Su Mu stepped forward, patted Die Die Ren on the head, and then pointed to the stone as tall as a man:

"Just like this rock."

He walked up to the stone, held the stone with both hands, and exerted all his strength. He easily picked up the stone, which was one person tall, and then gently carried it on his shoulders.

Seeing her husband lift up a stone that was almost a person's height, Die Die couldn't help but widen her eyes, which were full of shock.


Su Mu put down the stone, and then pointed to the stone he had just dropped to the ground: "You try again and see if you can hold it."

Butterfly ran over with patience, stood beside the stone, took a deep breath, and went to lift the stone.


The girl's mouth was bulging, and she exhausted her whole body's strength, but the tattoo on the stone did not move.

After a long while, Butterfly let go in desperation: "I... I can't hold it at all."

"That's why I asked you to run eighty laps. You are different from your sister, just like people are different. I can easily lift this stone, but for Shinobu I can't hold it up, even if my strength improves in the future, it is still very difficult for Shinobi to hold such a heavy stone."

he said softly.

Butterfly listened to it, and couldn't help biting her lips, and clenched her fist slightly:

"I know what Mr. means. Mr. means that I am not as good as my sister, so I was asked to run [-] laps, but I want to say that I am not as good as my sister, so I have to work harder. My sister can run [-] laps. I can also run a hundred laps, even if it is harder, I will reach the same progress as my sister."

As she said that, the girl's eyes seemed to be slightly red. She also knew that she was not as good as her sister, but she felt very uncomfortable when someone told her that she was not good enough.

I feel very wronged.

Wei Wei's eye sockets were even slightly moist. Obviously, she was almost about to cry because of aggrieved, but the girl's stubborn character did not allow her to cry.

"That was not what I meant."

Su Mu shook his head.

Butterfly endured and turned his head away from looking at Mr.

"'Shin' now, you run from here to there, with the fastest speed, and then run back with the fastest speed."

Su Mu pointed to a big tree in front of him, and patted his little head, which was afraid of Butterfly Ninja.

Although he was still very wronged in his heart, Die Die Ren obediently followed his husband's request and ran quickly.

Although the girl's figure is petite, her speed is surprisingly fast, like a civet cat that explodes at super high speed when catching prey.


Butterfly returns again

"It's over."


Su Mu couldn't help but praise.

"of course."

Butterfly couldn't help raising her head slightly, but immediately felt that this seemed a bit bad for her, so she lowered her head again.

Su Mu looked at Butterfly Ninja's performance with some amusement, just like a little girl.

"Compared to your sister, how fast are you running?"

Su Mu asked with a smile.

"Even my sister can't outrun me in speed."

Butterfly held back her head and said with a bit of arrogance.

"So, compared to medical skills, how is your sister better than you?"

Su Mu asked again.

"My sister's medical skills are definitely not as good as mine. I have been very good at medicine since I was a child. For this reason, my father often praised me."

After Su Mu listened, he patted Butterfly Ninja's little head again: "Your advantage is not in competing with your sister in terms of physical fitness, but in other aspects. You should discover your existing advantages rather than, Use your own weaknesses to compare with other people's strengths."

"People are different. Some people are born with strong physique and strength, while some people are born with weak physique. Even if they exercise day and night, they may not be as healthy as those who are born with strong physique."

"We have to admit this gap, but at the same time, we can't give up on ourselves."

"Because, after all, everyone has their most shining places. If you discover these shining places, you will find that you are strong..."

"So, I asked you to run [-] laps, not to look down on you as inferior to your sister, but to give you enough time for other training."

"Other training?"

Butterfly tilted her head.

"For example, this short period of rapid progress, and for example, researching medical skills."

"Medical skills can't deal with evil spirits."

Butterfly muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Who stipulated that medical skills can't deal with evil spirits? Could it be that doctors can't kill the poison of evil spirits?"

"But poison can't kill ghosts."

Butterfly murmured softly.

