
The next day.


The familiar "alarm clock" woke Lin Yu up.

This stupid and stupid big brother Brin!Don't know if you don't get enough sleep, it will be very annoying!

I am no longer a student!No need to get up at seven in the morning!

Huh... I just got a wave of anger just after waking up.

Suddenly, something blocked his vision.

"Good morning."

Lin Yu stretched out his forelimb and touched the C-qualified army ant that was poking its head over.

After interacting with her for a while, Lin Yu began to give instructions to the ant colony.

But it is an ant colony, but in fact it is mainly to give instructions to the worker ants, let them continue the work that they did not finish yesterday.

It doesn't take much time to dig a passage to the outside of the cave, but it will take a lot of time to keep the passage stable and not collapse.

This time is mainly spent on the secretion of mucus and the production of mucus by worker ants.

Although after the upgrade, the mucus they secreted became thicker and stickier, but it wasn't enough to continue expanding the ant nest.

Lin Yu wants more!


It's about afternoon time.

With a "click", the soil clod with green grass was poked open and fell to the ground.

The dim sunlight at dusk shines on the opening of a hole that suddenly appeared.

With the faint light of the setting sun, a group of six-legged gray ants could be seen inside the cave.

Finally dug out the escape route!

Lin Yu, who was very happy, suddenly wanted to hug something, and then saw the C qualification army ant beside him that had grown taller than him.

Suddenly lost interest.

The child is no longer cute when he grows up. The little one was so easy to masturbate before, but now if he masturbates...she is masturbating me?

Lin Yu shook the ant's head to get rid of the strange imagination in his mind.

Refocused on business.

Now that the passage has been dug, what should be done next?

Hmm... Those goblins have spent the past two days "decorating" and multiplying in the cave, but they should have eaten up the corpses of their companions.

That means they should be out looking for food soon.

Right now, it's best to wait until they go out, and the army ants will have almost improved their level by then.

It's time for my lovely daughters to show off their might!

The goal is to destroy them all with minimal loss!

But since the passage has been opened, let the weak ants take turns to stare outside.

Why not send worker ants and army ants to keep an eye on them?

Because the worker ants are tired from working all day, and the army ants need to recharge their energy, so they can't be distracted by chores. Well, I have no preference.

Although I feel a little sorry for letting them blow the air outside at night, there is no way to do it, because I have to keep track of the goblins' dynamics, I am not a bad mother!


Another day passed after that.

early morning.

Surprisingly, there was no sound of "renovation" from upstairs.

Through the feedback from the weak ants outside the cave, Lin Yu saw a group of green-skinned monsters coming out of the cave.

The goblins are finally out!And it was the big goblin who led the team himself!

But the quantity seems... only 12?Isn't there a total of 24 including the big goblin?There should be 12 more.

Wait, are those 12 goblins staying in the cave?

Wow, these guys are so stupid!

Could it be that we are afraid of you?

Please, I'm not afraid of you little goblins, but the big goblin!

Pfft, it's really funny~

All in all, this is a great opportunity!Get rid of their lairs before they return to the city~


In addition to Lin Yu, the current ant colony has a total of 240 ants.

Among them, there are 120 weak ants, 90 worker ants, and 30 army ants.

However, 30 of the 10 army ants have just hatched, because they did not eat enough raw meat, their level is currently only LV.3, and the remaining 20 army ants are at LV.6.

Because the worker ants are a logistic ant species, and their jaws are not sharp, Lin Yu doesn't intend to let them go out to fight unless necessary.

Therefore, the only combat power available at the moment is weak ants and army ants.

Lin Yu planned to send the 20 LV.6 army ants and 40 LV.5 (MAX) weak ants to attack from the entrance of the stone cave.

Then send 10 weak ants to chase the group of goblins led by the big goblin, let them follow them from a distance, and pay attention to their movements.

The rest of the weak ants and army ants hide at the entrance of the ant nest in the stone cave, and then rush out of the ant nest after the weak ants and army ants outside the stone cave attack, and cooperate with each other inside and outside to completely destroy the opponent with the lowest loss !

However, if this set of combination punches adopted because of being too cautious is used to deal with 12 ordinary goblins, it is obviously a bit overkill.

especially in...

Among the goblins left behind in the cave, there were still a few female goblins, who were in a weak state due to childbirth—under such circumstances.

Chapter 34 What does a goblin taste like?

The six male goblins were easily defeated by the army ants. Their hands and feet were pinched off by the huge and sharp jaws of the army ants, and they could not get back together.

During the battle, some goblins hit the army ants with wooden sticks, but probably because the army ants had a physical resistance of 1, the goblin's attack did not work.

There was only a crisp sound when the wooden stick hit the army ant, the shiny black shell of the army ant was still shiny, and the health value did not even decrease.

The army ants are stronger than Lin Yu imagined.

After the six male goblins fell to the ground, there were only six female goblins standing weakly holding wooden sticks in the cave, baring their mouths full of sharp teeth and looking ferocious.

Of course, there are more than 20 goblin cubs that they just gave birth to.


Obviously only two days later, so many cubs were born?

And... even now they are still pregnant!As expected of a Goblin with extremely strong reproductive ability, it is like a reproductive machine!

But in terms of reproductive ability, I... I'm not bad either!Ah, this kind of thing is not worth showing off...


But speaking of Goblins, since they are extremely fertile, maybe...

A very bold idea suddenly appeared in her heart.

Forget it, forget it...it's not at this point yet, and if you can't control it, you will be shooting yourself in the foot instead.

Back to the topic.

How to deal with these poor "mothers"?

As the saying goes, why do women make things difficult for women... But you are goblins, I am an ant, and everyone is not a woman!

So sorry.

"Bite off their limbs."

The army ants obeyed the instructions and jumped up, and it was easier than dealing with the six male goblins before. Their hands and feet were bitten off after just a few breaths, and these pregnant female goblins could only fall to the ground, "Gahba!" Gaba" howled.

Because the howls of the goblins were really loud and painful, so Lin Yu decided to relieve the pain himself.

Surrounded by 10 other army ants and some weak ants, Lin Yu's body emerged from the ant nest.

The 12 goblins who had lost their arms and legs could not resist at all. They could only watch the white ants approach them with their sharp teeth bared, and then use their white jaws to snap off their necks.

The experience points of 12 ordinary goblins have been obtained, but because their levels are too low, the experience bar has only increased a little.

Among the dead goblins, the stomachs of the two female goblins were much bigger. If you look carefully, you can see that there seems to be something wriggling in the stomach.

It's a goblin cub about to be born.

Lin Yu asked two army ants to go forward and stab the mother goblin's stomach twice, the stomach stopped wriggling, and a large stream of blood came out from the gap...

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu felt somewhat uncomfortable, but he didn't regret it.

She couldn't let this group of goblins grow up.

In the cave at this moment, apart from the stronger smell of blood, there were only an ant colony and a group of more than 20 goblin cubs huddled by the stone wall.

They were almost huddled together and looked frightened.

One of the eyes attracted Lin Yu. Unlike other goblin cubs, it not only grew taller than other goblin cubs, but also looked stronger. It looked at Lin Yu with a human look. anger.

Through "identification", Lin Yu discovered that it was a big goblin cub.

"Kill them all."

After the order was given, the army ants swarmed up, and after a while, the health value of the more than 20 goblin cubs returned to zero, and the blood dripped all over the place.

The atmosphere always feels a little dull.

Lin Yu took a deep breath.

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