Let Qian [-], Qian [-] and Qian [-] watch out, and she was led by Qian [-] to jump in from outside the wall.

After landing, due to inertia, the whole body was pressed on Qianyi's back again.


"Are you OK?"

Lin Yu hurriedly jumped off her body.

"No, it's fine."

"...That's good."

really all right?By the way, what happened to the cry just now?

Can Chiichi also make such a cute voice?

She saw the gray ant limp on the ground, lying on the ground and panting slightly...

Although it is true that I have carried myself all the way, but is it so tiring... Qianyi is now a B-rank, and their power attribute of the stealth ants is very good, it stands to reason that they shouldn't...

Suddenly thinking of Lvzi inexplicably, this made Lin Yu tremble all over.


"All right."

Although he stood up, Lin Yu saw that Qian was still panting, and his eyes were staring at him with a certain meaning.

So what's good after all?

The white ant that was being stared at couldn't help but look away.

"Then let's go."

"Yes, Mom."

Lin Yu asked Qian Yi to go ahead.

This is the small courtyard of Ji Li's house. The small courtyard is not big, and there is nothing in it except for some firewood.

Qian Yi repeated his old trick, poking his foreleg into the crack of the door, breaking the latch and looking at Lin Yu.

"Shall I go in invisible first?"

"Well, let me know what's going on."

Nodding his head, he opened the door and walked in.

The layout inside the door was similar to that of the carpenter's house, but there was no snoring.

Dive first pushes away a room on the left.

It happened to be the bedroom.

On the innermost wooden bed was a sallow and thin woman sleeping, and on the edge of the bed was a little girl sleeping on her stomach.

They should all be asleep by this time.

So he sneaked out the door.

"Mom, we found them, they should be fast asleep."

"Well, take me in."

"No, if Mom enters the door alone, there may be noises that wake them up."

If it is a light sleeper, it is true that a little movement may wake them up, but I have to go in.

"Just be careful."

"Mom can... ride me."

Before Lin Yu could react, she lowered her head slightly and got down on the ground.

"...it is good."

If you are riding a submerged one, using the "Silent" effect of the "Sneak" skill will indeed not make a little movement.

But... I didn't even agree, so I got down and let me ride.

I always feel that Qianyi learned from Chitong badly.

So Lin Yu climbed onto Qianyi's back again, and could feel that when he was crawling, Qianyi's body would tremble from time to time.

On the contrary, Lin Yu was a little worried that she would mess things up.

Fortunately, Qianyi is still very reliable.

The two ants successfully entered the house and came to the bed in the bedroom.

Lin Yu first glanced at Ji Li lying on the edge of the bed.

Even when the little girl was asleep, she frowned tightly. Her eye sockets were red and swollen, and there were still two tear stains on her cheeks. Looking at her pitifully, it made people feel distressed.

Then Lin Yu looked at the woman on the bed and activated the appraisal.

The woman's attribute skills were just glanced over, and Lin Yu focused on the status column, which displayed "weakness", "poisoning", "sleepiness", and "immobilization".

She didn't hesitate anymore, and used the skill "Dispel" on the woman.

The "Cannot move" status disappears.

The "Weakness" status disappears.

The "sleepiness" state disappeared.

"Poisoned" status...didn't go away? ?


Lin Yu couldn't help using the skill "Dispel" again.

/Skill activation failed.


Can't disperse?

How is it possible...Obviously other states can be dispelled...

Lin Yu didn't believe in evil, so he tried again.

/Skill activation failed.

Or not...

"Mom, she's awake."

Lin Yu was stunned by Qian Yi's words.

Woke up?who?

So he looked at the head of the bed.

He stared at a pair of slightly empty, foggy eyes.

scare! ! !Really woke up!

"Are you the sister Bai Yu that Ji Li mentioned?"

A hoarse but very gentle voice sounded softly.

The sound made Lin Yu control the idea of ​​knocking out the opponent. No matter how specialized in intelligence and mana attributes, a blow from a B-rank monster is still enough to stun a patient.

"you can not see me?"

"My eyes are almost blind, especially at night."

Sure enough, is it because of poisoning?Although the "blindness" status cannot be seen on the panel, I'm afraid it will appear in a few days...

Anyway, since Qianyi and I couldn't be seen, there was no need to knock them out and take them away.

But because she just dispelled the three negative states, her spirit seems to have improved a lot.

The woman paused as if thinking of something.

"During this time, Gilly has to take care of you. She didn't plan to tell me about you, but I cared too much and forced her to tell."

"This girl has been holding back for a long time, and she has been telling me about you almost every day since then."

A gentle smile appeared on the woman's face, and she gently touched the little girl's head on the edge of the bed.

"Once my daughter falls asleep, she won't wake up until dawn the next day. Fortunately, it's you who came here tonight. If it's a thief or something, our mother and daughter may be finished."

"I can't save you."

The cold voice echoed in her mind, the expression on the woman's face paused, and her lips trembled invisibly twice.

"I know..."

The smile returned to her face.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have the "dispel" skill, right?If the one-eyed spider's poison is not removed within the first month, you will not be able to remove even the "Dispel" skill later on, so you don't have to feel guilty. "

"By the way, the "Dispel" skill is a high-level and rare skill, you'd better not show it to outsiders. "


Can it be unlocked within the first month?When I met Ji Li, her mother had been poisoned for more than three months, right?

"However... it would be nice if I could meet you sooner."


Not knowing how to comfort her, Lin Yu could only keep silent.

"I probably only have a few days left. After I die, my daughter..."

The woman stopped suddenly in the middle of her speech, and she sighed.

"She'll probably seek revenge on those two bastards."

"Revenge? Is your poison..."

"Gili probably didn't tell you that I was poisoned by someone, and the person who killed me may have fled the town."

"I just hope that this child can live a good life, but I know her temperament. No matter what others say, she will definitely seek revenge from those two people for me."

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