When I walked to the door, I saw a figure hovering outside the door~.

He thought it was a thief who stole something and came to his house, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

He stepped forward almost instantly, grabbed the little thief by the hair, and pressed the little thief against the wall.

"What do you want to do, you are looking at my door with sly eyebrows?"

With a little drunkenness, he spoke in a cold voice, but he could smell a bit of fragrance in his nostrils.

"No, I don't want to do anything."

A warm and somewhat panicked voice came out.

Although the voice seemed a little flustered, it was very nice, like the warm spring sun, giving people a very gentle feeling.

of course

What Su Mu cared about was not the nice voice, but the familiarity of the voice.

Doubt in mind

He also grabbed the hair of the opponent's head and dragged it to his face.

Under the dim moonlight, falling on the girl's face, under the long eyelashes dodging, beautiful purple eyes, delicate and fair face, slightly moist lips.

"Chanai Megumi?"

Su Mu was slightly taken aback.

"Why don't you rest at home in the middle of the night and run to my door..."

Su Mu looked at the other party with some hesitation.


Stared at by Su Mu's deep eyes that seemed to see through everything, Butterfly Kanae subconsciously wanted to lower her head, but just as she lowered her head, she felt a tingling pain in her hair.

But Su Mu still grabbed her hair and didn't let go.

Hearing Butterfly Chanae's cry of pain, Su Mu released the hair that was holding Butterfly Chanae in time, but looked at Butterfly Chanae with doubts.

Under his gaze, Butterfly Chanae also bit her lip slightly, lowered her head, looking timid.

Su Mu's eyes flickered

"Come in with me."


With the cool wind blowing, Butterfly Kanae couldn't help shivering, looking at the husband who had already entered the room, hesitated for a moment, and followed in.

"Close the door."

Seeing Butterfly Kanae had entered the room, Su Mu said casually.

Qian, Xun "First. Hair, 'Xiao, Said. Capital"? Source,: Middle!, Turn:! Skirt Butterfly Chana Hui trembled slightly, bit her lip tightly, hesitated, and closed the door anyway.

Su Mu picked up the teacup in the room, brewed two cups of tea, looked at the butterfly Kanae who was leaning against the door with her head lowered, biting her lip slightly, first took a sip of the tea, and the cool tea entered her stomach It also dissipated some of the alcohol in my mind.

He glanced at Butterfly Chanae again, and then walked towards her.


Su Mu came to Butterfly Chana Hui.

As Su Mu's tall figure approached, Butterfly Chana Hui instinctively wanted to back up, but just as she took a step back, her warm back was blocked by the cold door.

At this moment, the panic in her heart made Butterfly Chanae's heart beat violently.

Su Mu stretched out his fingers, and gently lifted the girl's jaw, revealing the girl's beautiful face.

"It's so late, what do you want me to do?"

He whispered, looking at Butterfly Chana Hui's slender figure, watching the other party's fair face quickly turn pink as he raised his jaw.

"First... sir... let go... let me go."

The girl whispered, making a 'woo-woo' sound like a small animal. Obviously, Butterfly Kanae just needed to push his hand on her chin away, but she just begged for mercy meaninglessly.

Seeing the girl like this, Su Mu let go of the hand that provoked the butterfly Kanae a little bored, then returned to the seat and continued drinking tea.

At first, when I saw Butterfly Chana Hui coming late at night, I thought it was a secret to me, so I came late at night...

But after thinking about it carefully, he shook his head again. Although he thought he was pretty handsome, he didn't think that his charm would be that great.

Moreover, with Butterfly Kanae's character, it is impossible to stay late at night...


Seeing her husband backing away, Butterfly Kanae also let out a slight breath, and couldn't help but press her chest slightly, just now, the husband was so close, it was really tight in the chest.

Now, it's a little better.

"Let's talk, it's late, you sneaked here, what's the matter?"

As he spoke, he tapped the teacup lightly with his fingers.

Faced with the husband's question, Butterfly Kanae raised her head, the flame of the oil lamp in the room was flickering, barely illuminating the room, but it was still a bit dark.