"In the past, it was impossible to kill ghosts because there was no toxin that could kill evil spirits, but that doesn't mean it won't be possible in the future. Someone will always be able to develop a toxin that can kill ghosts, but very few people can do this. "

After finishing speaking, he put his hands behind his back and continued: "As far as I know, the ancestor of ghosts, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumai was not an evil ghost at the beginning, but a human just like us, but the person who was healed changed from a human to a human." Devil."

"Then, is it possible to develop a potion that can turn ghosts into humans? If this potion can be developed, then other swordsmen have worked so hard to fight against evil spirits to protect a few humans. If this kind of potion can be developed, it may completely solve the creature 'ghost'..."



He turned back and looked at Butterfly Shinobi: "I am very optimistic about your medical skills, and I also think that you have unique talents in this area. Why don't you try it."

"Why, you must choose to exercise hard like your sister, but in the end you find that no matter how hard you work, you will never be able to catch up with your sister on this track, and then you start to feel depressed, and you will just keep on going. In the end, even if she could barely keep up with her sister's pace, she would already be covered in bruises."

As he spoke, he patted Butterfly Shinobu on the shoulder: "Running on another track, you will find that your prospects are far broader than anyone else's. If you can research the toxin that can kill evil spirits, isn't it Killing a ghost is comparable, but killing hundreds of evil spirits is incomparable."

The girl's purple eyes became extremely bright at this moment.

"I understand uncle, I know what to do, I will go back and run [-] laps, instead of asking myself to run [-] laps like my sister, I want to use my talent and give full play to my own talent..."

The girl spoke a little excitedly.

For a long time, under her sister's powerful talent, she has always felt a little inferior. Although she is not jealous of her sister, it is still unavoidable for you to envy her.

At this moment, she seemed to have discovered the best part of herself.

The discovery of such an excellent place made Die Die feel as if his heart was flying at this moment.

After finishing speaking, Butterfly Shinobi will go back to run.

"Hold on."

Suddenly, the voice of Mr.

Butterfly couldn't help but turned her head and looked at her husband, her purple eyes were a little puzzled. Didn't she already want to go back and run eighty laps, isn't she no longer stubborn?

"If you don't listen to your husband, you will be punished."

Su Mu looked at Die Ren and smiled coldly.

With that said, Su Mu picked up a cane, and then pointed to the big rock in front of him.

Go lie down there.

Looking at the cane that Mr. is holding, and hearing Mr.'s order, Die Die couldn't help tightening her delicate body, and instinctively covered her back with her little hand.

"May I not hit..."

The girl's eyes were frightened, like a frightened little animal.

"There is no room for negotiation."

Su Mu waved the cane slightly in his hand: "Go, lie down."



PS: Thank you for the monthly pass given by the reader "You are fucking kidding me", thank you for your support.

Chapter 130 Three: The Girl Willingly Be Treated Viciously

The warm sunlight passed through the dense leaves and fell on the ground, and there were only a few beams of light in the sparse gaps.

The beam of light fell on the face of the girl named 'Butterfly Ninja', making her face slightly red.

Even when her father was still alive, she never learned such a lesson, which made her a little scared.


She has a natural fear of being spanked.

"Go quickly."

Su Mu frowned slightly.

The girl bit her lip and turned her head three times, hoping that her husband would change his mind. In fact, any punishment is fine.

but spanking

It's so embarrassing.

It's just a pity that no matter how Die Ren turns his head, no matter what kind of prayers those purple eyes carry, Mr.'s face is always calm and serious, making Die Ren obviously want to run away, but dare not.

I could only obediently ran to the side of the big rock.

Su Mu walked in with the cane, and as his footsteps approached, Die Nin's body, which was lying on the stone, visibly shook more violently.

Su Mu did not expect such an effect.

After all, judging from the stubbornness shown by Butterfly Ninja before, this is a very strong girl. It stands to reason that she would never be so scared.

Su Mu waved the cane, and there was a "cracking" sound in the air, and the scared butterfly hurriedly buried its head on the stone.

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