"It's amazing..."

"It's easy to do what the other two older sisters couldn't do."


"Hey, are you talking about me?"


While they were chatting, at some point, Midori was bending down, looking at her own shadow.

From the perspective of the sneaking ants, it was like a big face suddenly appeared on the screen, and they were frightened all of a sudden.

"Hmph, are you talking bad about me? Well, it's decided. After the big guy is dealt with, you will come out to sleep with my sister and me tonight!"


Suddenly there was a cry of mourning in the shadow.


Gilly maintained the activation of the skills "Full Concentration" and "Magic Sensation". No matter whether the tentacles were attacking from the ground or underground, the brown-haired girl could handle it freely.

Her movements are simple and powerful, and every time she strives to kill the enemy with a single blow with the least consumption.

When the battle is empty, she will also look at the other three sisters.

The submerged figure she cares about the most is elusive, and it is difficult for the girl to catch her figure.

As expected, Jun Ji entered the enemy group with the densest humanoid monsters and tentacles alone, attracting most of the firepower, and at the same time, her face showed excitement and a bit of bloodthirsty that was hard to see in the past.

If only she could be as strong and reliable as Sister Junji... Gilly thought to herself.

And when he looked at Midori, he froze.

Talking to the shadow in...?

Miss Midori can always do weird things.

Without thinking too much, the girl just shook her head and continued to focus on the battlefield.

With the addition of Midori and the others, the pressure on the other adventurers was reduced a lot, and the casualties of the retreating soldiers were also greatly reduced.

But this is only temporary.

After several rounds of eating, Roshan was already different from when he was fighting Sword King Xiuge. The speed at which he generated humanoid monsters and tentacles was much faster than before, and the number was naturally larger.

Even with the addition of Luzi, the number of these monsters as a whole has continued unabated.

And after discovering that the soldiers had retreated nearly halfway, Roshan seemed to be a little angry, and saw that the gap on its head that had been cut off by Xiuge began to swell and become larger... Then——


Just like a volcanic eruption, it erupted suddenly from the gap, ejecting a large amount of red mucus that was the same color as blood, but several times thicker.

After the mucus was sprayed into the air, it then shot down to the ground like raindrops.

"Damn, this! What the hell is this!"

"So sticky! I can't keep my eyes open!"

"And it's so itchy, itchy...it's so itchy, huh, huh, huh!!!"

The soldiers who hadn't had time to withdraw into the city immediately started to riot after being touched by the 'red rain' that fell from the sky. After the red rain landed on their skin, it immediately stuck, and more and more violent attacks followed. Itching.

It's just that the red mucus has been tightly adhered to the skin, so no matter how much the soldiers scratch it, they can't stop the itching, and in the end they can only scratch their face and body to a bloody mess.

But is it just bloody and bloody?Of course it's not just that.

The red rain fell non-stop, scratching the skin, and the red rain penetrated into the soldiers' flesh... muscles and bones...

In the end, the soldier who couldn't bear the itching either yelled in pain, or drew out his long sword and wiped his neck.

In addition, after the red rain fell on the ground, the ground where the battlefield was located became extremely sticky, and the retreat speed of the soldiers was naturally much slower because of the sticky ground.

Taking advantage of the chaos among the soldiers, the tentacles rushed into the crowd with their bloody mouths wide open, frantically devouring these poor soldiers who were still scratching their heads crazily at the imminent disaster.

Chapter 57 Special Slime

The blood rain not only made the army into chaos, but even the adventurers were greatly affected.

Although because of their higher level and higher resistance to abnormal states than ordinary soldiers, adventurers will not suffer from unbearable itching like soldiers once they get red rain on their bodies.

But after the red rain touched their skin, it gave them at least an itchy feeling than after a mosquito bite, and except for some adventurers who had a way to get the red rain off their bodies, other adventurers could only get rid of it. I can bear the itching caused by the red rain all the time.

Ninja can bear it, but the fighting state will inevitably be much worse than before.

And because of the continuous red rain, if they continue to fight, they will inevitably get more red rain on their bodies... In addition, the sticky ground due to the red rain also brought a lot of damage. trouble.

