If it is parasitic, does it also have requirements for the corpse?

For example, the integrity of the corpse, the freshness of the corpse, etc...

The corpses of Floise and the Earth Dragon Clan have already been disposed of during this time!

The dragon skin, flesh, and scales on their bodies were all removed by the ant clan's joint efforts, and now only a skeleton is left.

If there is only one skeleton... can it still be parasitic?

The white-haired girl stared unblinkingly at the race description after identifying the parasitic ant eggs. Her face was alternately happy and sad, and various thoughts flashed in her mind.

In the end, all thoughts were suppressed, and the girl took a deep breath.

The daughter hasn't hatched yet, so it's useless to think so much.

How did the parasitism happen, and what is the effect after the parasitism... I will know after my daughter is born~

The white-haired girl gently stretched out a green finger, and gently touched the parasitic ant eggs.

Be born soon.

I'm sure I won't disappoint my mother by then, right?

Hmph, after all, this daughter is the only parasitic ant egg among five hundred ant eggs, and she is also the only ant egg with S qualification!

If the number is small, doesn't it just mean that this daughter is very strong!

Ah, by the way, I almost forgot, I have to give her a name.

what name should I choose...

Except for Lvzi, Ziyun and Ziwu, most of the daughters first take a word from the race name, such as Junji's Jun, Mohong's Demon, Latent Shadow's Latent...

For parasitic ants, according to the convention, the first letter of the race name is used...


Well, it is definitely impossible to take this word, it always feels unlucky, and it doesn't sound good.


What?Sour one, iron one, dig one these names are not any better?Hmph, I don't care~

But if you don't choose to send this word, the second word doesn't seem to be very good.

Lin Yu looked at the small, even delicate parasitic ant eggs lying in his palm.


Just take "Xiaoqiao" as the name!

As if she thought she had chosen a good name, the girl hummed happily, while holding the ant eggs in her hands, she walked around the spot a few times like dancing.

But because "Xiao Qiao" sounds like a nickname, Lin Yu, who calmed down, finally kept "Ji".

"You will be called 'Jiqiao' from now on, and your nickname will be Xiaoqiao."

After making the decision, Lin Yu saw through the identification that the word "Jiqiao" appeared in the name column on the parasitic ant egg panel.

Because he was worried about accidentally damaging the parasitic ant eggs, Lin Yu specially picked a delicate and beautiful small box for Jiqiao, spread soft feathers inside the box, and then placed this gem-like delicate and eye-catching white ant eggs. Among them, it was placed on the dressing table next to the bed.

Then let the worker ants enter the room and move the remaining 490 nine ant eggs with B qualification and C qualification to the hatching room.



after that.

Time passes day by day.

Among the batch of ant eggs that produced parasitic ants, the 490 nine ant eggs also slowly hatched into new ant clans over time, but the parasitic ant eggs have not moved.

During this period, Lin Yu recovered his mana value by taking magic recovery potions continuously, and then impatiently activated the skill "spawn".

It's just that among the ant eggs laid this time, there were only B qualifications and C qualifications. Not only did no parasitic ant eggs appear, even ant eggs higher than B qualifications did not appear.

This made the white-haired girl unhappy all day.

Her appetite, who can usually eat at least ten catties of dragon meat in one meal, has also deteriorated, and she can only eat seven or eight catties of dragon meat.

In the following time, Lin Yu was not in the mood to try to lay eggs anymore.

All her thoughts were on the parasitic ant egg on the dressing table.

The other daughters were also very interested in the new younger sister who was about to be born, and would often come over to look at the parasitic ant eggs with Lin Yu.

When I was bored, I played cards and chess with Lin Yu in the bedroom.

In this way, until the seventh day, the parasitic ant eggs finally moved.


First, a slight "click" sound attracted Chitong's attention, and she patted the shoulder of the girl beside her.

"My sister seems to be moving."


Lin Yu got up from the chair immediately after hearing this, and wanted to go over to check the situation.

"I'm not going to play anymore, this time it's a draw, I'll go and see Xiao Qiao."

"Ah, Mom is cheating! I'm almost winning this round!"

Midori, who was the opponent, complained and got up too.

Lin Yu ignored her, and walked briskly towards the dressing table with Chi Tong.

In the past ten or so days, after making chess, Lin Yu was able to abuse his daughters at first by relying on the experience he had played before, but after the daughters became familiar with how to play chess, Lin Yu gradually failed to win most of them. daughter.

Among the daughters with the best chess skills, apart from Chitong and Mohong, there is Luzi in front of her.

I lost two games long ago, and I still have a headache, is it going to lose three games in a row, and even lose the majesty of being a mother?

Humph~ Xiaoqiao was born at the right time!

But... is it really about to be born?

She walked to the dressing table and saw the small ant eggs placed in the box were trembling slightly.

Chapter 42 As long as you use a little force, it may be like crushing an ant

The little ant egg trembled slightly, and there was a constant "click" sound from inside. It was conceivable that the little guy inside was trying hard to break free from the shackles of the eggshell...

so...so nervous...

Lin Yu held his breath subconsciously, and his heartbeat kept vibrating like an ant egg.

As a few breaths passed, she and her daughters watched as cracks began to form on the surface of the eggs, which then widened and fragments of eggshells fell from above the cracks with a slight clicking sound.

coming soon!

Lin Yu followed Chi Tong and Lu Zi to stare straight at the ant eggs in the box, their red eyes sparkling a little.

As the eggshell fragments continued to fall, finally, the three girls saw a little ant break open the eggshell and crawl out.

Its body is extremely small, not even as long as Lin Yu's finger. The ant's entire body is snow-white, but only its eyes and the tips of its six limbs are blood-red.

The small and exquisite appearance made Lin Yu fall in love immediately after seeing it.


But at this time, after hatching, the little ant seemed to be still in a daze. She shook her head, and then looked up to look out of the box.

Just by raising his head, he met three pairs and six big eyes!


The little ant was so frightened that it jumped up from the spot, and then hid in the corner of the box, with its six legs huddled together, not daring to look at the three girls outside the box, trembling.

Compared with her size, the three women standing by the dressing table were as tall as giants.

Anyone who opened their eyes and saw this scene would definitely be shocked, so much so that the frightened little ant couldn't even recognize the three girls in front of him as her mother and sisters.

Lin Yu was a little surprised by the little ant's reaction.

You must know that in the past, after the daughters were born, they would recognize themselves at the first sight, and would even come to get close to themselves...

Ah, except for the soft voice, but she didn't dare to get close because she was shy.

Then, is this little guy simply afraid of himself?

So timid, as small as her.

But it's better to be timid than to be brave!Now some daughters are a lot more courageous, hehe.

The white-haired girl reached out and tapped the head of the green-haired girl next to her.

Duang ~

"It hurts! Oh, why did you hit me..."

"Scared your sister."

Hmph, my daughter, hit me up if you want!

"Hey...are you scared by me? But my mother beat me so badly!"

I'm not trying.

Lin Yu curled his lips secretly and ignored her.

But Lin Yu didn't pay attention, and Lvzi went up with the stick.

"Hey, as long as mom touches it, it won't hurt~"

She hugged Lin Yu's arm with one hand, while pressing her cheek against the girl's shoulder.

Lin Yu still ignored it, and continued to look at the little ants in the box with the young girl next to her.

"My little sister is so cute."

Chi Tong praised.


You are also small.

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