The green-haired girl stopped talking only halfway through, knowing that she would not care about other things if she leaked her words, she hastily stretched out her hand to the small bottle that was only half filled with crystal liquid.

It's just that she is fast, and the other two women are not slow to react.

The three of them shot almost at the same time, and finally the vial fell into the hands of Qian Yi, who had the fastest hand.

After succeeding, Qian Yi, who was usually the most silent and the most indifferent, couldn't help showing a touch of joy on his face.

I don't know what kind of liquid it is, but as long as it belongs to my mother...

Before he had time to think about it further, Qianyi put it into his magic backpack without hesitation after getting the bottle.

"Ah! Shouqian will avenge his favor, pay me back quickly!"

"I'll pay you back later."

I didn't expect that you would have a day when you were devastated!

Like Junji, Qianyi, who was often teased by Midori, was not only excited about getting the "sacred object", but also secretly felt a burst of relief because of Midori's jumping feet.

Lvzi hadn't returned to Granville Monster Forest for a long time, and she and Jun Ji naturally did the same. They missed Lin Yu very much during such a long time.

"Hmph, if you don't give it, you won't give it! Anyway, I'll..."

Chapter 58 The grown-up

The green son and four daughters are protected by "special mucus", so apart from the stickiness of their feet, the red rain has almost no effect on their battles.

But the adventurers are miserable. Under the influence of the red rain, the A-level adventurers who were originally evenly matched one-on-one with the humanoid monsters gradually fell into a disadvantage... Coupled with the increase in the number of humanoid monsters, the adventurers began to fight. There were casualties.

If Roshan is allowed to devour the corpses of soldiers with his tentacles, Roshan's strength will become stronger and stronger, and the adventurers will be defeated because of the long-term fighting and the long-term torture of the red rain. Almost unavoidable.

But knowing the problem is one thing, being able to solve it is another.

Right now, the A-level adventurers are too busy to take care of themselves, so naturally they can't stop the tentacles from devouring the soldiers, while there are only four S-level adventurers. Even if they go to stop them, how far can they stop them?What's more, if they leave, the situation on the adventurer's side will be even worse...

Some A-level adventurers saw this, and all the fighting spirit that was left at first disappeared completely. The next moment, they left behind their companions who were still fighting together and fled to the city gate behind them.

With the first escaped, there will naturally be a second, a third...

Almost half of the more than 300 adventurers chose to escape, and this number is still increasing, while the rest are hesitant.

In order to conceal the identity of the ant tribe and the need to hide part of their strength, Midori and the three daughters do not plan to do their best, so there is nothing they can do about the current situation.

And even if they tried their best, they couldn't be sure that they could defeat the Roshan monster.

"Oh, it's troublesome now, so many monsters can grind us to death."

Midori spread her hands to express her helplessness.

After this burst of red rain, her beautiful long green hair has been dyed red, and it is still sticky.

The girl frowned, stretched out her hands and twisted her hair.

The acid secreted by the palm corroded the red mucus attached to the hair into translucent red water, and then the red water flowed down under her twist...

The hair has returned to green color.

"Huh? How did you do that?!"

Gilly, who happened to see this scene during the battle, showed a face, "Is there such an operation? ', but what puzzled her even more was that the current situation was so unfavorable, how could Midori not seem worried at all?

Just when she was puzzled, a space in the midair above the city gate suddenly began to distort.

At the same time as the space was distorted, powerful fluctuations of magic elements also spread from that space...People outside the city and inside the city were all attracted by this sudden situation.

Gilly was no exception. After feeling the terrifying magic fluctuations from the space distortion, her face became tense.

The nervous brunette girl naturally didn't notice the abnormalities on the faces of Midori, Junji and Qianyi.

After the space distorted for a while, it turned into a transparent door.

Everyone could vaguely hear footsteps coming from the other end of the transparent door.

"I remember! This, this magic is!"

At the city gate, a magician guarding the city couldn't help shouting.

"It's that lord! Absolutely right! The space gate... This magic is the self-created magic that that lord can use without exception!"

"That lord... are you referring to the chief magician of the kingdom?!"

Before the former responded, they saw that the transparent door in mid-air was almost real, and then everyone saw a tall, beautiful young woman stepping out of the transparent door with a smile on her face.

After seeing the visitor show his face, everyone inside and outside the city became excited!

If you want to say who is the most powerful human race in the kingdom, the first thing people think of will be the current chief magician of the kingdom, who has surpassed the former chief magician of the kingdom, Melo, in both fame and strength. Magic Rainbow, and then those S-rank adventurers who have only heard of it in rumors.

Although the magic rainbow has not fought against the few S-level adventurers in the kingdom, but among the people, most of the common people seem to think that the magic rainbow is the strongest in the kingdom.