Lvzi, Junji, and Qianyi have higher abnormal state resistance attributes than these A-level adventurers. It stands to reason that the itching caused by the red rain should be lighter, but they don't want to experience it.

In the beginning, they used the "magic shield" to isolate Hong Yu from the outside, but maintaining the magic shield was not an option, because doing so would not only consume a lot of mana, but also affect their own battles.

The solution came from Midori.

"General, let's put this on! As long as you put this on, you won't be afraid!"

After the green-haired girl called Qianyi, Junji, and Gilly to her side, she proudly took out a few bottles containing some kind of transparent liquid from her magic backpack.

"what is this?"

Jun Ji looked at Midori suspiciously, and told her instinctively that the contents of the bottle must be unusual.

Qian Yi didn't talk nonsense, and directly took a bottle from Midori.

Then he uncorked the bottle and took a sniff.

The gray-haired beauty's originally plain face suddenly changed.

The smell of the liquid in the bottle is not bad, but there is a faint aroma when you smell it carefully?This special smell can be understood after one sniff.

It's the saliva of the worker ants... No, to be precise, it should be the saliva of the worker ants with the skill "Special Mucus". A certain value of physical resistance and elemental magic resistance.

Among them, the waterproof effect can be used to deal with red rain.


"How do you carry so much... this?"

Subokichi looked at Midori strangely.

After reaching their level, the defense effect brought by the "special mucus" of the worker ants is not so obvious, and Qianyi and Jun Ji have not used these special mucus for a long time.

"Hmph, do you use it? If you don't use it, you can return it to me. This is Xiao Ye's! The effect is much better than other people's. I begged her for a long time before I got it from her. I want to share it with you. Somewhat reluctant."


"Well, be prepared."

"Be prepared—where are you going to use it...forget it, I'm not interested in knowing..."

At least it's for ants I know... no, isn't it easier for ants I know to use?

never mind...

Qian Yi pursed his lips, but in the end he still didn't return the bottle.

After making the decision, he stopped hesitating, poured the transparent and slightly viscous liquid in the bottle on his hand, and then wiped it on his skin.

After seeing Qian Yi's reaction, Jun Ji at the side also guessed what kind of liquid was in the bottle that Midori took out.

After looking at Qianqian with some admiration, Jun Ji also hesitated to pick up one of the bottles.

But thinking that the person who took out these bottles was Midori, the blond girl still asked a little more worriedly:

"Are you sure it's really Xiao Ye's, not yours?"

"Eh? It seems~ it's not impossible - it's fake, I'm just kidding."

Seeing Jun Ji raised her hand to hit, and when Qian Yi beside him began to exude murderous aura, Midori waved her hand quickly.

"Really, mine has no effect, but the corrosion effect may be there, huh? The corrosion effect may also work on that red rain, or... ah, it hurts! Okay, okay, you guys Why are you so fierce, you can’t even make a joke.”

"Now is not the time to joke around."

After Jun Ji took back the hand that hit Midori's head, she also applied the liquid in the bottle to her skin.

"Sister Midori, what's in these bottles?"

At this moment, Gilly, who was at a loss, finally couldn't help asking.

"It's the saliva of a beautiful girl."

"Really, sister, stop joking."

"Hey hey..."

Midori laughed a few times, stopped talking and then applied the liquid in the bottle to herself.

"Sister Junji?"

Gilly looked at the blond girl.

"Gilly...don't think too much about it, at least this liquid can resist those red rains."

It's just that what Jun Ji said made her care more.

Could it really be... probably not...

"Then I too..."

Seeing that Lvzi and the three daughters had wiped it off, Gilly followed suit and wiped the liquid off her body.

"Are the remaining bottles all from Xiao Ye?"

Finding that Midori had brought out more than four bottles of special slime, Jun Ji couldn't help asking.

"Of course not. Xiao Ye is usually busy, so how can she have so much time to help me? The other bottles belong to Gong Yi Gong Er and the others."

"...What about this small bottle?"


Midori was taken aback, and looked at the bottles she took out, and among them, she found a bottle that was only about the size of an ordinary medicine bottle.

"Oh, this is Mom—"

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