At this moment, Mr. is sitting on the chair next to the oil lamp.

At this time, Butterfly Kanae realized that the husband was bare upper body, revealing the extremely strong muscles inside.

This made the rosiness on the girl's cheeks that had just faded be filled with crimson quickly.

Hastily lowered his head

Even so, the scene she just saw came back to her mind, but this time, her attention was not on the vigorous muscles of the husband, but on the iron plates tied to the chest and back of the heart, and the Torn clothes.

Although it was just a quick glance, she, who has always had excellent eyesight, still saw that there were very clear claw marks on the iron plate of Mr. Wang.

The claw marks almost scratched through the steel plate.


The claw mark was extremely clear, as if it had just been formed not long ago.

Thinking of her husband going out late at night, Butterfly Chana Hui felt a chill in her heart.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Looking at Butterfly Chanae who stayed in place, Su Mu frowned slightly.

As the sound sounded, Butterfly Kanae reacted like an electric shock, and then realized that the reason why she wandered outside the husband's house tonight was that she had something to ask her.

"Sir, it's like this. I would like to ask Mr. to take care of my younger sister during the daily training. The training speed is too heavy for my younger sister."

"Take care of 'Shin'?"

Su Mu was a little puzzled, and then seemed to understand something: "Did 'Jin' come over and ask you to tell me?"

ask for flowers


Butterfly Chanahui hurriedly waved her hand: "My sister is very strong. Even if the intensity of the training can't bear it, she won't say anything. She will just grit her teeth and persevere. I feel that my sister has finished training today..."

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of my sister who finished training and returned home, her whole body seemed to be dehydrated, her face was full of exhaustion and pain, and Butterfly Kanae felt distressed and uncomfortable.

Hearing Butterfly Chanae's words, Su Mu frowned slightly, and said with a hint of impatience: "You should let 'Shin' tell me in person, not yourself."

"Okay, if it's just this matter, you can go back."

After finishing speaking, he was already planning to send Butterfly Chanae out.


Butterfly Chanahui was also anxious, and even grabbed Su Mu's sleeve directly.

Su Mu frowned and looked at Butterfly Chanae; "After all, this is your own idea. If you can't bear it, your sister will naturally say it."

"Hunting ghosts is not as simple as you think. If you are a little careless, you will lose your own life. If you suffer more now, you will have more chances to save your life in the future."

"I'm also doing it for your sister's good."

"I know, sir. It's just that no matter how hard the training is for 'forbearance', I will definitely not say it. Even if I can't finish it, I will try my best to do it. I am afraid that if I continue, my sister's body will be broken. "

"Will the body break?"

Su Mu looked at Butterfly Kanae: "'Forbearance' is a doctor, she knows her physical condition better than me, she will not let her body break down, at least, she will not let herself break down before she takes revenge. dropped."


Butterfly Chanae begged again.

Su Mu frowned, seeing Butterfly Kanae full of love for her sister, and nodded helplessly:

"Okay, starting tomorrow, I will reduce the training of 'Shin'."

When she heard that her husband finally agreed, Butterfly Chanae was also very happy: "Thank you, sir."

"Go back quickly. It's so late. It's not good for others to see it. It doesn't matter to me. You're a girl, and people will gossip about you."

He shook his head.

Butterfly Chana Hui's face flushed slightly, because she also remembered that it was inappropriate for her to come to find her husband late at night. If she hadn't seen her sister getting more and more tired every day, she couldn't bear the distress, so she wouldn't have come to see her husband.

"Kanae is causing trouble to Mister."

Butterfly Kanae first bent down, put her small hands on her belly, and bowed, then closed the door and retreated slowly.

His eyes fell on the back of the girl leaving, her jet-black hair was hanging down, bound by red satin, Qianqian's slender waist was quite upturned... buttocks.

He couldn't help touching his chin with his hand, and looked at the back of the other party leaving, as if a hunter had seen the most beautiful prey.

It felt like the blood was boiling slightly.

With a smile, he took another sip of the herbal tea to relieve some of the heat in his heart.

Chapter 130: My sister has such a good figure

under the moon

cold wind

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