Just in time to give her a good reward when she comes back.

reward what?

Of course it's spawning.

What?Spawning isn't a reward?

Humph, that's not necessarily the case.

The previous daughters were all happy when they were chosen to lay eggs, well, it always feels like... favored?

Ah, I thought of going to a strange place.


Lin Yu connected to Mohong through his unique skills, and told her his plan.

"Laying eggs for the mother... This is the best reward for a daughter."

Mohong's mature female voice sounded.

"By the way, Mom, before I came here, I invited Lord Simon and some big merchants and nobles to our castle as guests. I plan to meet and discuss some things with them as an ant queen."

Chapter 180 The Tenth Ant Nest

In the southern hills, the network of ant nests radiating outward from the cave where Rayong stayed has now been roughly completed, becoming the Ninth Ant Nest.

In addition, the network of ant nests radiating out from the town of Owendo to the surrounding villages became the tenth ant nest.

After occupying the town of Owendor, because they signed a contract with the Lord Simon and his subordinates, Litt, the head of the legion, and the knight commander of the Knights of the Guards, the number of ants staying under the town and patrolling in the town decreased. Most of it was recovered.

Of the [-] ants, [-] were left in the town of Owendo and its surrounding villages, [-] were left in the southern hills, and the remaining [-] returned to the Granville Monster Forest.

Although the number of ants has decreased significantly, none of the urban residents dared to take advantage of the situation to resist.

Although there are only more than 1 ant tribes left in the town, they are not able to compete with them, and... not only did they not resist, some of the human tribes who were relieved by the ant tribe even came forward to greet the patrolling ant tribe with a smile .

"They are sincerely grateful to those ants."

Simon lifted a corner of the curtain of the carriage, just in time to see a mother and daughter waving hello to a group of ant tribes patrolling over.

"You must know that when my carriage travels, the citizens don't say that they will see each other off, at least they will bow to themselves... It's really a moment and a moment. This group of ants is really not an ordinary monster."

"My lord's words should be placed on that ant queen."

In the carriage compartment, Felid, who was sitting opposite Simon, said.

"These patrolling ant tribes are obviously following the orders of the queen ant. You see, they don't respond to the greetings of the citizens."

"To be able to control the entire town like now, and not let the townspeople feel resistance... That ant queen's wisdom is no less than mine."

While speaking, the carriage had already driven to the city gate.

On both sides of the carriage were the accompanying knights of the Knights of the Guards, and behind them were several carriages, in which sat several nobles and big businessmen who had also received invitations.

And there were not only human soldiers guarding the gate of the city, but also a few ants.

The body height is as tall as a person, and the two huge armored ants stand on both sides, and they give people a strong sense of deterrence just by looking at them.

But as long as I think that such a monster is not an enemy, but on my side... I feel inexplicably relieved.

Simon looked back and lowered the curtain.

"Going to Granville Forest this time, what do you think the ant queen wants to discuss with us?"

"Well...there are only three possibilities I can think of."

Phillip mused.

"One is how to deal with the ant tribe and the town after winter, so that the principality will not find out that the town has been occupied by the ant tribe."

"The second is the report on the investigation of urban population, which is what we have been busy with during this time."

"The third is about the future development of the town, and the other party should intend to show us the resources held by the ant tribe, and this is why those nobles and big businessmen were also invited to go."

"Well, it would be great if that's the only way..."

"What is Lord Simon worried about?"

Phillip gave Simon a puzzled look.

"Hey, you also know that before the ant tribe besieged the town, I... didn't I have something to say about that Midori?"


"I was thinking, if the ant queen intends to deepen the relationship between our town and the ant clan through marriage... then wouldn't I! Alas!"

"...Your Excellency is too worried. In my opinion, the Ant Queen attaches great importance to her daughters, and even if it is a marriage, she will consider her daughters' thoughts."

Phillip shook his head.

"And Miss Lvzi doesn't seem to have that kind of meaning for Lord Simon."

"Is that right?"

Simon was taken aback.

"Is such that."

Phillips affirmed.

"Instead of worrying about this, adults should worry about our future safety."

He sighed.

"Although I was invited to go to the forest, except for the ant tribe who looked like a young girl leading the way, the other ant tribes seemed to have no intention of accompanying them."

"The deeper the Glanville monster forest, the more dangerous it is. Although the young girl is a B-rank high-level ant tribe, once she encounters a large number of high-level monsters, she may not be able to take care of us."

After two days of driving, the carriage finally arrived at the entrance of the forest.

The carriage in the forest was impassable, so Simon and the others had no choice but to get off the carriage, get on the horse and continue on.

"On both sides of the escort, protect Sir Simon!"

Knight Commander Lycaris swung his long sword, and all 20 or so knights surrounded Simon's horse and marched forward.

And the red pupil in front got off the horse, she opened her mouth and screamed into the forest, a gust of wind blew by, and the next moment a giant yellow-haired wolf appeared in front of everyone, startling them.

"A rank! It's the wind wolf of rank A!!"

Phillip's complexion changed drastically.

"It's so big... what wind wolf, it's clearly a giant wolf!"

Lykaris suddenly looked dignified, and pulled out the long sword behind his back as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

All the knights also drew out their long swords, and their swords were tense for a while.

Then they saw the giant wolf let out a "woof" and squatted down in front of Chitong.

The young girl rode up and touched the huge wolf head.

"Let's go."

Looking back at the stunned people, Chi Tong patted Huang Mao's neck, and then walked towards the foggy area.

The first to react was Philip.

"Go! Let's follow up first!"

Awakened by his voice, everyone quickly mounted their horses and followed.

"Mr. Phillips, are you sure you read correctly, that giant wolf is an A-rank monster?"

Lycaris approached Felid on his horse.

"There's nothing wrong with that. In terms of rank alone, that giant wolf is taller than the young girl riding on it. Besides..."

Phillips paused.

"That giant wolf is actually a reincarnation."

"Reincarnator? You mean...the hero?"

"No...it's not a hero, a unique skill...it's an Inugami."

"Inugami? The No. 3 reincarnation besides the hero and the devil... By the way, if there are reincarnations..."

Lekalis' face sank.

"Well, that's right, the demons are likely to make a comeback again."

"But why is this dog god reincarnated willingly being driven by that humanoid ant? Mr. Phillips, you think... the ant queen is also a reincarnator, right? Could it be... the devil?"

"No, with the words of the Demon King, it is impossible to live in peace with our human race like now, but maybe it will really be a reincarnation... But anyway, whether it is a reincarnation or not, we are already standing with each other at this time. On the same side."





PS: The cold is better, but I've been a little busy recently... Try to update as much as possible, I don't want to lose full attendance T△T

Chapter 180 Four What Should You Call Me?

After entering the forest, Philip realized that his worries were unnecessary.

As soon as the monsters along the way saw the young girl riding the giant wolf in front of them, they would take a detour and escape, and they could see the ant clan at any time.

It seems that because of the occupation of the town, the ant clan no longer hides from the human race as before, and most of the time they are active underground in order to prevent the human race from finding out.

"The entire forest seems to be their hunting ground... No, it should be said to be the back garden."

Simon exclaimed.

After marching for most of the day, it was already afternoon.

The whole team stopped, and opened their mouths wide at the scene in front of them.

"This...isn't this the death fog area?!"

"How did you come here?"

They know the area.

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