As for the currently known information.

The area I am in has few big prey, but there seems to be signs of increasing recently.

The place where the ant colony explored the most was the south side of the cave, where the "tapir"-like creature was found, along with a small water pool.

Ant tribes don't need much water, but for animals like the "tapir" or yellow-haired pig, they should have a greater demand for water, so maybe the ant colony can be allowed to lie in wait in that small water pool.

Perhaps another ant nest can be built next to the small water pool?Let some children stay there for a long time, hum, wait and see!

In the north, I have seen other Granville wolves appearing. I never went there because I couldn’t fight them before, but now, with the strength of the army ants, they should be able to deal with the small group of Granville wolves. .

The west is where the goblins came from, so there are likely to be other goblins over there. Ordinary goblins are weak, but if there are big goblins in the goblin group... West may need to investigate carefully first.

As for the east side, that is where the long-toothed brown bear used to hunt, so I have never been there, but considering that the long-toothed brown bear often returns without success... there must be no prey there.

Chapter 38 Would cute rabbits taste good raw?

The time is dusk.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone into the cave, and some weak ants could be seen busy in and out of the cave.

After the ant colony dismembered the body of Big Goblin and moved it into the ant nest, and cleaned out the dirt and blood-stained soil in the cave, the stench in the cave had indeed faded a lot, and Lin Yu was in a good mood. It's better too.

What should I do next?

The mana is already full, that is to say, do you want to do that kind of thing again?

But if it goes on like this, it will become a reproductive tool. It feels a bit annoying, but that feeling is a bit comfortable...

what to do~ what to do~

Ah, by the way, it seems that I have only used the effect of the "Unique Skill - Ant Queen" once. I didn't continue to try it because I didn't have a suitable skill before, but now I have a "command" brother!

If all ants have the "Command" skill... they just need to bless others with the "Command" effect, wouldn't it be...

Not good, just thinking about it is awesome!

But it's probably impossible...

After all, the skill description says that the success rate of granting is affected by the qualifications of the offspring, and each ant can only grant each skill once.

Speaking of which, the army ant with C qualification is the one with the highest qualification. If she fails to succeed, the hope of other ants will be even slimmer.


Lin Yu took two deep breaths.

Must succeed!I'm not African, fair and beautiful, I've never been African!

Without any further hesitation, she tried to activate the skill "Unique Skill - Queen Ant" on that C-qualified army ant.

/Skill activation failed.

When I saw the text on the pop-up window, the ant face of the white ant suddenly collapsed.

And after activating the effect of this skill, Lin Yu felt even more uncomfortable after seeing his magic value directly reduced by half.

The effect of "Unique Skill - Ant Queen" seems to deduct half of the magic value every time it is activated.

Lin Yu intends to temporarily seal this endowment effect.


The next day.

The worker ants began to dig the second exit passage and the second room.

The army ants and the weak ants started the task of going out to explore.

Although there are still a lot of food reserves in the ant colony right now, if we live frugally, it should be enough for the entire ant colony to eat for more than a month, but we can't just sit and eat.

Of course, in order to protect the queen, the troops staying behind the ant nest should not be too small.

In addition to all 90 worker ants, 40 weak ants and 8 army ants stayed behind in the ant nest.

The remaining 80 weak ants and 20 army ants were assigned to explore the forest. Lin Yu divided them into four groups, a group of 5 army ants and 20 weak ants, and then asked them to travel from east to west, north to south, respectively. The direction carpet explores the past.

Radiating outward from the location of the cave, the main purpose is to obtain map information.

The location of various resources should also be recorded, such as the few fruit trees with green fruits that I encountered before, the small water pool, and even the grass that can be eaten by goblins.

Although the fruit on the fruit tree is not yet ripe and cannot be eaten, once it is ripe, it can improve your own food!

Don't want to eat raw meat anymore!

fruit!I want to eat fruit!Sweet and sour fruit!

Just thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

But it's been less than a month since the last fruit tree was found, and I don't know if it's ripe... No, just a little bit of ripeness is fine!As long as it can be eaten, it is acceptable, no matter how sour it is!

It's just that I'm a little worried that other monsters will get there first.

