But once you look carefully at the lines on the magic circle, you will feel dizzy again.

The magic circle lasted for nearly a minute before finally disappearing.

After the magic circle disappeared, Lin Yu finally came back to his senses, and quickly looked around the bedroom.

Many ant eggs of different sizes appeared out of thin air on the carpet in the bedroom. In addition, Lin Yu also found that his stomach became flat again after this.

It feels a lot easier.

It's just that before she carefully checked the results of the first egg laying after being promoted to S rank, a strong sense of hunger suddenly occupied her mind, and she couldn't help but salivate.

so hungry!

Much hungrier than every spawn before!

Lin Yu quickly activated the skill "Magic Backpack".

He took out a large piece of dragon meat that was still hot after being roasted from the backpack, and then began to hold the dragon meat and gnawed on it regardless of his image.

Like a starved ghost reincarnated, the dragon meat was swallowed without chewing.

But thanks to the girl's beautiful face, even if it is such a rough way of eating, it won't make people feel ugly, on the contrary, it adds a little bit of subtle cuteness.

After eating chunks and chunks of dragon meat, the hunger gradually subsides...

After the feeling of hunger subsided, the white-haired girl threw the last piece of dragon meat into her mouth, chewed it carefully and swallowed it, then licked her fingers unsatisfied, and sighed contentedly.

Really delicious...

But this time.

She glanced at the magic backpack.

All the dragon meat dishes stored in the backpack were eaten... This is the first time that I can eat so much in one go.

But what's the matter with this abnormal hunger~ Hehe, it must be a good daughter!

Where is it~ Where is my good daughter~

In short, according to the usual practice, it is better to count the quantity first.

But this time the other daughters are not allowed to come in to help count the number.

Humph, this is my exclusive moment!

So it took some time to count.

Hmm... 490 nine pieces?

Shouldn't it be five hundred, right?

Speaking of the types of ant eggs...

Weak ants, worker ants, army ants, armored ants, acid liquid ants, soil-digging ants, stealth ants, magic ants, flying ants... They are all familiar types of ant eggs.

Could it be that there are no new species of ants appearing...

But since the magic circle is colorful, maybe the aptitude of these ant tribes will be above S, or even S+?

Although there is no new ant species, it is a bit disappointing, but if there are high-quality ant tribes... it will be fine...

The girl sighed deeply, and began to check the qualifications of each ant egg.

C Qualification...B Qualification...C Qualification...B Qualification...B Qualification...

However, the more he checked, the more Lin Yu felt something was wrong.

Almost half of the ant eggs have been inspected. Although the proportion of ant eggs with C qualification and B qualification seems to be a little higher, I have been checking and I have not even seen ant eggs with D qualification...but other than that, regardless of S Qualification and above, what about A qualification?

It seems that there is no A qualification? ?

You must know that when the dark golden magic circle appeared before, it produced the S-qualified Magic Rainbow and several other A-qualified daughters.

Lin Yu paused, and continued to check the past patiently.


Until the final 490th ninth ant egg was checked, there were still no ant eggs with qualification A and above.

The girl froze for a moment.


how come!

Obviously, every time I was promoted before, I got daughters with very good qualifications.

If spawning is compared to the card drawing link in a card game, the first spawning after leveling up is undoubtedly guaranteed...

If the guarantee is taken away, now...isn't it even inferior to Africans? !

Me, I have a very pale face!White and tender! !

It is absolutely impossible for this to happen, and I will never admit it!

And 490 nine eggs... there must be one missing!

But the one missing...

Ah, is it still in your stomach?

After thinking of this possibility, the girl quickly lifted up her blouse and touched her belly.

Have it?Maybe not?

If it's not in the stomach, it's difficult, could it be that...on the way...

The girl's face froze.

His eyes slowly moved down.

But if that's the case, I'll feel it too.

Well, the possibility that the last egg was a small one cannot be ruled out.

Damn, once you think about it, it always feels as if there is really something in your body...

Want to...check it?

The white-haired girl's breathing gradually became rapid, and her heartbeat also accelerated accordingly.

No... still, forget it.

Ah, by the way, if the last ant egg was very small, it might have been missed when counting the ant eggs just now!

The girl suddenly realized, and then her face turned red again.

I should have checked the room first, I was stupid again... but luckily I didn't do anything weird.

She began to carefully examine the ant eggs in the room.

I searched carefully between ant eggs and ant eggs, but found nothing.

So I looked for it on the furniture in the room, on the bed, and even in the corners...

After ten minutes...

what!found it!

The white-haired girl excitedly reached out and picked up an ant egg from under the bed.

The last ant egg was found on the edge of the bedpost at the bottom of the bed. Because it was located in a blind spot of sight, it took a lot of effort to find it.

Really, how could it be in this kind of place.

But... it's really small.

The girl held the ant egg in one hand and observed it. It looked even smaller than the egg in her previous life, about the size between a quail egg and an egg. It always felt like it would break if touched with a little force.

The color of the ant eggs is pure white, but if you look closely, you can see that there are some faint colored lines flashing on the surface of the eggshell.

It looks not so much an ant egg, but more like a radiant and dazzling gemstone.

Chapter 41 New species of ants!

After observing for a while, Lin Yu proceeded to identify the ant eggs on his hands.


name: none

Race: parasitic ants (eggs)

Qualification: S

(Omitted below)


/Parasitic ants: The body is extremely weak, but it can parasitize in dead organisms and gain control over the target organism.At present, there is no record of this ant in the history of the mainland. In addition, the parasitic ant has independent intelligence.


It is S qualification!

But if there is an S qualification, shouldn't the magic circle be dark gold?Why is it a colorful color that has never been seen before...

And this time, there was only one...parasitic ant egg. You must know that while the magic rainbow was born before, it also gave birth to another part of B-qualified magic ants.

But then again...she's a parasitic ant.

When I think of parasites, I always feel a little subtle...

And about parasitic ants.

Can only parasitize dead organisms...and can take control of the target organism.

Lin Yu first thought of the Earth Dragon Clan that he had killed not long ago, and the Dragon Mother Flois.

Could it be said that even the earth dragon clan and dragon species can be parasitic?

And taking control of the target...meaning being able to fully animate the target creature's body?Or is it able to exert the strength of the target creature during its lifetime?

And if it is possible to exert the strength of the target creature during its lifetime, how can it be exerted specifically?Could it be that it has the attributes and skills of the target creature during its lifetime?

wait wait wait...

Lin Yu seemed to think of something suddenly, and his heart skipped a beat.

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