Lin Yu felt a little bored, so while chatting with Xiaolei without saying a word, he focused his attention on a certain acid ant that was moving with Chitong and the others.



After leaving the castle, Midori finally wakes up from a coma.

The moment he woke up, he jumped up.

"Mom! Where is Mom!"

"We're outside the castle right now, and Mom was just scared by you."

There was a soft voice from below.

Only then did Midori realize that she was riding on Chitong's back.

"Sister? Why are you outside the castle? I remember... ah! My mother and I met our eyes! We met... Haa... Haa..."

"Stop drool on my back."

Although the voice was still soft and waxy, Midori trembled inexplicably and regained consciousness all of a sudden.

"I, I see."

She covered her mouth with her forelegs and nodded.

But the next moment she smelled Lin Yu's scent on Chitong's body.

This time, he didn't faint, but all of a sudden he spread his arms and legs and landed on Chitong's back.


Hearing the strange sound from his back, Chitong took two deep breaths again.

She no longer cared about the guy on her back, and looked at Jun Ji who was about to move.

After hearing that she was going to take them out to hunt monsters, she was always in such a state of excitement, as if she had been looking forward to it for a long time.

In addition to the three of them, those who went out to hunt together were those B-qualified iron-clad ants and acid ants, and more than 100 other C-class and D-class iron-clad ants and acid ants.

They were divided into ten teams, and set off from the castle to explore in several directions other than the direction they came from.

Chitong took Jun Ji, Midori, and four other B-qualified acid ants and iron-clad ants, and four C-rank acid ants and iron-clad ants, and set off towards the back of the castle.

Because the monsters in the fog area are good at sneak attacks, Akahito asked Junji and Midori to ride on her back, and even if there was any danger, the skill "Life Link" could guarantee their safety.

Chapter 87 If you really want to play tricks...I'll grow bigger!

Digger ants are very good at digging soil. After comparison, Lin Yu found that their digging speed is several times faster than that of worker ants.

It's just that they can't secrete special mucus from their mouths to fix the soil like worker ants when digging, so when they dig, they have to have a few worker ants behind to fix the soil.

But even so, they can still play a big role in the construction of the ant nest network.

In addition, Lin Yu also tested the "Quick Digging" skill. After using the skill, the speed of digging suddenly tripled. It can be said that digging is like walking on flat ground.

The skill "quick digging" can be used in combat, it can be used to surprise the enemy, or it can be used to escape.

You can take other ant species with you when you raid, and similarly, you can also take other ant species with you when you run away, which greatly increases the number of ways you can fight in the future.

Those 10 sneaking ants had grown fully by the afternoon.

Their names were determined from the moment they broke out of their shells. The first one to break out of the shell was called Qianyi, the second one was called Qianer, and so on.

Lin Yu called Qian Yi to his bedroom.


After just yelling, he calmed down, and even lowered his head slightly.

From the point of view of the lack of words, it is a bit like myself.

Probably because of the feeling of having found someone of the same kind, Lin Yu relaxed a little.

She identified Qian Yi.


Name: Qianyi

Race: Stalker Ant

Qualification: B

class: none

Level: LV.1

Health: 100/100

Mana: 35/35

Skills: "Bite", "Sneak"

Attribute: Strength 3

Agility 3

Intelligence 1

Physical Resistance 1

Elemental Magic Resistance 0

Ailment Resistance 0


Just level 1 strength and agility are high!It has the highest initial strength and agility of all ant species.

As for the new skills that appear.

"Stealth": After the skill is activated, the user of the skill will be obscured, and the effects of "Silent" and "Odorless" will be obtained, and the movement speed will be slightly increased.

Among them, "Silent": no sound, no sound produced.

"Odorless": no smell, no smell.

Let Qianyi show off his skills.

After the skill is activated, it seems that there is no change on the surface, but there is indeed no sound when Dirk moves, jumps, or even stomps on the floor.

As for the smell.

Lin Yu hesitated for a while before finally approaching Qianyi.


No smell.

So the white forelimb poked into a piece of raw meat, and the white forelimb was stained with blood.

Smear the blood on the gray forelegs of Qianyi.

When Lin Yu touched the opponent's forelimb, he saw her tremble all over.

what!Because she has been silent, so I treat her as an ordinary ant...

She is independent and intelligent.

Does this count as putting a ball of blood on the opponent's hand?Seems a little impolite?


At this moment, Qian Yi suddenly raised his head and stared at her, as if there was something in his eyes.

Not a bad thing, but always feels...

Do... what!

Lin Yu retreated a few steps subconsciously. There were no other ants in the room now. Xiaolei, a crying and playful guy, ran out to play after bringing Qian over.

The daughter of the sneak ant in front of me is about the same size as the daughter of the army ant... anyway, they are both bigger than me.

Although it seems unlikely, but if you really want to play tricks...

I will become bigger!

I also have the "giant" skill!Time to see who is bigger!


"what are you going to do?"


I don't know if she has calmed down, but she lowered her head slightly again and stopped talking.

After being silent for a while, after realizing that the other party was really all right, Lin Yu mustered up the courage to sniff at the other party's forearm.

Sure enough, there is no smell.

But the next moment, after Lin Yu took his gaze away from Qian Yi, his mind was emptied of thoughts about Qian Yi, and his mind went blank for a moment.

It was only when I saw Qianyi again that I came back to my senses.

It was only then that Lin Yu realized that the vague existence in the skill description was to greatly reduce his sense of existence.

If you can get out of the opponent's line of sight during the battle, this momentary blankness is the enemy's biggest flaw!

And this skill has the most powerful point.

After observing Qianyi's panel, Lin Yu discovered this skill!Does not consume mana!Or consume mana very slowly?

Perhaps they should be kept on this skill test.

After sending Qian Yi away, Lin Yu continued to focus on an acid ant in the red pupil team, and continued to secretly observe the work of his daughters.

She found that except for Chi Tong, the other daughters did not notice her secret observation.



A white leopard suddenly jumped out of the grass beside it, and rushed towards a bright black ant through the white mist.

Jun Ji seemed to have heard the movement behind her, and quickly jumped to the side. While dodging the Jaguar's pounce, she jumped onto the opponent's back and launched the skill "Bite" to bite down fiercely.

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