
The strong smell of blood mixed with the impact of various smells made her choke.

It took a while to slow down.

But after such a toss, my mood has recovered a lot.

What to do with these corpses next?

...It takes a lot of work to move into the ant nest, and it always feels troublesome, and the ant colony hasn't had breakfast yet.

Well, let the kids have something fresh for breakfast today.

Huh, me?

Mom isn't hungry yet, so she doesn't have to eat breakfast.

So what should you eat for breakfast?

This is my mother's cooking class, please listen carefully.

The way to eat goblins is very simple, as long as the head and tail are cut off, you can eat it. Ahaha, there is no cooking at all, or there is no cooking condition at all.

Huh, goblins don't have tails?Well, it's not the tail, it's the thing... the girls must not be allowed to eat that dirty thing.

clack clack...

The ants started eating goblins.

What does a goblin smell like?

To be honest, I am a little curious, but I will never try it!

The process was actually a little curious, and it was easy to cause physical and psychological disgust, so Lin Yu just glanced at it and ran back to the ant nest.


Just as the ants were eating the goblins, the other side.

The ten weak ants sent out to follow the goblins were not found by the goblins because they carefully hid in the distance along the way.

Goblins' hunting is very simple and rough. When they see their prey, they rush to it.

From the perspective of Weak Ants, Lin Yu saw that these goblins had encountered a group of mountain deer, but unfortunately the mountain deer were very vigilant, and the goblins would not cover up their movements, so of course they could not be hunted.

Besides that, there are slimes. Although goblins can easily defeat slimes, slimes cannot fill their stomachs.

These goblins were heading west, but they didn't encounter many prey along the way. At the back, this group of goblins only hunted two small gray-haired wild boars.

Lin Yu had never encountered this kind of wild boar before, and she didn't know if it was an illusion. She felt that there seemed to be more big prey in the vicinity.

After hunting two wild boars, the goblins turned around and went back to the cave.

However, Lin Yu noticed that on the way back, they would also pick a weed. While picking, they would throw one or two bunches into their mouths and eat them crunchingly.

This weed roughly looks a bit like a green onion, but its leaves have more forks, and the overall color is brownish green. It doesn't look much different from other weeds.

This kind of grass is not uncommon, and the goblins picked a lot along the way. They gathered the grass into a ball, and then picked it back with a bunch of sticks in their hands.


Can goblins eat grass?Omnivore?

If this is the case, they basically don't have to worry about food problems...

You can't wait too long, wait until your mana is fully recovered before launching a general attack!At that time, the level of the army ants should be able to rise to LV.7 by eating meat.

Damn, mana recovery is too slow...

The mana value is the same as the life value, and it takes more than three hours to recover a little naturally.

After laying two eggs the day before yesterday, it took two days for the mana to recover to 33 points, and it would take more than a day to recover to 42 points.

After the ant colony had a full meal and went back to the ant nest, they left a pile of bones, goblin heads, and some indescribable things in place.

The big goblin and his little brothers who went hunting finally came back.

Chapter 35 The Passionate Goblin Brings a Greeting to the Neighbors

boom!boom! !

boom! !

Boom! !boom!

What's the noise? It's very noisy. Is the decoration upstairs rushing to work?

Well, in fact, the big brother Brin was angry, and even threw the two wild boars he brought back from hunting to the ground and refused to eat them.

After all, the home was stolen, so I can understand its feelings.

It would be great if he could get angry and directly die of anger.

Although it is true that they intend to fight tomorrow, but if they can make a little trick to make the opponent even angrier... maybe there is a chance to kill a few goblins, um, there is no reason not to do it.

Think about it and start acting.

Lin Yu sent out the D-class weak ant with 1 point of agility.

Let her go out through the escape route, and then go around to the door of the stone cave.

Through the sight of the weak ants of class D, Lin Yu saw that the goblins in the stone cave were screaming and surrounding the ant nest, and the big goblin was also roaring and destroying the entrance of the ant nest.

"Hmph, you yell at them too."

The weak ants obeyed the instruction and opened their mouths:


The angry "gaba" sound in the cave stopped abruptly, and suddenly became quiet.

When they saw the provocative ants sticking their heads out at the entrance of the stone cave, almost all the goblins were furious. They rushed over with sticks in their hands and bared their sharp teeth.

After the provocation, the weak ant turned around and ran away.

The D-class weak ants with 1 point of agility are obviously faster than those classless goblins, but in terms of speed, they are not as fast as the big goblin.

Fortunately, there was a considerable distance between the goblins, and the swarming behavior of the goblins blocked the pace of the big goblin.

The weak ants of class D easily hid in the escape channel before being overtaken.

After a few more breaths, the goblins arrived at the entrance of the escape passage.


"Gaba Gaba!!"

The goblins started smashing the escape route again.


Humph, these idiots.

Are the wild boars that were finally hunted gone?

Hey, wait, maybe these two wild boars were meant to be a gift to our neighbor?Pfft...puff hahahaha...

Hug...poof...Sorry, I was actually amused by myself, it seems that as a mother, my energy-raising skills have not yet reached home.

Then I would be more respectful than obedient!

"Hurry up, dismember those two wild boars and bring them in!"

The worker ants rush out of the ant nest following the instructions. They are logistics personnel, and they are more handy than weak ants and army ants in handling, dismembering, and building.

These two wild boars were about the same size as those Granville wolves, so each one could be easily carried into the ant nest as long as they were dismembered into six or seven parts.

After dismembering the two wild boars and moving them into the ant nest, Lin Yu thought about it and asked a worker ant to taste the weed piles brought back by the goblins and placed by the wall.

After eating into the mouth, the worker ants quickly spit it out again.

These onion-like weeds did not seem to be food for the ant colony, Lin Yu was somewhat disappointed.

But she let the worker ants move the weeds into the ant nest.

Even if you can't eat it yourself, you can't let these goblins eat it.

Hmph, you dare to occupy other people's homes, and "renovate" every day, not to mention disturbing the people, but also do that kind of thing all day and night!

Disgusting you!I'm mad at you!

He was already stupid, but if he lost his sense of reason because of anger, hum, dealing with this group of guys would not be so easy!


Another ten minutes passed.

Lin Yu didn't expect that the goblins were even more stupid than she imagined. The ant colony moved all the prey they had worked so hard to hunt and the weeds they picked into the ant nest early on.

They are still beating and smashing around the escape passage, and they never thought that this was a way to get rid of the tiger.

The escape route was indeed dug out for a certain distance by the group of goblins, but if you dig further, the sand will collapse, so there is no need to worry that the group of goblins will dig through to the inside of the ant nest.

So Lin Yu, who was really bored, let another weak ant come to the entrance of the stone cave, and then repeated what the last weak ant did.


The goblins who were digging the ant nest in full swing stopped.

This time the big brother Brin finally reacted first, took big strides and roared and chased after him, leaving the other goblins behind.

good chance!

After Lin Yu realized it, he quickly gave instructions to the army ants who were guarding not far from the escape route.

"While they are distracted at this time, kill the few goblins behind!"

Four army ants rushed out from the exit of the escape passage at once.

The two goblins left behind by the big goblin were suddenly attacked, and their hands and feet were easily bitten off.


They screamed.

The big brother Brin was almost rushing to the entrance of the stone cave, but when he heard the screams of the younger brothers, he turned his head and saw the scene that made him even angrier.

The four army ants that rushed out did not love to fight. They dragged the two screaming goblins back to the exit of the escape passage, while the other goblins waved their wooden sticks at the army ants.

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