Butterfly Kanae who was walking on the street couldn't help shrinking back.

"Tomorrow, my sister won't have to suffer so much."

The girl murmured, feeling a little happy in her heart.

These days, my younger sister has been training hard, even without sparing her body, every time after training, seeing her little hand trembling, she feels distressed for a while.

It's just that my younger sister has always been stubborn and very strong, and it's useless to persuade her. That's why she turned her idea to her husband.

Mr. Suo Xing is easy to talk to, and he is not a pervert like what my sister said...

If the husband is really that kind of person, if he ran to the husband tonight, he would definitely not be able to come back.


Didn't you come back well?

"Actually, sir is still very good."

Butterfly Chanae murmured softly, thinking of her inadvertent glance in the room, two blushes appeared on her pretty cheeks.

On weekdays, it seems that my husband is not so...strong, I didn't expect to be...

"Oops, what was I thinking..."

Butterfly Kanae shook her head in a hurry, throwing out some bad thoughts.

At this time, Butterfly Kanae began to think seriously.

Today, my husband went out late at night to "[-]", and was caught like that with the iron sheets tied to his body. Obviously he had experienced a very fierce battle before.

And it is obvious that the one who can make Mister fight fiercely in the middle of the night is... an evil ghost.

Thinking of evil spirits, Butterfly Chanahui couldn't help but think of the terrifying scene of that night. In order to protect their sisters, her parents stopped in front of the evil spirits, but was devoured by the evil spirits...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but start to tremble all over, and with a gust of cold wind blowing, I looked back suddenly in fright.


It was very quiet and there was nothing, but at this moment, it always felt like something terrifying was staring at him.

"Bang bang bang..."

The heart couldn't help beating fast, and almost without hesitation, she ran towards the house quickly.

wait until home

It was a slight sigh of relief.

"I haven't seen the evil spirit yet, I'm already scared like this, sir, what kind of scene will it be like to face the evil spirit directly?"

Butterfly Chana Hui couldn't help thinking in her heart, and she couldn't help but adore her husband.

Going back to the room with light steps, seeing that her sister was still soundly asleep, she couldn't help but patted her chest slightly, somewhat relieved

Gently took off the clothes, walked carefully to the bed, and then gently hugged the butterfly from behind.

Feeling her sister's small body, Butterfly Kanae felt even more distressed.

"Sister, sister will definitely protect you."

Thinking in this way, the strength of holding my sister in both hands tightened a bit.


The night passed unknowingly

The sun rises unknowingly

Time, also unknowingly passed another day.

The warm sunlight fell into the room along the window, and the warm spring sun brought a slight warmth, which made people want to sleep a little longer.

Butterfly opened her eyes lazily.

The little head can't help rubbing forward

Two big and soft cotton-like things rubbed against her face, making her face warm.


Looking at her sleeping sister, she hurriedly covered her mouth with her little hand, for fear of waking her up.

"Miss 'Shin' doesn't want to get out of bed, she really wants to continue to sleep with her sister."

Butterfly muttered in a low voice.

But he got up carefully and put on his clothes.

When her fair little feet landed on the ground, she couldn't help shrinking her feet. The ground was a bit cold, which made her little feet feel a little cold.

He hurriedly found socks and put them on.

After some busy work, soon, a petite and lovely girl appeared in front of the mirror.

"Miss Shinobi today is another day full of strength."

Die Die endured herself in the mirror, squeezed her fists, and cheered herself up.

I almost didn't persevere in yesterday's training. Today's me will definitely be stronger than tomorrow.

One day, I will become super powerful.

After finishing breathing, Die Die Ren tilted his head again, looking at his sister, who was still sleeping soundly, which made Die Die Ren's purple eyes a little confused.

On weekdays, my sister always wakes up before her.

"It seems that my sister must be very tired during this period of time."

Die Die felt sorry for her sister.

The little hands clenched slightly unconsciously. If it wasn't for the evil spirits that destroyed their happiness and killed their father and mother, perhaps, now the mother has already started looking for a husband for her sister.

As my sister is so outstanding, and she is a famous beauty in the nearby villages and towns, she will definitely marry a very good husband who loves her very much. In that way, my sister will be very happy.

Maybe, it won't be long before my sister will give birth to a little niece.

Thinking of this, Butterfly Ren's beautiful long eyelashes drooped unconsciously, and her purple eyes were also slightly sad.

"My sister should have had a better life."

She whispered softly.


A low voice came out, Butterfly Kanae stretched lazily, revealing an extremely beautiful curve.

Under the warm sunlight, Butterfly Kanae didn't want to get up, and habitually hugged her in her arms, but she didn't hug her sister as usual.

Butterfly Kanae couldn't help opening her eyes at these words.

The younger sister was not in his arms.

"Sister, I'm staying in bed today!"

Beside, there was a sound of laughter, and Butterfly Kanae couldn't help turning her head.

In front of the dressing table, the girl was sitting on a stool, her legs were shaking slightly.

"'Shin' got up so early today?"

Butterfly Chanae couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"It's my sister who got up late!"

Butterfly said with a grin.

"Is that so..."

Butterfly Kanae frowned, and immediately put it on.

"My sister has a really good figure."

Butterfly muttered in a low voice.

"When 'Shin' grows up and grows taller, he will be like my sister!"

Butterfly Kanae tapped her little sister's head with her hands, and then gently hugged her in her arms.


"Let go, sister, I'm going to be out of breath!"

The girl clapped her little hands.

Butterfly Kanae let go of her sister.

"Don't my sister know how fierce I am? I'm going to suffocate my sister to death." Butterfly muttered reluctantly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Butterfly Kanae blushed slightly, and stretched out her hand, about to knock her sister on the head, but Butterfly made a grimace and ran away with a smile.

Looking at the back of her sister leaving easily, Butterfly Kanae also had soft eyes. If it is possible, I really hope that my sister will be carefree, happy, and grow up happily. I hope that my sister can find her own happiness.


In front of the dressing table, Zaomen Kuizhi was wearing a smoke-colored long dress, covered with a light-colored gauze, her black and smooth hair was tied into a bun, and on the bun was a hairpin with pearl flowers

Facing the mirror, Zaomen Kuizhi took a careful look, and as his head moved slightly, tassels hung from the hairpin, swaying.

"This hairpin given by Mujun is really beautiful."

Zaomen Kuizhi touched the hairpin on her hair with her hand, her eyes were full of liking.

look in the mirror again


Kuizhi at the kitchen door lowered her head subconsciously, her bulging clothes covering her eyes covered her sight

I can't see my feet at all, they are completely blocked.

"Feeling a bit stuffy."

Kuizhi murmured softly, then unconsciously leaned forward in front of the dressing table and put it on top of the dressing table, only to feel a lot more relaxed.

Hand unconsciously touched the abdomen.

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