It's just that the stone was too cold and too hard, she moved too fast and touched it in one go.

Suddenly, her nose hurt so much that she almost burst into tears.

"Don't hit there, okay, don't hit there, okay?"

The girl pleaded in an extremely low voice.

But obviously, nothing works.

"Who told you to be disobedient?"

Su Mu sneered and waved the cane.

Looking at the cane waving by the husband, at this moment, Butterfly Ren really regretted it, why did he have to resist the order of the husband.

If I had been obedient before, I would definitely not have been beaten.

But at the moment when such thoughts resounded, the cane had already fallen, and the pain behind her made Die clench her white teeth slightly.

Su Mu waved the cane and hit Butterfly Ninja on the body, seeing the fear in Butterfly Ninja's eyes, nodded slightly.

But at this moment, Butterfly could only grit his teeth.

For Butterfly Ninja, he has never encountered such a scene.

When father and mother were still alive, they loved her very much and never hit her. Even after their parents left, my sister still loved her, and she would not really teach her or even beat her.


Never encountered this scene at all.

In fact, when Su Mu swung the cane and hit Butterfly Ninja, he had already kept his hands away. Although he felt pain, it was not as heavy as he imagined.

There are more symbolic punishments than actual punishments.

But for Butterfly Shinobu, it was precisely this kind of punishment that she never accepted.

It also made her ashamed.

Because, she has never been treated like this before, and no one has controlled her so severely.

"I was wrong, sir, I was wrong, sir, don't hit me again, I, I know I was wrong~々."

Although it didn't hurt to be hit by the cane on the body, it was more of a psychological shame when it was hit behind.

This kind of psychological shame is far stronger than the pain of being beaten, and it even feels more unbearable than the pain of hard training on weekdays.

"Where did you go wrong?"

Su Mu sneered.

"I, I shouldn't have disobeyed my husband, I shouldn't have questioned the method proposed by my husband, and I shouldn't have said bad things about my husband in secret, woo woo...'Forbearance' was wrong, sir, stop beating me."

Butterfly sobbed softly.

"Well, it's not that you can't question my method, it's just..."

In the middle of speaking, Su Mu narrowed his eyes slightly: "What did you secretly say bad things about Mr.?"

Die Die Ren was also shocked, only then did he realize that he had slipped his tongue just now, especially with the sharp eyes of his husband, he was even more panicked.


Seeing the other party's panicked expression, Su Mu waved his hand casually: "Forget it, I won't haggle with you."


Die Die Ren also breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that her husband would continue to question him.

Just immediately, a sense of guilt rose in my heart.

The husband is so magnanimous, but he speaks ill of the husband to his sister behind his back, it is really inappropriate.

"Also, although Mrs. Kuizhi seems to be the same as Mr....

But maybe Mrs. Kuizhi deliberately seduced Mr., and then Mr...."

At this moment, countless reasons for arguing for the husband suddenly appeared in the girl's mind.

"Get up."

Su Mu threw away the rattan in his hand, and said to Die Die who was still lying on the big rock with his butt up.

"Yes, sir."

Butterfly stood up hurriedly.

After standing up, he couldn't help covering his back with his small hands. In fact, the cane hit his body, but it didn't hurt too much, but he couldn't bear the shame in his heart.

Su Mu looked at the girl with his eyes.

After being beaten up, Butterfly Ninja obviously seemed to be well-behaved. In the past, when he looked at himself, he always gave people a rebellious feeling.

Of course, just such a feeling.

But now, it seemed that the monkey had put a magic spell on it, and it became much more obedient.

"Go to training."


Butterfly nodded, and was about to leave when she turned her head again: "Sir, I obedient in the future."

Su Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the girl.

"I didn't necessarily hit you just now, it's just that you are too outrageous and need to be controlled. Your sister is too gentle with you, which makes you a little willful."

Butterfly lowered her head slightly, her little hands couldn't help covering her back. She had never been beaten since she was a child, and it was the first time she was taught a lesson. She felt a very different feeling in her heart.

It was a feeling of being controlled.

In the past, his strict father had also given him the feeling that if he made any mistakes in medical skills, he would always reprimand him severely, but as his medical skills surpassed that of his father, his father no longer had any reason to reprimand him.

Even if sometimes I intentionally made some wrong medicines, my father stopped scolding me.

She began to reason with herself like a gentle mother, which made her feel a little bit lost.

At the time, she didn't understand why she felt lost.

but now

I probably understand a little bit.

She wanted that feeling of being controlled.

It's like being controlled by a father.

".Okay, let's go to training."

Su Mu waved his hand, vaguely feeling the change in Die Die Ren's attitude, but he didn't care too much.

Butterfly Shinobu didn't leave immediately, but stayed where he was, but with a touch of pink on his face

"What else is there?"

Su Mu looked at Die Ren standing there with his head down, and couldn't help asking.

"Sir, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

Su Mu nodded.

"Sir just... just hit me, please... don't tell others, especially sister, please?" Butterfly said in a low voice.

She was more worried about this than the pain she suffered in training.

"Did I hit you just now? Why don't I remember."

Su Mu shook his head.


Die Die Ren was startled at first. After all, the pain behind him had not completely disappeared. However, he soon realized that this was because the husband was pretending to be stupid to reassure himself. This made Die Die Ren feel grateful for no reason.

I just think that Mr. is really a super nice person.

"It's very kind sir."

Butterfly lowered her head and said in a low voice (to Li Hao).

"Oh... When I hit you, I didn't see you praise me."

Su Mu sneered.

Die Die resisted blushing, and said in a low voice: "From now on, I will obediently listen to Mr., and I won't make mistakes again."

After finishing speaking, he felt something was wrong, and hurriedly added: "If you make another mistake, sir... sir is hitting me, I... will definitely be very obedient."

The girl lowered her head, her cheeks were slightly red, and she seemed to be looking forward to it vaguely.


The little head was hit hard.

Butterfly raised her head with some doubts, her cheeks were still slightly red.

"Go to training."

"Yes, sir."

Die Die hurriedly trotted to the yard, but in her mind, she unconsciously recalled the way Mr. just yelled at him sternly.

I just think Mr. is a little... fierce.

But there are some inexplicable people who like this kind of 'fierce' towards themselves.

There is a feeling of being controlled.

There is a kind of willingness to be "fierce" fire.



PS: Thank you for the monthly pass given by the readers, thank you for your support.

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