In addition, Lin Yu noticed that when they were digging, their mouths would secrete a kind of transparent mucus, which would fix the loose soil into clods, and these clods could be easily transported out by other worker ants. .

The speed of transporting the soil clods is also very fast, even faster than that of the weak ants carrying the meat clods in, just like skilled workers who have been in the transportation industry for a long time.

They expanded the ant nest more stably and faster than the weaker ants before.

Lin Yu found that he fell in love with them.

"You are all mother's good children! I'm really sorry for despising your poor attributes before."

The white ants patted their little heads with their forelimbs encouragingly.

After digging a small passage in each of the four directions, the worker ants began to expand the room.

However, when expanding the room, the speed slowed down, not because of laziness, but because the transparent mucus secreted from their mouths began to become thinner, and there was no way to fix the soil as easily as before.

Some worker ants that secreted transparent mucus to a certain extent stopped working.

It feels like a master craftsman who chooses to go on strike in order to ensure the quality of the project because there are few accessories or the tools are not working.

Aware of this, Lin Yu chose to trust the judgment of these "teachers". She quickly asked them to stop digging in four directions and focus on one direction first.

However, in this way, there are worker ants idle.

So the rest of the idle worker ants were allowed to join in the work of carrying soil and meat.

In order to save time, the soil blocks were not transported outside the cave and then thrown away, but were piled directly inside the cave.


After a while, a new room was finally expanded.

The expanded new room is nearly twice as large as the original room. It can be said that the level of expansion of the ant nest by the worker ants is more than twice that of the weak ants.

But after completing this new room, the mucus secreted by the workers' mouths was almost as thin as water, and they limp on the ground limply.

After all, Lin Yu is a good mother who loves her daughters dearly, and personally feeds them meat when they can't recover.

Maybe eat more meat and the slime will thicken?

Ah, it's not to get them to work as soon as possible!Why? the way, you see, if it is too thin, it may not be good for your health.

It is a pity that the mucus secreted by the already full worker ants did not thicken after they ate some meat.

Seems to take some time to return to its original consistency?

So disappointed...ah, no, just a little disappointed...

Squeeze the labor of the daughters?What a bad mother!Should be condemned!


after awhile.

The worker ants who fell into a state of short-term weakness due to excessive secretion of mucus also gradually recovered their mobility, but the mucus was still thin.

So Lin Yu asked them to carry the meat with other weak ants.

After almost two hours of busy work, it was dusk.

The expanded new room was almost occupied by more than half of the space.

Almost all the meat from the huge long-toothed brown bear body was disassembled, leaving only a small part of the meat and the internal organs, fur and bones.

The corpses of the wolves hadn't been touched much.

Lin Yu had tried to eat the meat of these Granville wolves, and there was also a strong smell of blood in his mouth, and there was also a strange smell in addition.

Worse than bear meat.

Goblin meat?

Well, without thinking about it for the time being, why would you want to eat this kind of green-skinned monster meat under the premise that there is clearly bear meat and wolf meat?

Those goblins are ugly and creepy, and they are also humanoid creatures after all. They will definitely make you feel sick if you eat them, right?


While Lin Yu was thinking wildly, news came from the weak ant who was watching.

To the west, a group of goblins are heading towards the cave.

When the goblins got close to a certain distance, Lin Yu saw their number and size through the perspective of weak ants.

The number of this group of goblins is 30. The reason why I can see their size is because...

The leading goblin was not the kind of short green-skinned mob that he had seen before. It was tall and strong, and at a glance, it was seven or eight times as tall as other small goblins.

The body shape looks similar to that long-toothed brown bear, but in terms of height alone, it is even taller than that long-toothed brown bear!

Moreover, its skin is dark brown, its mouth is full of fangs, and it is holding an extremely thick wooden stick in its hand. The size and thickness of the wooden stick can catch up with the trunk of a small tree.

This big guy looked like no ordinary goblin.

Chapter 29 Why is Big Goblin called Big Goblin?

Activate "Appraisal"


name: none

Race: Big Goblin

Qualification: C

Class: D

Level: LV.16

Health: 360/360

Mana: 40/40

Skills: "Attack Enhancement", "Bite", "Strike"

Attribute: Strength 6 (+1)

Agility 3

Intelligence 1

Physical Resistance 2

Elemental Magic Resistance 1

Ailment Resistance 0

/Big Goblin: The alienated species of Goblin, able to use weapons, is a middle and low-level monster with excellent attacks, irritable, ferocious and violent, and has a strong sexual desire. It usually breeds with ordinary Goblins to produce The individual below has a probability of being a Big Goblin.


So strong... Although the overall attribute is lower than that of the long-toothed brown bear, but in terms of strength alone, it is higher than that of the long-toothed brown bear.

And it also uses weapons!In addition, the skill "Strike" is also very interesting.

It feels like it should be able to match the skills of the weapon in its hand.

If that big stick comes down...

Wow, how can this kind of guy survive!

And there are some strange explanations behind the appraisal... that... sexual desire or something... Although I don't really want to know about this kind of thing, but I can't help it if I see it at a glance.

What did you see at a glance?

Um, elephant nose?

I'm sorry, because it's too eye-catching, anyone will see it the first time!It's not my fault!

Hey, but how can it be as big as a normal goblin... Wow!I can’t continue to think about it, because if I continue to think about it, I will not be pure!Me, I am not dirty!


While Lin Yu told the weak ants who were watching to withdraw, he also asked the weak ants in the cave to move more pieces of meat into the ant nest as soon as possible.

While staring at the group of goblins, she identified them one by one.

Except for the big goblin, the other goblins are of none, and the level is between LV.5 and LV.10.

These ordinary goblins also held wooden sticks or stone axes in their hands, and some even held crude wooden spears in their hands.

One-on-one, apart from the two weak ants with aptitude D, the other weak ants might not be able to defeat these ordinary goblins.

We can only find a way to introduce them into the ant nest.

In such a narrow underground passage, it is difficult for the weapons in the hands of these goblins to play a role.

As for the big goblin?



How could it be possible to beat, that guy is too strong!

The only hope can only be placed on those army ants who have not yet hatched.They are ants born to fight!It must be strong!

Fortunately, almost all the meat has been moved in.

However, due to the increase in the number of ant colonies, the food that was originally enough to last for several months may only last for less than a month at present.

But Lin Yu didn't intend to let the ants nest in the ant nest all the time.

She planned to use these pieces of meat to focus on cultivating the army ants after they hatched, and deal with the group of goblins when the time was right.

In addition, because there are worker ants, it is even possible to dig a passage from the ant nest to the outside of the stone cave.

This time, the situation of being "blocked" before will not happen again.

Ant colonies can attack when advancing, and defend when retreating.

But the group of goblins on the opposite side is different. There are not many big prey in this area, and they should be the first to have a food crisis!

Fufu, maybe they will run away when they are too hungry?But if you still hold on to the ant colony, you can also find the individual guys to defeat them one by one!

If you think about it that way, there's nothing to worry about!


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