s acceptable if it's bad, but if you keep drinking it for a few months...even for me who has eaten all kinds of raw meat and raw offal, it's almost the limit.

If I drink any more, I might throw up!

But it doesn’t work if you don’t drink it, the magic value is always not enough.

Therefore, the pharmacists in the town can only make medium-quality and above magic recovery potions as much as possible. Those who really can't drink are those inferior and low-level magic recovery potions, and the medium-quality ones are still drinkable.

High quality?

I'd like to try it, but I haven't tried it yet.

There is no high-quality medicine in the inventory of the army or in the inventory of the pharmacy in the town.

That guy Manfil has been researching and making high-quality potions, but so far no results have been produced.

That guy might not have the talent to make advanced potions...

In consideration of this possibility, the task of making high-quality potions was also handed over to five other pharmacies in the town.

And the materials provided are all high-quality materials cultivated through magic soil!

The materials provided to Manfil before were cultivated by D-rank ant tribes, but this time the materials provided to all pharmacists are materials of D-rank or higher quality.

I don't give a damn about Manfil, though he doesn't seem too happy about it.

Want to become famous overnight by crafting advanced potions and become the number one apothecary in town?It’s a very good dream, but the dream still has to rely on your own hands to make it work, come on, puff...

Anyway, I never promised to only provide him with high-quality materials... Well, have you promised?Forget it, I don't know him well anyway.

Because these pharmacists were entrusted to make potions, and Jun Ji often bought magic recovery potions from them before, so as long as you pay attention to it, you will find something is wrong.

After a long time, they may doubt whether Jun Ji and Qian Yi have anything to do with the ant clan, and even find out that they are the truth of the ant clan, so they asked Jun Ji to sign a confidentiality contract with them.

Oops, their expressions at that time were really wonderful.

Two of the pharmacists are fans of Jun Ji and Qian Yi.

The hero worship turned out to be the ant tribe invading the town. If you want to describe their appearance at the time... Ah, the clown!This is it!

but!If you really want to say it, the ant tribe can really be regarded as a hero!

After all, what has the town lost and what has it gained as a result of the ants attacking the town?

If it's a loss...the five rotten people who were publicly executed?In fact, according to what Simon said, the crimes committed by these five people in private are indeed enough to carry out the death penalty, but after all, the ant tribe is acting on their behalf, and it should be handed over to Simon.

But that's not a big deal, is it?Not even a loss.

And it has nothing to do with the human races in the town, at most it scares them... Really, the latent image is too much...

The execution scene, not to mention those human races, even I was a little terrified, and I had nightmares that night.

Ok?Afraid of daughter?Have!What can I do!You know, I was also used by her as a shadow before...

So I didn't dare to pay attention to her during this time...

Cough, back to the topic.

In addition to being frightened, during the siege of the town, the daughters were asked to teach the rebellious human race, but that was just beating them up and knocking them out. At most, they suffered some minor injuries. On the contrary, the imprisonment gave them a lot of prison food.

Therefore, the human race in the town did not suffer any actual losses.

The one who really caused losses in the town was the town's lord Simon.

Although the town is still his on the surface, it is actually mine.

Then there is getting.

The poor in the towns received food and clothing relief, and the merchants obtained the right to purchase resources such as various monster materials and ores.

Then there is the protection of the ant tribe. As long as the ant tribe patrols the forests and mountains around the town, the number of monsters attacking the town and surrounding villages will drop significantly.

In addition, magic soil will also be sold to farmers in towns and surrounding villages as commodities at a limited and low price.

The magic soil can not only cultivate herbs and fruit trees, but also can be used to cultivate various crops, and it can make the crops continue to grow in various bad weather.

Once the magic soil is provided to the farmers, the production of food will increase, and the price will naturally drop. This can be imagined to the extent that the living standards of urban residents have improved.

However, if the magic soil is not maintained by worker ants, its effect will continue to weaken over time. In other words, it will become ordinary soil after a period of time, so if you want to continue using the magic soil, you have to ask the ants again.


Based on the above, the ant clan should not be invaders, but they should be heroes!The savior is right!

Demonstrate the power of the ant clan through means such as siege by the ant clan, public execution, breaking through the town defense, defeating the town hero, and the threat of the ant nest network underneath, which makes the townsmen feel intimidated.

Then, the benevolence of the ant tribe is shown through means such as the businessman's manipulation of public opinion, the relief of the poor, the protection of the ant tribe, and the promise of providing magic soil, which makes the urban people begin to be grateful and even dependent.

Magic Rainbow is really doing a good job, she really deserves to be my daughter!You have inherited my ingenuity well.

Ah, having said that, the mana is full again this time.

Some time ago, most of the magic points were used to grant skills, and powerful skills such as "immortal", "giant", "appraisal", "dispel", and "berserk" were all given to daughters with A qualification and above .

As for spawning...

Chi Tong, Ruan Yin, Jun Ji, Qian Yi and Midori are all still in the town, but Mo Hong came back first.

During the siege of the town this time, she only communicated with the human race through "reading words" and did not show up in the town.

And most of her work was done, so she set off and came back.

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