However, being knocked into the air only deducted five or six health points, while the weak ants that were not knocked into the air continued to pounce on the goblin.

Lin Yu felt relieved.

Even with weapons in hand, it is only a matter of time before these goblins are defeated.

But the premise is that the goblin will be defeated obediently.

After fighting for a while, the leader of the goblin suddenly turned his head and started running away with a "bass".

The sudden action of the goblin leader not only shocked Lin Yu, but also the four goblins who were fighting.

Then they also hurriedly followed to escape.

Naturally, Lin Yu wouldn't just let them run away like that, and when she recovered, she quickly ordered the weak ants to chase them down.

However, the goblins ran so fast that the weak ants couldn't catch up for a while.

Activate the skill "Command".

The "Command" skill was blessed on the two rank D weak ants chasing the front, and the other eight rankless weak ants.

The speed of the classless weak ants doubled all of a sudden, while the speed of the two class D weak ants more than doubled.

The two of them almost caught up with the two goblins who were running at the rear.

They easily bit off their legs, and the two goblins fell to the ground with a howl.

Ignoring the two goblins whose legs had been bitten off, they rushed towards the two goblins ahead.

This time the two goblins were on guard when they heard the movement behind them.

They picked up the wooden sticks in their hands and waved them at the two rank D weak ants.


I saw the two weak ants who activated their skills bit the wooden stick in their hands into two pieces, and then threw themselves into their arms.


After making such a crisp sound, a huge gash was bitten out of the waist of the two goblins, and their bodies suddenly fell to the ground.

But because of the blocking of these two goblins, the leader of that goblin had escaped from the cave at this time.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing the goblin leader.

There are three reasons.

One is that if you want to maintain the "command" effect on the two rank D weak ants, you must keep the two weak ants within your field of vision, and there are patches of forests under the hills outside the cave.In other words, she had to follow the two weak ants to chase the goblin leader.

The second is uncertainty. She is not sure whether she will encounter other monsters during the pursuit, and she is not sure whether the goblin will have other reinforcements.

The third is that the remaining magic points may not be able to support the blessing of the "command" effect for more than 1 minute.

Because Lin Yu discovered that after the two weak ants were promoted to D, the blessing of the "Command" effect doubled, and the consumption rate of mana also doubled.

When it was blessed on the classless weak ant before, it was +1 to all attributes.

And when it is blessed on the weak ants of class D, it becomes +2 to all attributes.


So Lin Yu turned his attention back to the seven goblins who couldn't get up again in the cave.

Activate "Appraisal"


name: none

Race: Goblin (disabled, bleeding)

Qualification: D

class: none

Level: LV.7

Health: 24/80

Mana: 0/0

Skills: none

Attribute: Strength 0

Agility 0

Intelligence 0

Physical Resistance 0

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0


/Goblin: A low-level monster commonly found on the mainland, simple in thinking but brutal and violent, with strong sexual desire and strong reproductive ability.


There are two goblins whose strength is 1, but the attributes of other goblins are only stronger than the classless weak ants.

But that's not the point.

The focus is on the following description... Sexual desire, ah, no, it's the next sentence!Very fertile...

In other words, if the escaped leader goblin lived in a large goblin tribe, then he would probably bring other goblins to take revenge when he fled back.

Wow, what to do what to do?

Cold, calm down, calm down first...

It will take time for that guy to go back and bring people over. This time should be enough for the 140 weak ants and worker ants to fully grow.

The space in the cave is wide, and it is not the home field for the ant colony to fight. If the opponent's overall strength is stronger, it is better to lure them into the ant colony.

Well, in order to cope with the battle that is likely to occur next, we need to move some more food into the ant nest.

And the weak ants who are in charge of stalking will also be sent out!

Let them keep an eye on the movement in the west, ah, keep an eye on those in other directions to prevent other monsters from appearing.

As for the goblins on the ground who have lost their resistance...

Let me do the final blow!After all, there is still a little bit of experience to upgrade.

After upgrading, the status can be fully restored, so that you can better cope with the next battle!

Moreover, eating meat to upgrade or something is too much torture for ants!

Chapter 28 How to thicken the slime?

"Gaba Gaba!!"

"Gaba Gaba!!"

The goblins who lost the ability to fight screamed fiercely.


"Gaba Gaba!"



Because he didn't know what the white ant in front of him was talking about, the goblin's weird goat eyes were full of doubts.

Lin Yu also felt a little bored.

So he stopped screaming, but poked his head and killed these goblins one by one.

The health points of the goblins returned to zero, and the huge thing withered away.

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.5 is upgraded to LV.6, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of three gifts: ① Maximum HP +10, Maximum Mana +5 ② Dexterity +1, Intelligence +1 ③ Intelligence +1, Physical Resistance +1

The third boon option was selected.

After the upgrade, Lin Yu turned his attention to the weak ants that were stalking outside the cave.

In the cave, the rest of the weak ants are constantly tearing off pieces of meat from the bear's corpse, and then transporting them into the ant nest.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

As the time goes.

The larvae weak ants and larvae worker ants in the ant nest have grown fully. The health value of the weak ants has increased to 8 points as before, but the health value of the worker ants is even lower than that of the weak ants, only 5 points.

The health of the two newly born weak ants with qualification D also increased to 10 points, and the two newly born worker ants with qualification D increased to 8 points.

After they were fully grown, Lin Yu asked them to continue eating meat to upgrade.

When they are full, each weak ant and worker ant has LV. 3, and they all have added life points.

The health value of the 70 weak ants born recently: 28/28

Health value of 70 worker ants born soon: 25/25

After they were all full, Lin Yu asked these newborn weak ants to join the big team of moving the meat. As for the 70 worker ants, they were ordered to start digging tunnels from the inside of the ant nest.

The passage can be dug directly in all directions, or it can be dug further below the ant nest.

If you dig down, it will waste more time to transport the excavated soil out.

So Lin Yu asked the worker ants to dig tunnels in the four directions of the current room. After digging a small tunnel, they began to expand the room.

After receiving the instruction, the 70 worker ants automatically divided into four parts and started digging in four directions.

Lin Yu spared no effort to observe the work of the worker ants for a while.


Although their jaws are smaller than weaker ants, they are more efficient at digging up soil because they are thicker.

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