"With this lord, we are saved now!"

"If Master Mohong can't solve this monster, no one in the kingdom can solve it!"


Mo Hong didn't look at the excited faces of the soldiers guarding the city wall. After she walked out of the transparent gate, she stood in mid-air and pointed forward with the staff in her hand.

The air seemed to freeze for a moment, and then a wind gradually formed at the front of the staff... That was the biting cold wind that made the temperature of this battlefield drop sharply!

The cold wind intensified, and finally swept the entire battlefield.

Under the low temperature, the falling red rain condensed into ice and was engulfed in the cold wind, and then turned into sharp thorns and shot backwards at the meat mountain and the countless flesh and blood monsters around it.

scoff - scoff -

The sharp blood-colored spikes pierced the flesh monster's body surface, almost piercing them through a sieve, leaving countless blood holes on its body.

Under this blow, hundreds of tentacles and humanoid monsters were killed on the spot.

As for Roshan.

Although the sharp thorns formed by the red rain also pierced into its body, causing it to suffer a lot of pain and shed a lot of blood, but the blood that flowed down from its body quickly disappeared again. It was absorbed into the body, and the punctured skin wounds slowly closed and repaired...

However, although it seemed that it did not cause any harm to the main body of Roshan, at least it made the main body of Roshan stop the eruption of red rain.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw to the city!"

Seeing this, the commander at the city gate quickly shouted orders to the soldiers who hadn't had time to enter the city.

The soldiers who had been tortured by the red rain came back to their senses and retreated quickly.

And probably due to the influence of magic rainbow cold magic, the itching caused by the red rain on their bodies has also weakened. In addition, the ground covered by the red rain has also formed a thin layer under the low temperature. Thin frost, the stickiness of the ground has also weakened.

Seeing the prey that was about to fly away, Roshan seemed to be angry, and he no longer cared whether he would crush his food to the ground. He stood up again, as if he was planning to attack the city.

"I can't defeat this monster alone."

After understanding Roshan's next move, Mohong finally opened his mouth, but the moment he opened his mouth, the crowd started to riot again.

"The magic protective shield of this city cannot withstand the several collisions of this monster. When the protective shield is broken and the monster enters the city, a large number of human races will become its food."

After a pause, Mohong ignored the commotion below, and continued.

"Therefore, adventurers, I need your help to lure this monster to the west and leave the city. As long as we lead it to the west, there will be a powerful existence to help us solve it."

Chapter 59 Spice It Up

"A powerful existence?"

Just like the soldiers inside and outside the city, Ji Li was confused by Mo Hong's words for a while.

Originally, the brown-haired girl was surprised that the magic rainbow had solved the trouble caused by Hong Yu with a single strike of understatement, and just when a feeling of admiration arose in her heart, the one in the air said that she was not a monster opponent?

But... she obviously didn't look like she was showing her true skills...

And... Can it be stronger than the chief magician of the kingdom?what would that be

"So that's it, is it time?"

Midori beside him murmured.


Gilly looked at the green-haired girl suspiciously.

"Hey, it's nothing, I mean it's finally time to show off your skills in front of Lord Mohong!"

Midori said with a straight face.

"Oh, it's a rare opportunity to be able to perform in front of such a beautiful woman."

"Is that so..."

"Well, that's it! But Gilly also wants to lure away the monsters, this bait task is very dangerous!"

The reason why the adventurers were able to compete with Roshan before was mainly because most of the flesh and blood monsters sent by Roshan were hunting and eating those human soldiers, and if they wanted to distract the monsters now, it would naturally mean that Roshan's attention would be drawn. Put it all on them.

The extent of the danger is obvious.

"Of course! But sister Midori, don't worry, I won't hold you back."

"That's it...Little Gilly is really strong."

Midori touched the head of the girl beside her, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

there's no way...

If you follow me, you might as well just confess to her directly.

After all, the place she is going to next is also a place she is familiar with. If she sees that the former forest has become a lair of powerful monsters, little Gilly will definitely worry about "Sister Baiyu" who helped her back then?

Speaking of which, I have been observing this child for nearly half a year. Little Gilly is a good child!Even if I tell her the truth, it's hard to imagine that she will betray her mother, well... But even if she betrays, it's not a big problem.



Now that Mo Hong, the chief magician of the kingdom, had spoken, everyone responded one after another.

It's just that if you want to lure Roshan away, these hundred or so adventurers alone can't do it.

If you want to catch big fish, you need big bait.

After Mohong spoke, the commander of the previous 500-man army personally led a [-]-man cavalry out of the city, and after bringing over a hundred horses with excellent legs to the adventurers outside the city, they So he drew a bow and arrow on his horse and gave Roshan a rain of arrows, and then galloped away in the west direction pointed by the magic rainbow.

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