Qualification: C

Class: D

Level: LV.16

Health: 3/360

Mana: 5/40

(Omitted below)


The white ants came over, and the black ants on both sides parted a path.

Finally, she crawled up to the head of Big Goblin, which was almost bigger than her body, and poked out her white jaws.


The white jaws brushed across Big Goblin's neck, bringing up a smear of blood red.

Scarlet blood splashed out and sprinkled on the body of the white ant.

The big goblin's body stopped struggling, and its life value returned to zero.

The stench of blood... I am somewhat used to it.

Chapter 37 Current Known Intelligence

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.6 is upgraded to LV.7, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Maximum HP +20 ② Maximum Mana +10 ③ Maximum Mana +5, Physical Resistance +1


/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.7 is upgraded to LV.8, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Maximum HP +10, Maximum Mana +5 ② Maximum Mana +5, Strength +1 ③ Intelligence +1, Physical Resistance +1


/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.8 is upgraded to LV.9, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of three gifts: ① Maximum HP +20 ② Maximum HP +10, Maximum Magic +5 ③ Maximum HP +10, Dexterity +1


/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.9 is upgraded to LV.10, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Maximum HP +20 ② Maximum Mana +5, Intellect +1 ③ Acquire the skill "Sword Talent"


It was upgraded, and it was upgraded to four levels at once.

But now I'm a little depressed. Two army ants died, and they died so badly. There was also an army ant whose legs were broken. It is currently seriously injured. There are more than a dozen slightly injured ants .

Although I know that if I live in this forest, there will definitely be casualties from ants, but...


After a while of silence, the ant colony without Lin Yu's instructions also fell silent.

The scene seemed to be mourning the dead ants.

After a while.

"Bury them, and the big goblin will be dismembered and brought back, let's start moving."

The army ants and weak ants who received the instructions started to act.

In order to improve efficiency, worker ants also came out of the ant nest to help.

The seriously injured army ant was carried back by two worker ants. Although her two hind limbs were broken, she should be able to fully recover if she upgrades by eating meat.

Two dead army ants were buried, and the big goblin was dismembered into more than 30 pieces of meat and brought back to the ant nest.


When the two dead army ants were buried and the ants were carrying the pieces of meat, Lin Yu looked at these bounty pop-up windows.

The first three gifts are still selected according to the priority order set before.

After making the selection, he turned to the fourth gift option.

① Maximum HP +20 ② Maximum Mana +5, Intellect +1 ③ Acquired the skill "Sword Talent"

The "talent of the sword" was seen at first glance.

"Sword Ability": Possesses the ability to skillfully use swordsmanship.

why is it you again!

As I said, ants can't use swords!

Although it's true that ants have six legs, their feet are bare, with no toes, so they can't hold a sword at all.

And the most critical sword is not there, so I don't even have a chance to try.


I choose the third option, boss, please give me the "sword talent"!

/boon established.

Stupid?Humph, I'm not being stupid!

Even ants have the right to dream. It is true that this posture cannot use a sword, but what about in the future?

Maybe you can get the ability to transform into a human form, or get magic potions and elixir with the same effect... Should there be?No, there will definitely be!I don't allow no!

And according to the previous setting, the priority of acquiring skills is the highest, so this is not my waywardness!

Anyway, give this skill a try.

Lin Yu tried to activate the skill "Sword Talent".

no response.

It really is a passive skill, forget it, let's ignore it.

She then checked her upgraded status panel.


Name: Lin Yu

Race: Ant Queen

Qualification: S+

Class: D

Level: LV.10

Health: 40/40

Mana: 57/57

Skills: "Unique Skill - Ant Queen", "Egg Laying", "Appraisal", "Cleaning", "Commanding", "Sword Talent"

Attribute: Strength 1

Agility 1

Intelligence 7

Physical Resistance 2

Elemental Magic Resistance 1

Ailment Resistance 0


The magic value and intelligence have been improved a bit, in addition to a little physical resistance, and a new skill has been acquired.

Although it's a pity that I didn't get a powerful skill, but a powerful skill like "Command" is definitely not easy to appear.

In short, I finally recaptured my home now, congratulations!

But there is some smell in the cave...

Although after a few days, the stench in the cave is not as bad as before, but the smell is still very strong.

Although the mana points were back to full due to the upgrade, if they were spent on the skill "cleaning", it would definitely not be enough to clean up the smell in the cave.

But I don't want to sleep with the smell anymore...

Well, in short, first clean out the dirt and stones in the cave that are stained with dirt and blood.

In this case, the smell should be reduced a lot.

The worker ants continued to build new escape passages and ant nest rooms. After all, there was a pile of raw meat and internal organs in the ant nest, so it was also very smelly.

Make your bedroom far away from the storage room so that you don't smell bad.

A girl's bedroom can't possibly have a smell!

Eh, delivery room?What delivery room?Don't mention the delivery room with me!


In short, this is the case with regard to the construction of the home for the time being.

Then there is the problem of the expansion of the ant colony.

If you want to survive in this world, you have to keep getting stronger.

The means of becoming stronger, or the means of upgrading, are currently only known to be two means of killing creatures and eating meat.

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