Maybe there is a chance to sell it to the tribe in the future?


Gilly also seems to be very interested in monsters, and chatters endlessly when talking about these topics.

So Lin Yu showed off the information on middle and high-level monsters he had obtained during this period, and told her some knowledge about B-level monsters that she didn't know.

Harvested a wave of adoring flattery.

If I took off the cloth covering the little girl's eyes at that time, maybe I could see her shining eyes.

Chapter 95 I'm a decent ant tribe!

As a result, we chatted all afternoon.

Although there were also reasons why the other party was younger and covered his eyes, even so, Lin Yu never thought that he could chat with someone for so long.

This made her happier than obtaining information about monsters.


When it was evening, the little girl left the forest with the wolf leg on her back.

"Mom seems to like her very much?"


Although it can't be heard from the voice, but I always feel that Chitong seems to be jealous?

I can't help it, Mom and I, I like cute girls the most.

Although Xiaotong is also very cute, but she is not a girl after all... I feel almost meaningless.

In the next ten days, I chatted with Gilly several times.

Every time we chatted very happily, and every time I gave her some fresh meat, the little girl became more and more energetic, Lin Yu could feel that the little girl trusted him more and more, Love and adore more and more.

Although his tone was still cold, Lin Yu gradually treated her like a younger sister.

But no matter how good the relationship is, no matter how the little girl acts like a baby, I still can't show my true face to her.

If you see it, you really have to imprison her.


In fact, it seems that it is also possible?

Okay, just kidding, if you are really imprisoned, you will definitely be hated, and then you will not be able to chat and laugh like you are now.

And imprisoning innocent little girls, this is what villains will do!

I'm a decent ant tribe!perhaps...


In addition, some information was also obtained every time.

The first is about Xiyi Village where Gilly lives. The village is under the jurisdiction of Owendo Town. Owendo Town is a border town closest to the Granville Monster Forest. It has a population of about forty to fifty thousand. The surrounding villages add up to There are nearly [-], and the combined population of these villages is nearly [-].

The closer you get to the Granville Monster Forest, the fewer villages there are. Xiyi Village is one of the few villages closest to this forest.

Xiyi Village has a population of just over 300, which is considered a small village among all villages.

In addition, an identity card is required to enter and exit cities and towns. The identity card is said to be universal across the country, and the identity information recorded on the card can be displayed as long as it is in front of the identity card.

However, the cost of identity cards is not low, and only a few people in each village will have them, and those who hold ID cards will regularly carry a large amount of grain and vegetables to towns for sale.

As for other information in the town, Gilly is only from a small village after all, so she doesn't know much.

Then there is information about the Ant Race itself.

Regarding the ants, Gilly seems to only know the weak ants.

But just like what Lin Yu was worried about, the ant tribe... no, to be precise, they are weak ants. The weak ant tribe is classified as a type of monster that must be eradicated in time once it is discovered. The danger level seems to be marked very high.

This made Lin Yu feel lucky, but also a little nervous.

Fortunately, the ant tribe does not seem to be weak in the eyes of the human race in this world, and it has not been discovered so far. What is nervous is that the ant nest network of the ant tribe has now extended to the forest area explored by the human race. If it is discovered one day, it is likely to attract a crusade by the human race.

Because it is not clear about the armed forces possessed by the town of Owendo, it is better for the ant tribe not to provoke the human tribe now.

And it's not necessary, after all, the forest has not been explored yet, and there must be many powerful monsters and groups of monsters to the north.

When the ant race develops to be strong enough, it may not make formal contact with the human race.


Originally, Lin Yu thought so.

Until the last contact with Gilly.

"Mom has been sleeping for the past few days..."

Her mother was mentioned in the first sentence of the meeting, and she was fidgeting, and she could hear the helplessness in her tone.

Although she knew that the "adventurer sister" who lived in seclusion in the forest in front of her was a C-rank adventurer lower than the guild leader, but it was probably because of the ten or so days of getting along with her that she adored and relied on Lin Yu.

She always felt that her sister would have a way.

"Sister, what should I do... Woohoo, what should I do?"

Lin Yu didn't expect that the little girl's face would look so haggard all of a sudden after being away for more than three days.

She told the little girl to calm down first.

"Is it bad?"

Because Ji Li seldom mentioned her mother when chatting before, so I thought her mother was getting better soon, but it didn't seem to be the case?

"Woo... Mommy is sleeping almost all day now, and the time to wake up during the day is getting shorter and shorter. Even drinking the antidote is useless..."

"What kind of poison is in her?"

"Mom was bitten by a one-eyed spider more than three months ago, and was poisoned by the one-eyed spider."

One-eyed spider?It seems that the ant tribe has never seen this kind of monster in the range of its activities.

Is it a monster that only exists in the area where human adventurers move to the northeast?

At present, the only way I have to detoxify the status is the skill "Dispel", except for detoxifying plants.But "dispel" is not a percentage of success, it has a success rate.

If the level of the monster is too high, its poison may not be dispelled.

"What class of monster is the one-eyed spider?"

"It's... a B-rank monster."

"Level B..."

That's okay, the success rate of dispelling the toxins of B-rank monsters is still very high.

But the reason why you didn't tell me before is because you think my class is too low and there's nothing you can do about it?

"Is there anything my sister can do?"

The little girl's lips trembled slightly.

"No, I can't save her."

That's the only way I can answer, because I can't reveal my identity.

And according to the status of a mere C-level adventurer that I made up, there is definitely no way.

Wait until late at night to secretly go to see her mother.


Seemingly crushed by the last straw, Gilly fell silent when she got the answer.

She bit her lips tightly, and then there was a suppressed sob, tears even soaked the cloth strips and slid down her cheeks.

Lin Yu couldn't see her expression at the moment when her eyes were covered by cloth strips, but she must have been extremely disappointed, even desperate.

"Go back, Gilly, and spend some time with her these days."


The little girl nodded, and then burst into tears uncontrollably.

Although he really wanted to pat her on the back to comfort her, but after looking at his white forelegs, Lin Yu silently retracted them.

After crying, the little girl hurried back while wiping her tears.

After night fell, Lin Yu also started to act.

The skill "Dispel" is currently only given to Jun Ji and Chi Tong. Jun Ji is still fighting in the north so she can't come back for a while, Chi Tong is too big.

Therefore, Lin Yu could only go there in person.

This time she didn't let Chitong follow her, because she was too big and made a lot of movement when she moved, so this time she chose Qianyi.

Although Qianyi's back was not as wide as Chitong, it was about the same size as army ants, and it was more than enough to sit on Lin Yu, who was about the same size as a weak ant.

But when riding Qian Yi, Lin Yu seemed to hear Qian Yi making a strange sound.

Are you that heavy?

Chapter 96 I can't save you.

late at night.

A few black shadows shuttled through the darkness.

Because Qian Yi ran so fast that Lin Yu could only cling to her back tightly.

Hearing Qian Yi's slightly rapid breathing, Lin Yu was somewhat embarrassed.

Maybe I really gained weight?

But there is no way to do this, because of the salt, my appetite has improved a lot.

It's okay again!Anyway, I'm just a little ant. If I really have to say it, I'd look better if I was fatter.


After about an hour, Lin Yu rode Qianyi to Xiyi Village.

Then came to Gilly's house.

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