Hey, I found the second place to wait and see!When the fruit is about to ripen, the ant colony can also lie in ambush next to the fruit tree.

Just like that small pool!

There are also those weeds that look like onions but can serve as food for goblins.

It is also necessary to record the locations where these weeds exist in large numbers.

Hey, why record it?

I just feel that it may be used in the future.

In addition to maps and resources, there are also monsters.

It is necessary to ascertain the types and numbers of monsters living around, and if possible, the trajectory of these monsters should also be ascertained.

As the saying goes, know yourself and your enemy and win a hundred battles!The more you are in this strange world, the more important information becomes!

Before, it was because of the food crisis and being harassed by bad guys all the time, so I didn't have the time and energy to do these jobs.


So the main goal of the current four exploration teams is intelligence!

Map information, resource information, and monster information!

The secondary goal is hunting.

After all, if the intelligence work in the main target is done well, the hunting will be more effective.

Well, what an invincible solution!

But no matter how stupid a guy is, if he stays bored underground, he can definitely think of such a plan.

What's more, I'm not stupid at all!Objections are not accepted!


After receiving Lin Yu's order, the ant colony began to move.

The first is the south team. They explored carefully all the way, because they had to pay attention to everything they saw, so their pace of exploration was not fast.

Most of the terrain along the way was flat, and the forest was still lush. They found many slimes under the trees, among the weeds and in the mud.

Killed it smoothly, and obtained a slightly invisible experience value.

In addition, several weeds growing in large quantities that can be eaten by goblins were found.

Creatures encountered along the way In addition to some normal-sized insects, rabbits were also spotted!The appearance is not much different from the hares in the original world, but they escape extremely fast, and their size is smaller than the weak ants, so the ant colony can't catch them for a while.

If you are patient enough, you should be able to catch a few, but because there is enough food for the time being, there is no need to waste time catching them.

Moreover, Lin Yu remembered that the reproductive ability of rabbits was also terrifying. Since no predators other than ants were found nearby, these rabbits should be able to reproduce in large numbers.

Rabbits are very cute. Although it is still raw meat, it should taste better than bear meat, right?

Lin Yu also recorded the areas where rabbits haunted.

In addition to the rabbits, there was the group of mountain deer that I had seen before. They might not burst as fast as the rabbits, but they had long legs and big bodies, and they were full of vigilance, so the ants couldn't catch them at all.

Also record the area where this group of mountain deer appeared.

Because of the careful search, the ant colony also found some small holes on the ground along the way. The openings of these holes are too small for even weak ants to get in.

After digging for a while, a snake came out.

These are snake holes.

Snakes are the natural enemies of rabbits. In order to protect the lovely rabbits, Lin Yu decisively asked the expedition team to eradicate the snake lairs they found.

After walking for a while, I found the few fruit trees I had encountered before.

The fruit was still green in color, and it looked terribly astringent, which made Lin Yu very disappointed.

Chapter 39 Goblin Tribes Discovered

the other side.

The east team explored the past all the way, and there were unexpectedly many prey along the way.

But the main ones are the mountain deer. I have met several herds along the way, and occasionally I can find one or two small gray-haired wild boars.

Two little wild boars were caught by the exploration team along the way, and the task of killing them was to be completed by the army ants who still had room to upgrade.

Then the corpse of the wild boar divided all the ants on the spot and ate them.

I also found several bushes where goblins eat grass.


Then there's the North Face Squad.

After walking for less than 10 minutes, a group of 12 Granville wolves appeared in the field of vision of the exploration team.

Because the main body was not there, there was no way to use the skill "Appraisal", so Lin Yu didn't know the specific level and strength of this group of Granville wolves.

The members of the exploration team consisted of 5 LV.6 army ants and 20 LV.5 weak ants. If the wolves were of low level, there was hope of defeating them, but if they were of high level, they might not be able to defeat them.

But no matter whether you can beat them or not, you will definitely lose a lot if you fight against them.

Well, let them be spared for the time being, after all, they were saved by their kind before.

Although it is reasonable to say hello when we meet, but because I am a social fear, it is fine to ignore it, ignore it...

Under Lin Yu's instruction, the exploration team carefully bypassed the pack of wolves.

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