The swift jaguar shook its back in pain and wanted to throw the opponent off, but because Jun Ji's jaws bit into the flesh of its back, and the six limbs also tore through the swift jaguar's flesh and rooted hard, it failed.

When the swift jaguar's health dropped to a certain level and its strength was exhausted, Jun Ji pulled out her jaws again, this time piercing into a deeper layer, and snapped the swift jaguar's bone.

The Swift Jaguar fell to the ground with a howl, and Jun Ji happily drank a few mouthfuls of the blood from the Swift Jaguar's wound, got up, and bit off the opponent's neck.

The speedy panther's life value returned to zero, and Jun Ji took advantage of the trend to rise to another level.

Midori looked at her with some admiration.

Along the way, many monsters jumped out to sneak attack. Sometimes these monsters target Chitong and other sisters, but sometimes they are newcomers.

In the face of these sneak attacks, most of the novice ants including her were more or less injured by sneak attacks, but Junji was the only one who was not injured once, and even if the difference in enemy levels was not too big, she could finally deal with it. enemy.

She is like an ant born for fighting, she is good at fighting and enjoys it even more.

Chi Tong, who was watching the battle silently, looked at an acid ant on the back of an iron ant behind him after the battle.

Lin Yu knew that he had been seen through again, so he contacted Chi Tong.

"What's wrong?"

"There's...something wrong with Junhime, she's leveling up faster than Midori and other ants."

"What level are they now?"

Lin Yu was unable to observe Jun Ji's current status panel because he was not there.

Chitong has the skill "Appraisal", and she told Lin Yu the result of the appraisal.

The level of Iron One Iron Two is D-level LV.4, the level of Acid One and Acid Two is D-level LV.3, Midori's level is D-level LV.6, and Jun Ji's level is D-level LV.13.

much worse...

Is Chitong eccentric, giving more monsters to Jun Ji?

"The number of monsters killed by Midori and Junhime are roughly the same in level and strength. Although Junhime ate more raw meat on the way, the level is still a bit different."

As if understanding Lin Yu's thoughts, Chitong added another sentence.

"There's such a big difference in level, why?"

"Probably because of the skill [Ability to Fight]. "

Sure enough, Chi Tong thought so too.

Is this skill more special?Or is it that all the skills of the talent series can improve the acquisition of experience points... No, maybe using the skills themselves can obtain experience points?

Gaining experience points...

I always thought that it can only be obtained by killing enemies and eating raw meat... Maybe there are other ways to obtain experience points?

Information is still scarce.

If you want to obtain information, you have to find humans, or other intelligent creatures that may exist.


And just after Lin Yu had an idea about intelligence, more than 20 days passed.

The weak ants exploring the east finally met humans!A little human girl!

Chapter 88 Imprisoning young girls?That's a crime!

Regarding the exploration in the east, because the ant nest network has been expanded again, the search range of the weak ants has also expanded.

Further to the east, low-level monsters such as goblins and wolves appeared again.

One day when the weak ants continued to explore, they discovered humans!A little human girl!

Through the eyes of the weak ants, Lin Yu saw the opponent's appearance from the gaps in the grass.

It really is human!

so excited!very excited!

If there are humans, there should be villages and towns, and the seasonings and soft beds that I have always wanted can be obtained!Ah, and the most important information, I have not forgotten this.

"Little Hitomi, let's go to the east of the first ant nest."

"What's the matter, Mom seems to be in a good mood?"

"Humans have been found in the east."


Chi Tong also seemed a little surprised.

She carried the white ants on her back and began to run. She ran very fast, and the surrounding scenes kept flashing, and the monsters she encountered along the way avoided far away.

"Well, yes, it's human, but..."

She seems to be in a bad situation now...

It was a little brown-haired girl who looked about ten years old, wearing old gray cloth clothes with many patches on them.

But she is now facing a life-threatening situation.

She was surrounded by three goblins armed with sticks and stone axes.


"Don't! Don't come here!"

The girl held a sharp dagger in both hands, and kept waving it as if trying to persuade the goblins to retreat, with a panicked expression.

And she seems to be very concerned about the objects under these goblins, and she will glance at them from time to time while panicking.

"Garba! Gaba!" (It's a female! Catch it!)

"Gaba!" (Catch it!)

The goblins surrounded the little girl with weird expressions, as if they were sizing her up.

Take away?

Evil... these stinky goblins.

Probably because he recalled the bad picture, Lin Yu felt even more upset when he saw these goblins.

But she didn't let the weak ants take action immediately.

The weak ants watching from the sidelines had 10 D-class and 5 non-classed ones. Although they didn't know the level and strength of these three goblins, since they were in this area, they were at the beginning of D-class at most.

This small group of weak ants can easily defeat them.


Goblins are seems reasonable for monsters to attack humans.

After all, we are monsters too.

If you saved her, maybe instead of being grateful, you would be sued to her lord, and then bring a bunch of humans to trouble us?

Hey, a different world version of Farmer and Snake?But it seems to be the other way around.

In short, hold back for now, anyway, those goblins don't seem to plan to kill her.

And at this moment, the goblins also stopped looking. They screamed strangely and raised their wooden sticks and stone axes to pounce on the little girl.

"Ah! Go to hell!"

The little girl was startled, gritted her teeth and held a sword in both hands to meet a goblin. The sharp dagger pierced into the goblin's abdomen with a puff, and the dagger sank into the hilt.


The goblin screamed in pain.

The little girl was also frightened by its sound, and the dagger seemed to be stuck and could not be pulled out at once. At this time, the other two goblins also approached her.


The goblin with the stone ax was the first to strike at her arm. If the strike was right, her petite arm would be crippled even if it continued.

Fortunately, the little girl didn't lose her mobility due to panic. When she realized that she couldn't pull out the dagger, she quickly let go of her hand, but the speed was still a bit slower——

A "chi" sound.

Although the stone ax was crudely made, the strength of the goblin was not small for the little girl. The stone ax slashed across her left forearm, leaving a wide and shallow wound, and some flesh and blood were also drawn up.


Under the severe pain, the little girl couldn't help screaming, and the pain made her thoughts go blank.

The next moment, the wooden stick on the other side swung.


The stick hit her on the head all at once.

The little girl whimpered briefly and then fell straight down.



After the battle, the two goblins danced with excitement.

The goblin with the wounded abdomen pulled out the dagger stuck in its abdomen with a "poof", and probably understood that this dagger must be sharper than the weapons in their hands, so it ignored the bleeding wound on its abdomen and held the dagger. Holding the dagger high on the top, he screamed with excitement.

Just as they were screaming excitedly, several shadows suddenly jumped out of the surrounding grass.

It's weak ants.

Their appearance caught Goblin by surprise.

Every time three to four weak ants attack a goblin, it only takes one breath, and the three goblins have their necks bitten off, and they fall to the ground without a sound.


Lin Yu saw the whole incident in his eyes.


Although I was a little worried that humans would come to trouble me, but since she was knocked out, she was fine.

But speaking of it, after more than 20 days, even the daughters of Weak Ants can easily defeat Goblin.

You guys are doing great.

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